
Showing posts from March, 2021

A Glimpse on Legal Foundations of Guidance and Counseling

 I. Introduction Ever since the implementation of RA 9258 - The Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004.  The need to hire RGC has been a vital requirement in any academic institutions. However, the lack of RGS and other factors have created a situation that seems hard to resolve. RGC's as part of the academic institution must be supported in order to provide guidance services that will be on time and relevant. II. Activity 1. Read  R.A. 9258 ( 2. What are the challenges of RGC's or the set up of guidance and counseling in your school? 3. How can the academic community resolved the problems of the profession of guidance and counseling?

The Existence of GOD

 I. Introduction: The Philippines is a religious country. Since the early times that there are people in the country, the practice of believing in the supernatural and even the superstitious has been a part of its culture.  The very nature of religion presupposes a Supreme Being, a Supernatural Creator and even a Sacrificial Saviour. Faith is an expressions of one's spirituality and even religious upbringing.  But as time goes on, the religious compliance of people has shown that a religious belief is a foundation and a framework of one's moral code.  There are two possible ways in which a person understands the world- a concrete orientation and an abstract orientation.  A concrete orientation has an empirical persuasion in knowing the world- there should be evidence that can be seen and can undergo the test of naturalism. An abstract orientation has a ideal standpoint in knowing the world- non-material things. Symbols, concepts of states, freedom, love and othe...

Introduction to Counseling Skills

  I. Introduction: Counseling skills are vital in helping people resolve their situations or problems. The counselor is dependent on the nature and expertise of his counseling skills.  Skills can be learned and developed to achieve mastery and excellence. The best counselor are master of their counseling skills.  Counseling skills can be identified into soft skills, people skills and problem making skills. In whatever category of counseling skills, the important thing is the appropriate skill is used to attain the counseling goal of helping people effectively. II. Activity ( Finish this activity on March 24, 2021 5pm) 1. Watch  Counselor: Basic Skills of a Counselor - YouTube 2. What skills do you need to work on as a potential guidance counselor? 3. Are the counseling skills applicable to other vocations and professions? Explain.

A Glimpse of a Therapeutic Relationship

I. Introduction: The therapeutic relationship is central to counselors’ work with clients. The therapeutic relationship is the association, rapport, and connection between a counselor and client. The establishment of the therapeutic relationship begins with the joining process, wherein the counselor and client get to know each other and clarify the need and purpose for counseling. The therapeutic relationship includes such things as unconditional regard for the client, placing the needs of the client first, engaging the client in a positive and collaborative manner, understanding the client and his or her context as it pertains to the presenting problem, mutually agreeing upon treatment goals and interventions, and empowering the client. In essence, the therapeutic relationship is the interaction, connection, and process between counselor and client in efforts to bring about the desired results in therapy. Taken from  Relationships with Clients - IResearchNet   II. Activity:...

Understanding People

I. Introduction: People are unique. The more you grow as a person, the more you become aware of yourself and the limitations of knowing who you really are. You might use your background and other things to show affinity and alliances but when you have is just an awareness of your soul- who are you then? II. Activity: 1. Watch the youtube clip   Who are you? - YouTube 2. What are the 3 things that you discover about yourself from the video clip? 3. What is the best way to understand who you are?

Counseling Theories - a Christian approach

  I. Introduction There are many counseling theories that a Christian can use. These counseling theories provide various approaches of men in helping other people cope up with problems.  A theory is a group of coherent ideas that tries to explain a phenomena. A counseling theory presupposes that human behavior can be explain and manage. If human behavior can be managed, it then could be manipulated to produce results.  What makes a theory important in counseling? Sometimes, a good explanation is a starting point of understanding how to help people. II. Activity: 1. Read the article on  Counseling Theories and Approaches ( 2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain? 3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.