Concepts of Guidance Services

 I. Introduction

Guidance services is part of the educational set up. Sometimes, the various guidance services do not need to have a guidance counselor to do it but a person who has the skill and the knowledge to do it.

There are guidance services that teachers and students can do. Most of the guidance services are skills in helping people. 

II. Activity

A. Read the article Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education (

B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?

    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?

C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?


  1. John Mark Rufin
    ABCEd 3rd year

    B.1The common guidance services are information services, individual inventory services, counseling services.
    B.2 Guidance services that should offer in different level of education must be in the bracket of understanding of the children. Students in hugher education needs services that will deal with their emotional, career and skills development. On the other hand, children in the lower level needs services like self awareness and coping up with their emotional needs as a children.
    C. Career development - this is vital and significant for not all people are fortunate enough to send themesleves to schools, to have a degree for future purposes. If we could help people fo have vocational courses atleast, they would get weapon to face life challenges especifically financial.
    Counseling services- because of the life challenges, many people have no capacity to make relevant decisions that will help them to solve problems, especially during this time of pandemicpandemic, high mental problems issues has been prominent. Therefore, counseling is needed for this type of societal problems.
    Information services- right information is always been important, disseminating it with proper personnels is significant to create less confusion and to guide people accordingly.

  2. Marinella Cuadro
    ABCED - 3rd Year

    II. Activity

    A. Read the article Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education (

    B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?
    I think the common guidance services are Orientation service, individual inventory services, information service and counselling services. These are the services that people commonly seek with the guidance services.

    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?
    I think the differences of guidance and counselling per level of education is their age because there are many mix students now even an adult can be still in elementary. Also base on how they act, think and answer to the questions.

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?
    I think the top 3 guidance services for me are the individual inventory service, information service and counselling service.
    Individual service is a very important service in guidance services especially for students because they assist them on letting himself know better and how he makes a decision for himself regarding with his careers or courses will take.
    Information service is also important in guidance services for it helps students to have a enough information on planning their career in the future. What are the environment they will get into or what things they do in such particular job or career.
    Counselling service is plays a general service in guidance services for they give service in what students, parents, professionals or any people who struggling in coping with their environment, emotions or problems in their everyday life.

  3. John Mark T. Diasanta
    3rd year/ABCed


    A. Read the article Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education (

    B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?
    >>> The common are, when the student are in the school to they inform or orient the students in the rules and regulations of the school.

    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?
    >>> The difference per level is the way the guidance counselor how they approach the student.

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?
    >>> for me those are orientation, counseling and follow up service, because first is to orient them in everything in the school, next is to counsel then in their personality weather they have problems or not, last is follow up them when they are professionals. ask for status, living and etc.

    II. Activity

    A. Read the article Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education (

    B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?
    > individual counselling, individual inventory, orientation service etc. i always seen it and experienced in my previous schools.

    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?
    > it may help students be aware in a particular thing especially in their education. the difference is if without guidance services it may be a hassle to a school to handling students because student have different status in life.

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?
    > TESTING SERVICE, because if i am a counselor it has a big help for me to see what kind of approach i should do to the students and what help i could offer to that student. second one is COUNSELING SERVICE, because some of the students like me i am not a kind of person will approach my teacher or the guidance counselor but it doesn't mean that i am totally fine or i can handle situation with my own. but, if there's guidance services it may help students to be and to be guided by the guidance counselor. lastly, SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY, as a Christian our goal is to preach the gospel to people and i really this service because mostly when school invited a preacher to share gospel in the school it could be an instrument to help the students or by the Holy Spirit it touched her/his heart that whatever he/she goin through God is in control. like this kind of service is used by the Lord.

  5. Jhon jay A. Bajamundi
    1. I think the common guidance services exist in schools are orientation services, individual inventory, information service and counselling. This are the things that school need to collect, the students personal information about their life and their backgrounds. Yet this services use in schools to provide information toward students to build their awareness for some rules and regulation, some facilities and people who administered the institution.
    2. I think the differences when it comes to my experiences are the placement service. In my elementary days i remembered, I wasn't serious about my studies and my teacher could not introduced more about interest, skills and our direction. One more thing is when we are do some mistakes we are hitted sticks in the front of my classmates. But in high school i remembered a kind of services when i was in trouble and I go in guidance office at those time there was a guidance office but it is not private and all of the teacher was staring at me and gaving advices. But in colleges more on encouraging and some motivational messages, and there is an office provided to execute counselling.

    3. This three important thing in guidance services i decided to choose. The orientation service, individual inventory, counselling. It is better to know the students more after doing something to them. First I choose orientation because, this is one of the most importance service for giving an information toward them, and some of the basic rules and regulation that they must follow. This is more important especially to the new students. Second is individual inventory, knowing their background, educational attainment, their basic information about them personally. Third is counselling where in include for collecting information about the students interest, and guiding them in their career and desire vocation. I realize that in counselling it is good to know the basic information about them after medicating them. It will became easy to guide and counsel students if some important things are already know.

  6. Name :Deovanny Lavabo
    Year and course :3rd yr-AbCed

    1. The common guidance services are information services, individual inventory services, counseling services.

    2. The difference of guidance services per year level of education is the services that they offered or the approache, because in every age that students has is the guidance services that they need.

    3. Individual - thru individual service students will be able to know them selves better and will guide them on how to practice a decision-making on their selves.

    career and placement - it is good as early as possible that every students must know what and which career they will choose, in my experience it is difficult to just go to school everyday not knowing what track I will be heading because I don't have something to look for but if every students has been given a service like career and placement they will be motivated to study because they have something in their life that they will look for.

    counseling - there is no exemption in problem, every individual experienced it and couseling is what we need in our life so that we will stay on our track, we will stay productive and positive in our life despite of circumstances that we are facing and experiencing.

  7. Berlinda Bersabe
    3rd ABCed

    II. Activity

    A. Read the article Guidance Services Provided to Students in School | Education (

    B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?
    i think the common Guidance services that school still implementing are the orientation services, the individual inventory, the information service and counselling services.
    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?
    I thing the differences of the guidance services in each level is the way how they handle or give the information or orientation most of the time based on what i observed and remember the services happen in elementary is more on guiding the children on what are the thing that they need to do and they don need to do, while in secondary level the guidance services focus on the proper behavior of the students towards to the situations while in the tertiary the services is more on informing the students on the possible career that they can pursue in their future basing also in the skills and abilities that they have.

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?
    i will go for Individual Inventory services, counseling and Information service. i choose individual Inventory because i believe that it is very important for the students to be more aware about their decision making skills in what career they really want to pursue and also help them to grow academically. and I choose also the counseling because i observed that the students need also some help especially all of the students have a different environment in their houses, that can lead in mental issues so the guidance counselor in the school really need to make their students feel comfortable to them in order to build a good relationship and the students will be open to start to share her or his issues, so this service is very relevant in order to give the students a peace of mind. and i choose also the Information services where in it is very useful for every students who are in the undecided level of choosing their career so by information services it can make the students assess their skills and abilities that they have if that skills is qualified for this type of job or not.

  8. Name: Calara, Ara Kyleen D.

    1. The common guidance services for me are, Orientation Services, Information Services, and Counselling Services.

    2. The Difference level of education in guidance services is that the Junior high school needs more guidance, then kinder to elementary, and the last is the senior high school and college students.

    C. If I will choose three services, i would pick the Information Services, Orientation services, and the Counselling services. Because this is the most common, and i think this is the most needs and important for the Guidance Services.

  9. Ruth Kathleen Tasarra
    Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
    B. Relate to the guidance services that you had in your elementary, high school, senior high school and college days.

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?
    Answer: as far as I remember in the common guidance services in my school is, the newly enrolled students need to have a orientation particular and in the school rules and regulations, behavior that will not tolerate in the school and also the facilities where they can find a specific facility they need like, library, canteen, science lab etc,. and also the teachers and they role and subjects they has.

    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?
    Answer: The difference of guidance services per level is based on the level of the person how will delivered the service or counsel in that person. for example, showing the rules and regulations of a school in kinder level vs in the college level they have big differences regarding to deliver the service in the two. And also to the other level

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?
    Answer: the top 3 guidance services that I really like most or I decide first, about the behavior of students in a campus, since I am sensitive regarding to the behavior I'll going to have a serious focus regarding to this, facing in a new world or generations. second, the rules and regulations of a school so that students will not be ruler but an obedience students that school products. Third, Self inventory service, students will help them to have a confidence and improve awareness and have a conscious to them and limitations as a result on which they become.

  10. Dela Rosa jr, Roberto I

    B. The Guidance Services promote the holistic development of pupils and students by providing on-going prevention and intervention services and offering personal curricular and career guidance. Promoting guidance in support of the education of students.

    B. The difference of guidance service and school education. Per level of education A school guidance programme largely consists of six services. They are orientation, counselling, pupil inventory, occupational information, placement and follow-up services. Each of these services is distinct due to their specific functions. And the guidance service well as trained peer counselors assist individual students or a group toward better understanding of himself/themselves and his/their environment.

  11. Christelyn Joy Lucida
    3rd year - ABCEd

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?

    - The common guidance services are Orientation service, individual inventory services, information service and counselling services.

    2. What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?

    - The differences of the guidance services per level of education is their services because every age or year level have a different understanding or the approaches that we can used.

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?

    - The top 3 guidance services that I choose are orientation services, individual inventory services and counseling because for me it is the most important thing in terms of education per level and we can easily predict the background of every individual and their behavior. Those guidance services will help the person to handle the difficulties of every person.

  12. Janeth Villamor
    ABCEd 3rd year

    B.1 What are the common guidance services?
    - For me the common guidance services in counseling are information services, individual inventory services and counseling services.

    B.2 What are the differences of the guidance services per level of education?
    - the difference of Guidance services in each level was the way how the counselor deliver or guide their client they consider the level of the client that they have like their age and capacities in receiving the information.

    C. If you will decide the top 3 guidance services, what are these and explain?

    - if I will decide the top 3 guidance services i go for:
    1, orientation services- students must be familiar about the rules and regulations of the school
    2. individual inventory- to make all the teachers also aware about the personality of their students to make them understand the reason why their student behave like that.
    3. counseling- every students must be evaluated and it is important for each school to make every teacher aware about the behavior of their students.


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