
Showing posts from November, 2020

Feelings and Reason

 I. Introduction: Man is a homo sapien- thinking man. Even though man claims that he has the rational faculties that are above all other animals- he is still subject to the laws of nature. He can do things rationally in order to survive. He can make tools and other things that will ensure his security and safety.  However, there are cases that his feelings and emotions destroy his rationality and cognitive abilities. II.  Activity: 1. What is the value of man's feelings in connection to his survival skills? 2. Is there a conflict between emotions and reason in reaching one's own potential? 3. Can an ethical action be made on feelings alone?

The Myth of Choice?

 Introduction: A choice is an illusion of the mind. Do you agree or disagree? If the human body functions without the reality of choice, does it mean that life is predetermined by natural forces.  If this is so, how does a person understand the consciousness of having a choice or the idea of making a choice.   Activity:  1. How do you know that you are conscious? 2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

Is God a requirement to morality?

Introduction:  Some of the problems of morality deals with its origins. Ever since the advent of man, morality has been a part of his life. Sources of morality can be found in religious teachings, folk beliefs and cultural dimensions that carries a notion of good and evil, right and wrong and other things that governs the lives of men.  Religion or the concept of God has been a strong factor in guiding the moral attributes of man. However, looking at history, there are things that are done in the name of God that seems violent and forceful and abuses human rights and dignity.  II. Activity A. In what ways the belief of God warrants a good moral foundation of human life? B. How can one reconsider the belief of God, when people who follow Him do acts against human life and properties?


  I. THE RELATION OF HUMAN ACTS TO REASON Good – when they are in harmony with the dictates of right reason. Evil – when they are in opposition to these dictates Indifferent – when they stand in no positive relation to the dictates of reason II. ACTIVITY 1. Is reason an act of the will? Explain. 2. How can a person becomes a good reasonable individual?