
Showing posts from September, 2021

Ethical Theories

 I. Introduction Ethical theories provide an understanding in how a person might evaluate the value of human acts and its reasoning. Theories provide frameworks of actions and foundation of beliefs.  Theories should also recognized that there is a universal recognition of what is moral and acceptable. However, theories do not provide all answers to the issues of  the human heart.  II. Activity 1) What are the limitations of ethical theory in governing the conduct of man? 2) Is there a relationships between good ethical theories and biblical doctrines? Explain. 3) Is there a Biblical Doctrine that supports an ethical theory? Explain.

Early Christian Thought

I.  Introduction St. Augustine was one of the early Christian theologians and philosophers that believers can learn many things about guidance and counseling.   Christian thought deals with knowing who we are and the decisions to make that change. St. Augustine conversion to Christ is one of the things that guidance counselors can use in helping people. Self- awareness and self-realization is a starting point of making a right decision for change.     II.                    Activity 1.   Read and reflect on the prayer of St. Augustine. O Lord my God, my sole hope , help me to believe and never to cease seeking you. Grant that I may always and ardently seek out your countenance. Give me the strength to seek you, for you help me to find you and you have more and more given me the hope of finding you. Bishop Augustine   A.     ...

A look at work ethics

I. Introduction Work ethics is something that every employees desire. However, the nature of man does not have a commitment of making a company's work ethics seems plausible. How can workplace ethics or work ethics be inculcated to every employee. Work ethics is doing what is right and fair as an hired employee. Or it is beyond the limits of what is financially compensated to start with? II. Activity 1) Watch   (1) Ethics in the Workplace - A Good Work Ethic - YouTube . What are the things that you can agree with the video? 2) How should Christian education designed a workplace to have a good work ethic. 3) In what ways, can the local municipality of Montalban can improve its work ethic?

Origins and explanations of Ancient Men

 I.  Introduction The early philosophers seek to understand the world by proposing the origins of the world.  Some of the explanations of origins can be tied to assumptions and superstition. Some of these explanations and superstitions are cannot be taken seriously today. But it provides a glimpse that man seeks to make sense of the world. Understanding the cause of life and everything in the universe makes sense in knowing one's purpose of being and one's role in the context of life.  Origins define a foundation of knowing what to do in life- what really matters? II. Activity 1) When did you really know the reasons for being alive? What were the conditions that you were aware that this reason for being alive really matters to you and your family? 2) How do you help somebody find the reasons that really matters in life? 3) In doing counseling, what theories are aligned with finding purpose and reason for living?

Philosophers are Inquirers

 I. Introduction The history of philosophy had ancient thinkers trying to understand the nature of the world and its reality. It seems foolish to think today that the world as they thought of it as the same.  Even though, there is progress in science, but the nature of inquiry goes into revisions and validation. Ancient philosophers sometimes do not make sense with their propositions. But these propositions are part of how we eliminate the process of foolishness and facts. Truth is a process of unfolding foolish ideas, understanding evidences and arguments and unselfish rationalizations of that a person can be wrong with what he knows. II. Activity 1. What are the things that you hold as true when you were young but is not? What made you realize that it was wrong? 2. What apparent knowledge that someone you know is holding on but is not reasonable? Identify the belief and the occupation of the person. 3. What are should be the attitude of guidance counselors in identifying fal...

Sociology Basic

 I. Introduction Sociology is the study of people in society and their relationships in society. People can be identified in their groups or sociological units. Structures of society help people identify their positions and needs in life.  However, does society limit a person's full potential and freedom in pursuing his potential. In connection with guidance and counseling, does the school limit the potential of its students with the faculty that are assigned to them. II. Activity 1) Describe your school or institutions of learning? What policies are in placed to let students grow in their potential? 2) How will you improve a schools social interaction in which students are more mentally and emotionally healthy?

Basic Career Ideas

 I. Introduction  Everyone has a career in mind. A career is an occupation that will define a person's work values and direct the quality of his life. A career should be intentional and inspirational. It should be carefully thought out and work out to maximize one's skill and potential. However, the nature of life and the dynamics of human growth challenge's one's career goals and development. II. Activity 1) Define an ideal career for you? Does it have elements that deals with a holistic approach in life? 2) How does your Christian values affects your ideal career? Explain. 3) Do you have a God given dream that is connected to your career? If not explain why