Counseling Theories - a Christian approach


I. Introduction

There are many counseling theories that a Christian can use. These counseling theories provide various approaches of men in helping other people cope up with problems. 

A theory is a group of coherent ideas that tries to explain a phenomena. A counseling theory presupposes that human behavior can be explain and manage. If human behavior can be managed, it then could be manipulated to produce results. 

What makes a theory important in counseling? Sometimes, a good explanation is a starting point of understanding how to help people.

II. Activity:

1. Read the article on Counseling Theories and Approaches (

2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?

3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.


  1. 2. Behavioral- it says there that people engage in problematic thinking and behavior when environment supports it. Therefore, different circumstances from ghe environment has a significant factor in people's mind and if we alter it with biblical truth on how to make decisions and face problems according to what the bible is teaching, maybw we could help the people to see circumstances in life in more positive way.
    2. Yes, I think cognitive theory could help Christian in this matter. Be able to be literate enough in biblical truth, such as, the teaching about forgiveness, love, being kind and good, self control etc. that person could easily bestow information that could help him and others regarding to living a life of forgiveness and grace.

  2. Jhon jay A. Bajamundi
    2.Humanistic theory can be used in both biblical and christian education context. The only thing that we can do for achieving this theory is to help the person to explore and find solution in their particular problems. As we can notice the descision is in their hand, yet even we are knowledgeable and equip in the word of God their choice is important. Hence, to make it success the need should be provided on them and fully guided together with word that can encourage and motivate for pursuing their lives.

    3.Yes, I think this is Cognitive theory. This theory refer in every individual that provide clear definition of life and fit job or any aspect of their life appropriately. They think someways that are not truly fitted unto them and somehow they suffer from it. If this theory integrate in christian approach it can be possibly use to gave advice and also in preaching that focus in living appropriately, as well as forgiving others because in this theory acceptance is important in every people living in this world.

  3. Name :Deovanny Lavabo
    Year and course :3rd yr-AbCed

    2. Humanistic is a theory that can be integrated to the biblical principles thus it provides trustworthy self-knowledge, that freedom is real (what God gave us is a freewill), that the proper therapist role is that of facilitator, that new ways of client thinking and acting are to be encouraged, aiming to meet clients highest potential just what I've learned as a Christian that I was created to be more and to do more.

    3. Cognitive therapy can help people live a life of forgiveness and grace. I was founded by faulty and negative thoughts especially about forgiveness or forgiving someone, but in my Christian life I learned that forgiveness is a must because I was also forgiven by God, this idea is new to me I learned it when I attended in Christian Church.
    Cognitive therapy, therapist help clients recognized negative, faulty and biased thoughts and develop new and more functional ways thinking in order for the people to change how they think.
    So if we use cognitive therapy for those people who was not educated in a life of forgiveness and grace we can use it, we use the bible to share about forgiveness and grace that we've received, recognized their faulty and negative thoughts and put or develop a new idea about forgiveness and grace and encourage them to apply it in their lives.

  4. Ruth Kathleen C. Tasarra
    Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
    3rd year

    2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?
    Answer: for me theory that could be used with biblical integration or christian education is Humanistic, in the bible Jesus thought me how to solve our problems in my own, by using figure of speech and parables in life. and this humanistic counseling is a good part for me to talk people with the touch of the bible.

    3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.
    Answer: counseling theories says that it is hard to determine that on counseling approach is better than to another one or theories, well for me all theories are good to approach a Christian and to ask about live a life of forgiveness and grace since it was talk about behavior of a person, mentally and spiritually it tackles based on the person I am talking to what kind of counseling theory he\she needs.


  5. II. Activity:

    Berlinda Bersabe D.
    3rd ABCed

    1. Read the article on Counseling Theories and Approaches (

    2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?
    I think it is also good to use the constructionist theories wherein as individual it is very important to make you aware about the foundation of your life, and by the help of constructionist theories the counselor can help the client to be aware about the reason why the things happen, what is the things that we need to do as a respond for that issues of our life and the counselor can advice this through the help also of the biblical perspectives, and the client will be free to observed and realized something new about what the counselor discuss to him or her.

    3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.

    for me, the cognitive theories was also a good counselling theories because like what the definition of the cognitive theories it helps every client or individual to have a good thinking skills in terms of what they need to do once for examples they experience a heavy challenges of life. through having a cognitive theories the counselor can make the client perspectives be changes like for example if their idea about this certain things is negative already the counselor can make a things to try to fixed and help the client to change that perceptions. if they feel that they can be happy by their own, if they think that not forgiving is okay, the cognitive therapy is necessary to them to make their faulty thinking patterns changes into new and more functional mentality.

  6. Marinella Cuadro
    ABCED - 3rd Year

    II. Activity:

    1. Read the article on Counseling Theories and Approaches (

    2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?
    In my own opinion the theory that could be used with biblical integration or Christian education is the constructionist theory for it focused on how problems of the clients can be revised on constructioning the self, relationships and the world. It helps us to understand the biblical perspective that is not contrary to our own perspective.

    3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.
    Yes, and I think that is constructionist theory also because this theory makes us understand what are the things really happening into this world. There are a lot of broken relationships, arguing in any places, and in reality there are a lot of people who holds anger and resentment in their heart. But by hearing the truth also that we have to love our enemies as we love ourselves will prevail also and forgive people as Jesus forgive our sins. Whether we believe it or not it is the reality and the truth and constructionist is just helping us knowing what is reality and the truth so it is our decision to make to change our perspective or not.

  7. 1. I choose cognitive theories because it’s important to learn because the awareness of your brain's thoughts and thought processes. This concept of knowing how you think is the basis for cognitive learning theory.

    This theory on cognition asks learners to look at thinking and mental processes, and how cognitive thinking can be influenced by external and internal factors. If your cognitive processes are working normally, it’s easier to learn. But if something is off with a cognitive process, difficulties can ensue. Cognitive learning can be broken down into social cognitive theory and cognitive behavioral theory.

    2. Yeas because cognitive therapy an emphasis on helping individuals learn to be their own therapists. Through exercises in the session as well as “homework” exercises outside of sessions, patients/clients are helped to develop coping skills, whereby they can learn to change their own thinking, problematic emotions and behavior.

  8. Christelyn Joy Lucida
    3rd year - ABCEd

    2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?

    - For me one of the theory that could be used with biblical integration or Christian education is cognitive because it says that Cognitive counseling theories hold that people experience psychological and emotional difficulties when their thinking is out of sync with reality. When this distorted or "faulty" thinking is applied to problem-solving, the result understandably leads to faulty solutions.

    3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.

    - In my own opinion yes like constructionist work collaboratively with clients to examine and revise problematic client constructions of self, relationships and the world and it is important to build the relationship to other person first so that we will know what kind of approaches that we can build or give.

  9. Diasanta, John Mark T.
    3rd year/ABCed
    II. Activity:
    1. Read the article on Counseling Theories and Approaches (
    2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?
    >>> For me the theory could be use with Biblical integration and Christian education is Constructionist theory, Because this theory will give a lot of information to the person, with the use of guidance counselor or teacher as a instrument they will give awareness to the person in their life, also answering the question, why i am live for?

    3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace.
    >>>Yes, as i said to my answer in number one question constructionist theory can give a lot of information about life, also this theory can approach Christian and even the Non-Christian people. because is universal theory.

  10. 1. Read the article on Counseling Theories and Approaches (

    2. Choose one theory that could be used with Biblical integration or Christian Education. Explain?
    - For me I choose for constructionist theories because as counselor you don’t need to force your client about what they need to respond you need to give them time to think and decide by their own.
    3. Is there any counseling theories that a Christian can approach in asking to live a life of forgiveness and grace
    - Yes, and I think it was constructionist because in Christian approach in order to help a person they allow it to decide by their own.


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