
Showing posts from February, 2021

Concepts of Guidance Services

 I. Introduction Guidance services is part of the educational set up. Sometimes, the various guidance services do not need to have a guidance counselor to do it but a person who has the skill and the knowledge to do it. There are guidance services that teachers and students can do. Most of the guidance services are skills in helping people.  II. Activity A. Read the article  Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education ( B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.     B.1 What are the common guidance services?     B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education? C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?

History of Guidance and Counseling in the Philippines

  I. Introduction: The early history of guidance and counseling in the Philippines have a religious background and psychological awakening. Most of the pioneers came from the clergy and religious leaders.  The development of guidance and counseling in the Philippines are not been directed by government agencies.  II. Activity 1.  What values can be deducted in the history of guidance and counseling in the Philippines? 2. Why does it usually reflect a religious background the pioneers of guidance and counseling in the Philippines? 3. Can a local church create a guidance and counseling program for its people? Explain.

History of Guidance and Counseling

  I. Introduction: Some of the challenges of guidance and counseling today is the evolving disciplines that specializes its practice to a new approaches in terms of educational technology and technological education.  Since the industrial revolution, most of the functions of guidance and counseling has been shared by human resources and psychological clinic.  There are lifecoaches that seems to be moving to a new direction of helping people. However, with the legal parameters of the guidance and counseling act of 2004, it has confined the practice of counseling to license practioner.  History will be a good of reference of understanding phenomena, however history is not being rigid to old facts but being relevant to new ones. II. Activity: 1. Read the   History of Guidance Movement Essay - 1341 Words ( 2. Is the history of guidance and counseling still relevant today? 3. What parts of the guidance services are no longer relevant to colleges to...

Introduction to School Psychology

  I. Introduction School Psychology School Psychology, a general practice of Health Service Psychology, is concerned with children, youth, families, and the schooling process. School psychologists are prepared to intervene at the individual and system levels, and develop, implement and evaluate programs to promote positive learning environments for children and youth from diverse backgrounds, and to ensure equal access to effective educational and psychological services that promote health development. Taken from:  School Psychology ( II. Activity 1. Is there a need to have a school psychology advocate? Explain. 2. What components of school psychology should be applied immediately in your school?