The Myth of Choice?


A choice is an illusion of the mind. Do you agree or disagree? If the human body functions without the reality of choice, does it mean that life is predetermined by natural forces. 

If this is so, how does a person understand the consciousness of having a choice or the idea of making a choice.



1. How do you know that you are conscious?

2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?


  1. Gallardo, Juan Patrick A.
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - You will know if you're conscious based on the meaning that I gathered, is if you are aware of your surroundings and you are on a state of being awake. It means if you're asleep or suffer on a situation where you are not aware of yourself and what happen to your surrounding, it means you are not conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People can realize, if their choices are part of their consciousness is, if they are aware and think thoroughly about the consequences, reactions, of their actions that may lead to good or bad choices. They can realize it if they know what will happen if they have done those things, they know who are the people accounted for, they know that doing that thing will make a consequences to him or to everyone near him.

  2. SIBUCAO, Jaime Hanz III M.
    BSCS 2 AB
    Monday 4:00 - 7:00

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -If one can perceive its surrounding and the world around them, then one can be considered as conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -Making choices requires one to think, to weigh different options then choose the one that is the most beneficial. Thus, it is hard for people to realize that it is part of their consciousness since, decision making is naturally a trait of human and can be unconsciously primed. In order for people to realize that it is part of ones consciousness, the person needs deeply understand a ones mind, thoughts, and other sensations to comprehend that choices are based on their own consciousness.


    1. Technically, it's obvious to say that we are conscious because we are aware of what is happening around us, because by its definition, consciousness is the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. But for me, an individual will know that he/she is conscious if he/she knows where his/her life is leading to. It is when people realize that life isn't only about existing but rather living their lives with a purpose.

    2. Consciousness play a role in decision making. Consciousness helps a person in considering external and internal factors of a certain choice he/she makes. It makes a person aware of what would be the consequences if he/she chooses a certain decision that he/she has made. By this, looking into the results or outcomes of their decisions will make them realize that their choices are part of their consciousness.

  4. DELA CRUZ, Foehn Raja P.
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4pm-7pm
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    The act of being conscious means that we are thinking holistically and critically. and we are not really acting base on our emotion or in hype of events. But we do things and analyze it first. One can say that you are conscious when you are awake or alive, but for me, one is conscious if he/she is seeing his/her surrounding as a whole
    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    As I mentioned in question number one. We are conscious if we are aware of our surrounding not only physically but with other aspects as well. We pick are choices by thinking about it rationally. While we cant really tell if one has thought of it rationally and critically but as long as we are aware of surroundings and have picked carefully on the the other possiblities then we are full conscious in pick are choice of act


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -Being concious is feeling or being able to see your surroundings and also make logical thinking.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -People can realize it if they know that the choices made have consequences. It shows that you have the understanding to perceive what is happening to you.

  6. Allana Mae L. Romero
    Monday 4:00 - 7:00

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - As long as we can see, hear, feel, think, and know whatever is happening around us, we can be considered as conscious. Being aware with things even if we have disablities(like being deaf, blind, mute, etc.) is enough reason for us to say that we are conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Our consciousness is what actually helps us to make choices and decisions. Before having choices and making a choice, we have to first know and analyze what is happening and why we to make a certain choice. And that is what our consciousness is for.

  7. PUNZALAN, Kurk Van, H. BSCS 2B Monday 4:00 PM - 7 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - I can say that a person is conscious once he/she acknowledges the piece of information from the world. Even if the person might question the situation of how he/she acknowledges him/herself when unconscious, makes it more real that the self is a continuous or in process of constant information.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Decisions no matter how wrong makes a person think, checking which suits or makes the best outcome. Making choices mostly comes with gut and the ability to perceive the beneficial outcome. Through the process of thinking plus the state of what is on their surroundings makes the person acknowledge or realize that their choices are naturally a part of their consciousness.

  8. Aguilar, Jheanne Rona A.
    Monday 4:00PM – 7:00PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -By definition, one will know he is conscious if he is aware of his environment and on the state of being awake.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -One will realize their choices as part of their consciousness by thinking. In order for people to realize that it is part of one’s consciousness, the individual requires deep understanding about one’s views to recognize that their choices are based on their own consciousness.

    BSCS 2B
    MON | 4-7 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - We know that we are conscious if we are aware of our unique thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories, and environment. The state of being aware is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is part of your consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People can realize that their choices are part of their consciousness if they acknowledge that they are in a state of making choices in decision making. Human beings require to have a deep understanding and awareness of one’s mind, body, and thoughts to recognize that their choices are all part of their own consciousness.

  10. Estrella, Joana Marie L.
    BSCS - 2B
    Monday 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - I think if you are aware of your surroundings and receives information and then acknowledge those information that means you are conscious. You continue to receive information and that is being conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - When a person thinks, they can realize their choices as part of their consciousness. By being conscious, the brain receives a lot of information in the surroundings which greatly helps in making choices or decisions. Although there is an article that says our brain decides what decision we will make even before the person realizes it.

  11. Pabalan, Louise Emmanuelle D.
    BSCS 2A - Monday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - A person is conscious when they are in a state that they are awake and they are responding and aware of their surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Whenever people are making choices, regardless if it was abrupt or not, they usually realize this after the choice has been made and when the results are seen or consequences are being faced. Unless, a person discerned through their decision thoroughly, then they are well aware of what could possibly happen.

  12. JABLA, Dylan R.
    Monday 4pm-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - I am conscious because i am aware of myself and my surroundings. I am aware that I am alive, is a human with my own free will, and aware of the responsibility of holding myself accountable of the things i do, think, and decide.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Making a decision requires consciousness and it is a part of being conscious. We are constantly making decisions every second of our lives, and by being aware of our self, our surroundings, our responsibilities, and the consequences, we are able to make choices. Everything we've chosen and decided so far in our life, is part of our consciousness because our choices and decisions represent who we are and how we think. People realize it by being aware of the weight of everything they do.

  13. De Guzman, Lorence Joy G.
    Monday 4 pm -7 pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    When we say that we are conscious, it means that our brain receives
    information and we acknowledge, get, and processed those information.
    If one person is aware of his/her environment or surroundings then, he/she
    is considered as a conscious person.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    When we make our decisions and choices, we are in a state of
    consciousness. So with deeper understanding, they are conscious about their choices. They are aware of what they are doing and what choice they are making. We weigh our decisions and think critically what
    path to take. People tend to realize their choices when the result
    of that choice they made comes out. They held accountability and responsibility from the choice or decision they made.

  14. Patrick P. Yee
    Monday; 4:00PM - 7:00PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    ~ By understanding and doubting our surroundings/environment. We cannot understand or doubt something if we are not conscious, as consciousness is a creatures sentience or awareness of internal or external existence.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    ~ By being aware of their existence for example if we do an experiment to an Infant by putting a red dot on his forehead and put a mirror in front of him he will recognize that what the mirror reflects was himself as he will touch his forehead and not the forehead of his reflection. This experiment shows that the infant knows what he is doing or rather he understand what was being shown in front of him. Just like what an adult would do as he realize what the choices he would do in such a situation.

  15. Kenlord P. Pamatian
    BSCS - 2B
    Monday: 4:00PM - 7:00PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We can note that one is conscious when he/she is aware of something. Consciousness is the act of paying attention to something. You are able to discern where you are, why you are there, and what is happening around you when you are conscious. One cannot be considered conscious when one is not aware of what is happening around him.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Consciousness and making decisions are interconnected. As people, we make choices because of reason, and we make reason because of consciousness. We decide on things we know that will prove beneficial not just for us, but also others. We are conscious of what we are doing and we are accountable for every choice we make.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Lhester B. Castuciano
    MONDAY (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - I will based my answer in my report. One of the subtopic of my report is about the physical point of event that deals with the consciousness of a person. An individual is considered conscious when he/she is aware to its natural environment, aware to his/her own limitations, possibilities, potentialities, and aware in capabilities to do an activity.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - An individual having a consciousness is aware to all the possibilities that might happen to his/her life. Having a critical mind, we have the ability to think clearly and rationally in making choices. In making choices, we should be aware to all the possible result of our choice because at the end of the day we are the one who are accounted to our action.

  18. Nichole Andrea Rosario
    MONDAY 4pm-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - You can say you are conscious when you are aware of the things around you and how you react to the situation. There may be many questions in your brain or many things you think could happen.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Our consciousness help us in choosing things and in our decisions. As in the meaning of conscious. We have awareness in decision making and we may know right or wrong. We actually can know or analyze what is happening.

  19. Funtanilla, Antoinette M.
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - I know that I am conscious because I have thoughts and I am capable of responding to different situations happening around me.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People cannot make choices when they are not conscious. When you can think through the consequences and/or possible aftermath of your choices, it means you are conscious. Without consciousness, one cannot make choices as well as executing the corresponding actions of their choices.

  20. Rosario Imelda Cuevas
    Monday 4-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -Being conscious is being aware of what we perceive like information or action in our surroundings or intellectually. Acknowledgement of receiving information makes us conscious. It is an example of private experiential knowledge.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -Awareness, acknowledgement, accountability and responsibility in every choices people make is what makes them conscious in their decisions. People's consciousness makes them literate with every situation and takes them away through ignorance of choices. Every choices we make helds us up for being accountable and responsible.

  21. Mark Cedrick T. Doria
    BSCS 2AB
    4pm to 7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We can say that we are conscious if we are aware in our surroundings and we are aware what we are doing.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Making a choice is a state of being conscious, once a Person is able to think critically and makes a decision, and it also make their mind more active and thinking deeper that makes their mind conscious.

  22. Rodil, Laille Aldrich I.
    MONDAY (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Because the state of awareness, and accountability of my actions is present in me. I am aware of every information given to me by my surroundings and I react accordingly to every situation.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Be it big or small choices, we beings of consciousness can prove that our choices are part of our consciousness because it all boils down to our decision-making which sets us apart from any other creatures. We have our minds to process the premises and consequences of each of our actions and we are held accountable for every one of them.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Pinpin, Marshal Amieron P.
    BSCS 2A (Monday 4PM-7PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    You're conscious if you are aware of what's happening around you. You can receive and understand information that is sent to your brain. On top of this, you are aware (again) of your actions as well, and you are therefore accountable to these actions as well.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - When thinking and deciding your choice, you become aware of its effects. You begin to think the possible things that will happen and not happen when you choose this particular choice. You base this on various information you have gathered, or abse on the knowledge you got. This gives as a sign that we use our ability to think in deciding, becoming aware of what this choice does and how far it can go. This makes people realize they are conscious, and choices are a part of their own consciousness for it's something they use in deciding.

    BSCS 2A
    Monday (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - Consciousness is a perceptual skill required to understand not only ourselves but the reality of our world. So I'm aware of myself like my feelings, memories, thoughts sensation and the world around us.

    2.How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - Taking conscious choices doesn't generally need courage however without a doubt at times it does. Taking a conscious choice to go against with the trend, to go against with advice since you realize that it is correct and the outcomes will be personal takes courage.

  26. 1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You are conscious if you are aware of yourself and your surroundings. If you can think and make choices of your own doing and thinking.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Your choices are part of your consciousness if you decided it with your eyes open, or with your own thinking and doing. You will realize that this choices are part of your consciousness when you begin to take responsibilities and receive the outcome of this choices.

  27. Borromeo, Daniel Christian R.
    BCSCS - 2A
    Monday (4PM - 7PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - We can say that a person is conscious if he/she is aware to his/her surroundings and he/she is accountable to his/her actions and decisions. Therefore, if a person rationalize his/her actions and decisions for it may have a good or bad effects to the surroundings and to the society that he/she is living, then that person is conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - When a person think the possibilities and effects on the society to the choices that he/she is making, then that is also the start that he/she realize that his/her choices is a part of their consciousness. It is because the person is now aware to his/her surroundings and he/she is taking responsibility to the choice that he/she is choosing.

  28. Dagohoy, Cecil Adam M.
    BCSCS - 2A
    Monday (4PM - 7PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - We will know if we are conscious if we are mindful in our local world or in ourselves. Also if you are thinking about others to decide or for yourself to make your decision.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Our choices in life is a part of our consciousness because in the end of the day the choices we plan or take action too are the things we are aware of and we know that consciousness is a state being aware of a situation/surroundings. After the plan or thing you choice you will realize that all along it's part of our consciousness.

  29. Iscala, Jairus Ivan R.
    Monday 4PM-7PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - When you are on a state that you can basically perceive yourself and your environment. Human are conscious when he/she is able to react with his/her surrounding based on his/her senses.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Thinking is one step towards making a decision or action. For us to think, we must be in state of consciousness. Even not doing or choosing anything is a choice and having choices reflects that an individual has an options to weigh things before making a response. A situation which requires critical thinking and awareness of what is in the present.

  30. Iscala, Jairus Ivan R.
    Monday 4PM-7PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - When you are on a state that you can basically perceive yourself and your environment. Human are conscious when he/she is able to react with his/her surrounding based on his/her senses.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Thinking is one step towards making a decision or action. For us to think, we must be in state of consciousness. Even not doing or choosing anything is a choice and having choices reflects that an individual has an options to weigh things before making a response. A situation which requires critical thinking and awareness of what is in the present.

  31. Guarte, Ism C.
    Monday 4PM-7PM
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Based on what I`ve searched, I will know that I am conscious when my brain is merely receiving a information and you I am aware on what`s happening on my environment. Although there some beliefs that brain is receiving information even if unconscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - For me it is part of consciousness when someone is doing an action or deciding with rational thinking, why? We all know that rational thinking is thinking with a reason, so I conclude that when you decide o choice with reason, you are totally aware on what is happening around you.

  32. Zabala, Maria Au Chiqui Chi R.
    Monday 4pm-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Conciousness is the awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, and environment. You will know if you are concious if you are aware of what is happening to yourself and to your surroundings. This conciousness is subjective and unique for one self.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their conciousness?
    - To be able to decide and make choices, we must be concious and aware of what will be the outcome and who are the people on our surrounding when we made the decision or choice. All in all, choices are part of our conciousness.

  33. Santibañez, Zuyen M.
    TUES | 8AM-11AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You are conscious if you are aware of what’s happening to you in the moment. You are alert, you know how, when and what to respond or to act accordingly to your situation, people and surroundings. We are conscious if we are oriented to time and place. Being conscious simple means being awake.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    We decide or choose to do something when we are conscious. People makes decision or choices based on what they know, what they want or need, and what they ought to. Being able to think, decide, acknowledge and take responsibility of what people choose to do, are only can be done if you are conscious or aware of the possible results.

  34. LAGASCA, Raymart D.
    BAM-IM 2B
    Tuesday 8-11am


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I think you will know that you are conscious when you are alert and oriented. Simply, you are conscious to what you are doing when you are aware to your actions and you are thinking if it will do good or bad and more importantly you are considering if it is the right thing or not. Thus, it is very vital for us people to be always conscious to what we are doing because it is the way of us to make sure and be afraid on not doing bad or unjust actions and behavior.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People could realize that their choices as part of their consciousness when they will have the mindset and standards that they should always do the right and good actions. Even though it is usually that the realization occured after the actions are done but it is better to have the development right now without experiencing any faulty actions. We should consider everything ourselves and other people I think we will realize that it is very crucial for us to be always conscious to every actions and decisions we will make in the present and in the future.

  35. Birad Earl James P.
    BAM-IM NA-1A
    Tuesday 8-11 AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Being conscious is a way that you are aware of your actions and deciding if it is a moral or immoral thing to do. A rational thinking from telling what is good and bad a voice or a thinking that is telling you that your actions can affect others you have the knowledge of knowing and aware on what is happening in which you base your decisions on.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    When they are deciding not only from their self but also considering others, a way of thinking to what will happen to others when deciding a decision. There are people that decide too quickly because of the emotions they feel in which it affect their way of thinking. There should be an awareness not only by themselves but also to the people around them.

  36. ABERIA, Kristalyn Joy
    November 17, 2020 Tuesday 8-11 AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You are conscious if you are aware and sensitive of your own existence, surroundings, sensations, thoughts and the likes. Also, you are mentally active and aware of what you are doing or simply being awake. Moreover, you are conscious if you are alert which means that you are, and can be, able to respond appropriately on what is going on the things and people around you.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People choose based on what they believe, want and need to do which makes them aware of the possible consequences of their actions. Realizations may be sometimes late but still, choices are made when we are awake or conscious. People realize that their choices are part of their consciousness if they have considered every aspect of the decision they will make. They have thought of the possibilities that may occur once they have chosen and also if they have examined their surroundings, thoughts, feelings and standards as they make a choice.

  37. CADIENTE, Cristine Jane A.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me you will know that you are conscious is when you are aware in everything that is happening. You are consciously aware of what you actions you should do in a certain situation. And you are able to distinguish whether it is a right or wrong since you are conscious in actions or decisions you are going to make.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I think people will realize that their choices as part of their consciousness is when they always focus on the right thing that they must do. Because before we do the actions, we have this mindset that "we must always do right choice, actions, and decisions" in order to have good outcome in the situation that will happen after we decide to the choices we make that gives us realizations that choices is as part of consciousness.

  38. Canas, Neil Michael D.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Since we have a dualistic view of the universe, this idea of consciousness is a form of trick of the mind. We assume that on one side there is our self, and on the other side there is the universe, and either our self receives knowledge or does not receive information from the world. So we imagine that our mind keeps existing all the time, according to this view, even when we don't receive knowledge. But this is simply difficult to verify.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Before making decisions, it is necessary to think, weigh different options, and then choose the one that is most advantageous. It is often hard for people to realize that it is part of their consciousness, since decision-making is a human trait naturally and can be unconsciously primed. In order for people to recognize that it is part of their consciousness, to accept that decisions are based on their own consciousness, the individual needs to truly understand a person's mind, emotions, and other sensations.

  39. RABANDABAN, Kimberly C.
    Tuesday, 8AM-11AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Being conscious is when our brain has able to receive and acknowledge information. We are conscious when we are aware of what's happening in the environment even on your own existing. Moreover, a person is conscious when he/ she has able to respond appropriately to the things around him.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People realized their choices after they act based on what they feel, think or decide. They tend to act their choice after they think as a respond to the information they have received. Realizations are usually late but still this makes a person aware or consious towards his/her environment.

  40. TABING, Kristine B.
    Tuesday. 8:00-11:00 A.M

    How do you know that you are conscious?
    Consciousness is when you know that you are you. When you are aware of what is happening to you from the perspective of yourself. It is one of the fundamental facts of human existence, making our life worth living. But at the same time it’s the most unsolved phenomenon in the universe. Philosophers and scientists struggle to explain why we are conscious.

    How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    There are hundreds of decisions we make every day we consider being logical, simply because, choices involves emotions and our emotions are connected to consciousness. People need to feel in order to decide. If you can’t feel emotions, then you can’t make decisions. For instance, our brain tells us when we should be afraid and what should be afraid of, so it mitigates fear and stops us from being afraid of the certain situations. As a result, we are able to make decisions. People triggers to take action when the brain decides it is confident of a decision.

  41. CANARIA, Pamela Beatriz V.
    November 17, 2020 (Tuesday 8:00-11:00 am)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me, consciousness is not something we see, it’s something through which we see, which makes it challenging to study. Also, consciousness arises when we are aware from something or everything that we do. On the other hand, the key is that we need to be aware of our distractions.
    Put differently , we'd like to form sure that we’re choosing our distractions and our distractions aren’t choosing us. We’re those opting into the distraction, instead of simply being unable to cop out of distraction. We need to know when we’re checking out. Our distraction needs to be planned.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People realize their choices as part of consciousness when they are happy and contented for what they are doing. They always think that the thing that they do is always right and just. On the other hand, they realize in the end the thing that they know what is right is wrong, in that case the consciousness of a person will arise. Moreover, the consequences that will face can cause consciousness. Most people glide on the surface of life on level one of self-awareness. They do what they’re told. They follow directions. They distract themselves with the same shit over and over. Overall, they allowed themselves to express individual emotions and reactions to what’s going on around them.

  42. Fran Kyle A. Ledesma
    Monday 4PM-7PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    To be conscious is to be aware of my surroundings and to know what is happening. To merely be in the scene does not count as being conscious. In short, for us to know that we are conscious, we must be aware.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People come to a realization of their choices once they are satisfied with what they decided to do. To decide we must be conscious, to decide we must be able to discern, we ought to understand that choices. Consciousness allows us to know what we have to do, how to decide, and weigh in our choices. Without being conscious, we are nothing but a puppet. Not knowing what to do, only following what others tell us to do.

  43. BORJA, Khin T.
    BAM-IM 2B
    Tuesday 8-11am


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    People are conscious if they not satisfy in their decision that they do and the consciousness is
    the awareness or alertness of ourself and even this is closely intertwined with other facets of consciousness such as self-awareness like in morality the good an bad the right and wrong as a person we conscious or undecided what we want to do.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness.

    Everyone was thinking what is good and they think the completely or clearly idea to flow its smooth and they conscious and become wiseky and think the "what if" people realize that their choices is part of they are consciousness if they get the result or outcome of the decision they do, like buying food they are people getting conscious because the think if its taste good or not and if they buy it or not people realize when they know the reality of they think.

  44. Bautista, Airamin C.
    BSCS 2A (Mon, 4:00-6:00 PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Being conscious is being aware of the things and circumstances in your surroundings. A person can be considered conscious if he or she is awake based from the general definition of consciousness but from my standpoint, to be conscious is to be able to receive information and act on it.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - When a person makes a decision regardless if it’s sudden or not, they can realize the consequences of their choice. With that said, a person is aware in making such decision especially if he or she acknowledges the possible outcomes of that decision which proved that every choice is part of one’s consciousness.

  45. Bernal, Lyzel S.
    Tuesday | 8:00 am to 11:00 am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious.
    I think we are conscious is when we are aware in everything we see, hear and to the things that happened around us which is felt by ourselves or in our innerself. It is our sensitivity from the things that surround us. Sometimes we are in the point in our life that everything happened in yourself or even to the things that surround us, it affects us and we always care to that certain things. We are being responsive in everything happened, even little things we have always side comments and always care. Additionally is when there's something happen that we felt in our self that we are affected and there is something awaken us something such us facts or knowing that something exist or happen.

    2. How can people realize that their choices as part of their consciousness.
    I think people realize that their choices as part of their consciousness is when they regret something and when the result of their choices is not good because sometimes when we do something and the result is bad, it surely have affect to us, we have to care about what will happened to those people that would affect because of my choices. Sometimes we realize that because of our bad choices there is something in our innerself or felt by yourself that giving us awareness in what we have done or what wrong choices we make. It is our brain to make choices before we care and know it and sometimes we people always regret when the things is already done. We always realize it when its too late.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. PACIFICO, Shernalyn
    1. The conscious mind is the part of your mind that is responsible for logic and reasoning, also the conscious mind controls all the actions that you do on intention while being conscious. We can say that I am conscious when I decide to make any voluntary action like moving my hand or leg, and when I feel uncomfortable.
    2. People only realize that their choices is part of their consciousness when they get the exchange of their actions, and the result could be bad or good, because brain activity predicts decisions before they are consciously made.

    TUESDAY 8-11 AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    To be conscious in a humanistic sense implies an enlightenment of the mind, through deep introspection, education and perhaps other techniques such as meditation or spiritual practice. I know that I am conscious in this sense suggests an awareness of one's own unconsciousness and the desire to become more aware. The sense of 'consciousness raising' shows that this desire for self development extends to society, and another word that is closely related to 'conscious' comes into play: conscience. The 'higher' the state of consciousness, the more it is associated with reports of connectedness with all things, and with the universal struggle for freedom, love, concern for the environment, etc.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I think people realize their choices as part of their consciousness when we have different types of Consciousness where we tend to focus attention on various aspects of life and exclude others. When we look around the world, we see examples of people in all states, or levels, of Consciousness. I will say that how we experience feelings is complicated . Circumstances can affect how we feel, e.g., you win the lottery vs. a person close to you dies. Internal chemical states of our body can also affect how we feel ; take clinical Depression for example. Also of importance is “what we think about,” as thoughts can trigger particular emotions. the person doesn't choose how to feel so much as to choose what to think about which affects how they feel. humans would have a much richer and deeper thoughts than any other animal. With language and creativity, humans are able to make tools and with those tools we are able to build material objects with each of these involving some type of qualia or consciousness.

    BAM-IM 2B
    TUESDAY 8:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - You will know that you are conscious if you are aware of what you are doing and what is happening in your surroundings. You are also conscious if you are clear minded because you need to choose in every actions you make, you need to think of the situation practically and critically.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -People realize their choices as part of their consciousness because a human body cannot functions without choices. Our actions is not predetermined by natural forces, we make our own decisions and choices to take. If we choose to take that path, then we are already aware that our choices is a part of our consciousness because we are conscious in taking that action. And, we can realize that our choices is part of our consciousness if we got the development and effect of our action

  50. Carlo M. Salva
    BSCS 2-A
    Monday 4:00-7:00

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - Me, having the ability to answer this question means that I'm "concscious". Being conscious is the ability of our brain to transfer and receive information it is just between receiving information (conscious) or not receiving information at all (unconscious).

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - Since being conscious is any moment we use our brain, the moment we think of what to decide is in the moment where we are conscious. If choices are just myths then us knowing and being conscious is also a mere illusion.

  51. GOCO, Jheanna DC


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Giving responses and being able to notice things around me makes me conscious. Because I am able to evaluate things that are happening around me. Consciousness is not just being awake, or your eyes are open.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Our consciousness affects our decision, because we are conscious to the things that might happen to you and to other people. You are conscious that you might fail because you chose the wrong choice. Consciousness makes you think of everything, we evaluate, we are thinking critically and with logic to somehow make sure that we chose the right choice.

  52. Gilcy M. Madera
    BAM-IM 2B

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?

    you know that you are conscious if you are well aware in your surroundings, aware on what you are doing and aware to the people around you. it just that you are literally aware what's going around you and can respond immediately to it.

    2. How can people realize their choice as part of their consciousness?

    they realize that their choices are part of their consciousness. when they know the choices they make and fully aware it's effect on other people as well as it's consequences. when they think carefully about their choices on what path they should take with cautious and really know the choices they are making.

  53. Ezekiel D. Guevarra
    BSCS 2B

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -If you know what is really happening to your surrondings. You know how you will act to it and feel responsible to it.

    2.How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -People will realize their choices as part of their consciousness when he have the ability to think sharp to analyze the situation.
    if he or she acknowledges the possible outcomes of that decision which proved that every choice is part of one’s consciousness.

  54. StaMaria, Daniela
    BAM - IM - Na 2A
    TUES 8 to 11 am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - We are considered conscious if our brain is receiving information. It implies to be awake or awakened to an inner realization of a fact, a truth, a condition, etc., or being just aware of what happens in our surroundings. One's own consciousness is an example of private experiential knowledge. We get to know we are conscious because we experience a particular happening and it forms the basis for all our other experiences.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - According to the researchers, our brain makes up its mind to ten seconds before we realize it. By looking at brain activity while making a decision, the researchers could predict what choice people would make before they were even aware of having made a decision. Our brain anticipates our consciousness in deciding what to do. Considering the fact that we weigh and meaure things over to create a choices or deciscions, which particulary a brain activity.

  55. Lagera, Errol John A.
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Being aware of the surroundings. You feel the surroundings around you within the part of our senses. Having a reaction or response whenever we interact within our surroundings

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - They realize their choices whenever they know the outcome. Being aware of the choices and its consequences. Their decision are processed within the reach of our abilities to think and analyze such situation.

    NOVEMBER 17, 2020 TUESDAY 8:00 am - 11:00 am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Being conscious refers to the awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. You will know that you are conscious if you are aware on what is happening on yourself and in your surroundings. This awareness is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is part of your consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People realize their choices as part of their consciousness when we are faced with two or more options to decide and think on what needs to be done. Our mind will always follow a decision that is much stronger and we will try to match it with our choices and it would likely to be our choice.

  57. Garan,Charisse M.
    Tuesday 8am to 11am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    I am conscious if I am aware of my surroundings, If I can respond to the questions. If I can sense anything/anyone and if my mind is awake.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    For me, people can’t make choices if we are not conscious. Every decision that we make is because we are aware or we have knowledge on something that we’re going to decide. We analyze first before we decide on something.

  58. Sinio, Nhoella Marie Angelika M.
    Tuesday 8-11A.M.
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I know that I am conscious when I feel smart, bad, happy and other emotions that will let me know that I am present with the situation. I know that I am conscious when I feel the consequences of my choice.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    It is when people realize that this choices has this impact whether it is good or bad, exciting or not. This impact will tell us thag consciousness has a big part on us making oir choices.

  59. Cebuma, Kylie Louise S.
    Tuesday 8am - 11am
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Consciousness is the state of being AWARE and ALERT. With this being said, I believe that you know that you are conscious if you are able to respond properly & appropriately to people and even certain situations.

    However, there are times where people don’t respond appropriately in things around them. It does not automatically means that they are not conscious but I believe instead they are aware of what they are doing and it is just their normal response.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I strongly believe that deciding on something or in able to make a choice consciousness is a must. So even if a person do not realize it he / she is actually conscious by deciding on something. But many times people only realize the choice they have made after seeing the outcome or results.

    To sum it up, people being able to realize their choices as a part of their consciousness can help them decide on something more carefully.

    BSCS - 2A
    MON 4-7PM


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We are conscious by simply knowing and feeling that something is existing, and we react according to what's happening. Our senses are awake and respond to it.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Having choices simply puts us in a situation wherein every decision is being processed within the full capacity of our brain to analyze every bit of the situation all throughout the beginning to anticipating the outcome.

  61. Lu, Charles Dominic R.
    BT NFT 3B
    THURSDAY 4:00 - 7:00 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We basically know that we are conscious if we individuals are aware of what is happening around us. We can also considered conscious if we can make choices based on ourselves.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Making choices or decisions are part of the function of our brain. It assess and evaluates the situation and eventually make a choice. Being conscious is the important thing for us to make a choice. Without consciousness, then our own choice/decision is not present.

  62. Galang, Eldrin Llenard V.
    BT - NFT 3A
    Thursday 4 to 7 PM


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    By the mere fact that I know what I'm doing in surroundings, by doing some task and making a decision by thinking, gathering some information, communication or interacting to others. Or in other words, can react or respond in surroundings. And I know who am I.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Have freedom by thinking or planning or respond of a result that has a impact of their decision or action from that time for better result.

  63. AMBAYEC, Marie Anngela O.
    Thursday (4PM-7PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    If we can see, hear, feel, think, and realize whatever is going on around us, we can be considered as conscious. Staying alert with things regardless of whether we have disablities, for instance, being hard of hearing, visually impaired, quiet, and so on. It is sufficient purpose behind us to state that we are conscious.

    2.How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    At the point when an individual figures, they can understand their decisions as a component of their consciousness. By being conscious, the mind gets a lot of data in the environmental factors which extraordinarily helps in settling on decisions or choices. Despite the fact that there is an article that says our cerebrum chooses what choice we will make even before the individual acknowledges it.

  64. Delobrino, John Paolo S.
    BT - NFT 3A
    Thursday 4:00 pm to 7:00 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    When we are aware of our environment. You are conscious when you understand your surroundings or some situation makes you worry then respond to it with critical thinking because those actions are also your responsibility.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I think people realize their choices as part of their consciousness if they were aware of their actions. It makes them worry if they did something bad or they think thoroughly because it makes them conscious about what is the outcome of those decisions so they deeply think before responding to difficult situations.

  65. Seño, Nikha Jeramie
    BT-NFT 3A
    Thursday 4pm-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    When I am in an awake state and is fully aware of what is happening in my surroundings and I understand, talk, move and respond normally, that is when I know that I am conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    People tend to think and act according to their consciousness, of what they think is right or based on what they have experienced. They realize that their choices are part of their consciousness when they are aware and have already thought of the outcome of their decisions.

  66. Latrell S. Alas
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    When a person or an individual are aware of their surroundings that means that the person or the individual is conscious. Being conscious you feel, you heard, and you know what is happening. And last, I think when you are conscious your mind is active.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    When you are conscious you know what is happening to your surroundings so that means you know what are the things that you do or what are the things that is right and wrong when you are conscious and you decide.

    THURSDAY (4pm -7pm)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - In my opinion you will know that you are concious if you are aware of what is happening to you and to the people or things around you and if you can think critically.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - For me when consciousness helps us deciding or choosing because when you have consciousness you know what you want the possibilities and effects of your choice.

  68. Jan Karlo C. Samson
    BT – NFT 3A
    4-7 (TH)
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    You will know if you're conscious if you have an awareness and being oriented to place and time. Awareness means that you're able to respond appropriately to the people and things around you. Being oriented to place and time means that you know who you are, where you are, where you live, and what time it is. Conscious implies to be awake or awakened to an inner realization of a fact, a truth, a condition to be conscious of an extreme weariness.
    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    What we call being conscious is merely the brain receiving information. If we acknowledge that we get information, we call this being conscious. Deciding requires consciousness and it is a part of being conscious. Unconsciousness is when a person suddenly becomes unable to respond to stimuli and appears to be asleep.

    BT-NFT 3B
    THURS 4-7PPM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me, I know that I am conscious if my mind is working properly, I made decision subjectively, I know and aware what I am doing, and I am wide awake. As I observed, if you are in conscious you aware in your surroundings. Also, you senses are working properly.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Making choices in a certain situation proves that you are in conscious. Decision making proves as well that you are aware of what you are doing. Your brain analyzes situations, observing and chose what you supposed to do.

    1. Michael G. Española
      BT-NFT 3B
      Thurs. 4-7PM
      1. How do you know that you are conscious?
      - You are conscious when you receive information that you don’t truly believe and you just want to know it if it is really true or it is just a story. Mostly likely when someone share his/her experience some people tells their story about themselves or in life, but not all it true, they create storyline just to impress the audience or people surrounds it.
      2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
      - They make critical thinking towards there consciousness on something that they want to know. There’s a time that when conscious takes place many choice you can made like I really want to experience that, I’m excited for that, I want to feel it, I want to know it , etc. And also when you want to prove something there's a consciousness there.

  70. Nicdao, Ralph Laurence S.
    BT-NFT 3B
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - You know you are conscious when you know what you are doing and what your mind is working. and you know what is going on to your surroundings

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Mental process by your Super ego, ego and id which may affect your choices and make yourself reach your satisfaction.

  71. Silverio, Jana Janelle C.
    Thursday 4-7 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Being conscious is being aware on what’s happening around you or in your surroundings. It is the state of being awake, and fully in control with your own thoughts and mind that you are able to decide and can think logically.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    People can realize their choice as a part of their consciousness if they can think critically and logically. That they know that every decision or choices that they will make will have result or consequences. This will implies that they are conscious because they are aware on what is happening around them and they know and understand the situation for them to make a proper decision or choice.

  72. Rabina jomyr jericho ivan G
    BTNFT 3B
    THURS 4-7PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I know that I'm conscious by checking up or looking myself in the mirror if may outfit is okay or my body figure is okay to the eyes pf others. Like for example my awareness to myself and the world around me. In short, my conscious refers to my experiences, awareness of my own internal thoughts, feelings, memories, and sensations.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People can realize their choices as part of their consciousness by alertness means that you're able to respond appropriately to the people and things around you. Being oriented to place and time means that you know who you are, where you are, where you live, and what time it is.

  73. CANCERAN, Maria Cristy A.
    THURSDAY (4pm -7pm)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Consciousness is defined as the awareness of something and responding to the situation or on the environment. you can know of your conscious if you are alive and that you are able to respond in anything or in a situation.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Consciousness is being aware and alert of the situation that will make you respond and make choices. as a result, in every decisions we make we are analyzing and being aware of the situation before we respond. so that we would not regret our choices.

    Thursday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - I can say that I am concious if I am aware on all of the happenings within my surroundings. I am awake and can think carefully to my choices.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People can realize if their choices are part of their consciousness when they can say that they are in the state of making choices. They are aware and think carefully what will be the outcome of their chosen choices or decisions whether it might be good or bad. Sometimes we can make some choices that we don't think carefully and it might be considered as deciding without conciousness and we will just realized it when we are already facing the possible outcomes or consequences.

    BT NFT 3B
    THURSDAY (4-7PM)

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me, As a person I know I am conscious is when I understand the situation and I have the knowledge about the things around me and happening in the society. It is when I am aware about the situation and have accurate information.In this case my I can deeply communicate and tackle about things.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People choices are part of their consciousness because every one of us can decide,have an opinion,share our thoughts in our surroundings because of our consciousness we are aware that we have a choice and we are clearly realizing something and we have enough knowledge as a person.

  76. Cua, Jacky D.
    BT- NFT-3B
    Thursday (4-7pm)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - We know that if we are conscious is that we make a choice that is still having fear and doubt in our mind. In other words we are not yet that stable to make a choice that suites our best.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - It is based on their decision. When that happends it is something that we need to be aware of. Because you made a choice that has conscious in your heart and mind, that means you are not yet fully made the right decision.

    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    you will know if you are conscious by being aware and attentive to your surrounding or environment, receiving information and doing a decision and choices.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    our choices is part of our consciousness because we are aware of our choices, we know that every choices that we make can affect our surrounding it maybe result as bad or good. we make a choice when we are awake so basically our mind is in the state of consciousness because we can't make and do our choices if we are sleep and unconscious.


  78. Name: Jose, Roger Jr. M.
    Section: BT-NFT 3A
    Schedule: Thursday, 4-7PM


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Being conscious is being able to respond to one's surroundings, with that being said we'll know that we are conscious if we are awake and be able to talk to one another. But in some cases, even if we are awake we don't know what we are doing or talking like if someone is drunk, he/she is awake but don't know what they're doing on the scenario, so I think that we are be able to know if we are conscious if we are able to think straight before we respond.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I think people are gonna realize it when the results are already there, because if they're not conscious in making a certain decision they are not gonna notice it in an instant, because if a person is conscious while making decisions, they are expecting a result that has been planned and not the unexpected one.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Bautista, Christal Joy G.
    Thursday, 4PM-7PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I am conscious if I am aware on everything that I did like for example, making decisions in some certain situations. Also, I am conscious if my body, my soul and my mind are awake and agreed on each other.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People do realize their choices by choosing or deciding between more choices. But sometimes, especially when we are mad or sad, we can't prevent but choose the wrong choice because our mind is not really conscious in choosing between what is right and wrong.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Rhea May Gonio
    BT-NFT 3B
    Thursday 4:00-7:00PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I feel conscious when I am thinking about something and eager to know or learn about it so that I can be aware of that thing. I am willing to know about what is happening to my surroundings and be able to make perceptions about it.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    They will realize their choices when they see the outcome or results of their decisions as part of their consciousness. Their consciousness and having a perceptions before acting or making choices about a thing helps them to decide wisely regardless of the result of their choices, even if it is good or bad. And they will realize their choices and making a decision or choices better.

  83. Jouie D. Arienda BT-NFT-3A
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me, you know you are conscious if you are fully aware of what is happening in your surroundings, where you are alert enough to respond properly to certain happenings or events in your environment, there is a saying I hear most of the time coming from my teachers that if they caught someone or ask their student and the student is somehow asking what is the question again, it is what they called "physically present but mentally absent", in this scenario I know for sure that the student is distracted and he/she is not fully aware of what’s happening therefore he/she not is conscious, so in order to know you are fully conscious is when you are actually responding whether external by expressing it vocally or in gestures or internally like asking yourself questions by analyzing something in your head about the current situation.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Consciousness has always a connection towards the choices that you make, but for people to realize that their choices is so far part of their being conscious I think there are 2 (two) reasonings to consider in knowing this, first is that you can just naturally know for yourself that you are conscious because, your mind is physically present at the moment and your brain is pumped up straightly listening and mindful of the current situation therefore you know for yourself that you are conscious and, the choices that you make are known by you, lastly is that you can only realize that your choice is part of your consciousness is by knowing the outcome after the decisions you have made because, it can either generate positive or negative effects which can clearly either make you love the option you take or despise and regret the result of your choices.

  84. SURABIA, Merlirens G.
    Thursday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -Based on my opinion, if I have a situation or problem that I've always think usually if I'm aware or being attentive in my environment or surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - for me if we can make some choices that we don't think carefully and it might be considered as deciding without conciousness and we will just realized it when we are already facing the possible outcomes or consequences. can say that I am concious if I am aware on all of the happenings within my surroundings.

  85. Cerillo, Gian Carlo G.
    BTNFT 3A
    Thursday 4-7PM

    1) How do you know that you are conscious?
    Well, conscious is a sort of stunt of the brain since we have a dualistic perspective on the world. It is a focal issue of human life. I've encountered my own psyche in every second, however, I can just construe the presence of different personalities through circuitous methods. Being conscious is simply my brain of getting data. On the off chance that I recognize that I’ve get data, this is being conscious.

    2) How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    The brain decides on decisions and it relies upon how we think. It causes us to manage reality, since it feels greater to think we have self-consciousness. Furthermore, it related to an adaptable reaction system for dynamic, arranging, and for the most part, reacting in nonautomatic ways.

  86. Valenzuela, Mariah Dail-an P.
    BT NFT 3A

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - I know that I am conscious when I feel some worthlessness and even embarrassed about myself. I've been more alert and mindful of what's going on around me. Being conscious refers to my perceptions, my inner thoughts, emotions, memories, sensations, and individual consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - I think that people realize their choices as part of their consciousness when it affects the result or the outcome of decisions that they do. In life, we make choices all day long which influence how we act, how we think and how we interpret and view our world

    BT-NFT 3A
    THURS. 4-7PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Basically, people are being conscious when you are aware of what everything happen in your surroundings, being able to give and notice some things that might you see or heard by ourselves and being or having a clear and open mind just to need every individuals to think, analyze and understand the situation or action.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - For me, people realize their choices as part of their consciousness is when they are regret for something or when they are contented. And this may result a negative or positive effect in their lives nor other people that surrounds them. Sometimes, this may result us a lesson on how we can understand, decide and choice. Overall, this allowed themselves to express individual's decision making and reactions on surroundings.

  88. Corpuz, Christine Joyce B.
    BT-NFT 3B
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You know that you are conscious if you can independently choose by yourself. Having your own choice in life makes you conscious because you are the one deciding your own path and you don't rely just on natural forces to decide what path would you take.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People realize their choice as part of their consciousness when you don't base on other opinions when making a choice, choosing something on your own means you decide for yourself, this shows that you are aware of your own thoughts and that is what makes our choice part of our consciousness.

  89. Sebastian Nadonga
    Thursday 4-7pm


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    I can say that I am conscious when I am aware of my surroundings and I am aware of the choices I am making in the process. Being conscious is being active and knowing what is going on.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    When they knew that their choices are made by them. Also if the results of that choices whether good or bad, still it is a product of consciousness. Realizing that we are living to choose, to act and to be responsible about our actions we can say that consciousness is a natural way of living.

  90. Manzanares,Jane Rose P.
    BT-NFT 3B
    Thursday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    For me, Alertness means that you're able to respond appropriately to the people and things around you. Being oriented to place and time means that you know who you are, where you are, where you live, and what time it is.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People can realize, if they can decide or have their own choices in any situations they have, or a problem they they may encounter with.

  91. FABRIGAR, Jewel Rose A.
    BAM-IM NA 2A

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - We know that we are a conscious human being if we know what is wrong. We know what the actions, choices and decisions that we do. He is aware on his environment and he is state on being awake.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People realize their choices as part of their consciousness if they are thinking. Being conscious, our brain receives more information that makes us to think deeply and understand things really well before we make choice or a decision. Our brain has a big part on our daily life since it will help us to decide what's good to our life.

  92. Oxima, Christine Jelsca M.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    If you are aware of what is happening in your surrounding, understanding and realizing the things that is happening like the wrong doing of individuals.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    You will realize it when that certain things happened to you or if you will be able to see it in other people. You are able to be aware of what also decisions you will make and the reactions of your actions that can be good or bad.

  93. Bayona, Luz Dariel G.
    BT - NFT 3A
    Thursday 4-7 PM


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Being awake doesn't mean that you are conscious. But for me being conscious is being aware. Aware of the surroundings, situations and choices. Not just being quiet but taking some actions and choices too.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    When they are brave enough too know and face what the consequences are. Because being conscious we tend to reflect what we want to do, say and choose. That it may result based on what you feel or situation you are in.

    TUESDAY 8:00am-11:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me concious is not only you awake but as a human being you must know what happenning in your surrounding because concious is not only alive but also have awareness. Also being concious you must know what is right and wrong that all our action and decision must think carefully before do it. That is the being concious for me.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People sometimes don't know what are they doing, that they always sometime go with the flaw or relay to somebody but if something happen wrong that the time their relize something for them that they are like a human being that have no contribution that's why there are goanna something wrong before they realize and became brave that all decision that they make is think before they do it.

  95. John Rupert S. Pamintuan
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    I know that I am conscious because I can think and act on my own. I have my own mind, my own personality. I know what I'm doing and what have I done. I have emotions to what is happening around, whether what emotion I show is because the surrounding events that occurs within me.
    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Because there are a variety of choices that one can choose. But only one must be chosen and it is how you know that you are conscious. You make a decision based from the choices you are given, unless you are a superhuman that you can simultaneously act on all of the choices.

  96. Kathleen Beatrix V. Sarmiento

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    1. If we only acknowledge that we get information, we can call it being conscious. Also, if we are being of one's existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, aware of or sensitive to something, you know that you are conscious.
    2. People realizes their choices of their consciousness if they think or act rationally. They will think of what will be the cause and effect of the choice they made. We may be conscious physically, but mentally I think not all the time. And after they made their decision, the result will become the eye opener of their consciousness.

  97. James Christian M. Perez
    BAM-IM-NA 2A
    Tuesday 8am to 11am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    The way that our mind can get data without us being "cognizant" of it. Much the same as when somebody is dreaming or rest strolling, or when somebody got taken out and is gently reacting to questions, however later says that they were not aware of talking, for instance. So it appears to be that we can do or say something, and simultaneously be cognizant or not cognizant. However this is only a memory issue. At the point when we state we were "oblivious", it is only that either our memory was not recording, or that correct now we don't approach the previous memory for reasons unknown. Also, instead of scrutinizing our memory we like to feel that our memory is fine, just "we" (whatever this is) were not getting data at that point.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Gives ascend to a component that permits a creature, rather than performing controlling activities unmistakably, to play forward the comparing conduct choices in a "second reality" of unbiasedly (by methods for instruments) grounded symbolic systems. The hypothesis has the accompanying properties: It is hostile to reductionist and against eliminativist, but, human awareness is considered as an absolutely regular (biological) phenomenon. It keeps away from epiphenomenalism and demonstrates in which conditions human cognizance has transformative favorable circumstances, and in which it might even be disadvantageous. Change within the same area is no change at all. That is, the content of consciousness is consciousness and the two are not separate. When we talk about changing, we are really thinking of juggling with the contents, which implies a juggler and the thing with which he/she is juggling. But it is still within the field of consciousness.

  98. Guevarra,Sealtiel Grant F
    Thursday (4-7:00)

    1.How do you know that you are conscious
    - You feel conscious when you feel being able to see what happening and you ovethink

    2.How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - decisions no matter how wrong makes a person overthink and ability to perceive the benificial outcome what happening and peson discerned through their decision throughly they are well aware of what could possibly happen

    THURS 4-7 PM
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    for me you know that your conscious if you are fully aware of your surroundings. you are conscious if you are alert and being oriented at the time and place and being conscious is able to respond to your surrounding and to know where you are, why you are, and why you live in that time.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    our brain make up decisions and we will realize our choices when we know what is the situation we are in, we make decisions based on our consciousness of the situation, what will we choose or how we face situations.

    BAM-IM 2B

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    For me, you know that you're conscious if you are performing HUMAN ACT, because you are making things in a way of voluntary actions. Another thing, if they are performed consciously, performed freely and it is done willfully.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    People realize their choices if they are aware of what is the effect or consequences on the decision or choice that they made. Another thing if they are aware of what they are doing, we are familiar in the saying that, Think before you click, with this, we can say that they are conscious. Just like what i said in the first question, Human acts clearly states that we are conscious of what we are doing. Human act is a choice or decision with consciousness.

  101. Rosales, Earl Benjamin T.
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - A person is conscious if the person is aware of your surroundings and you are on a state of being awake. Hence if a person is unconscious, means that a person is asleep or unaware of one's self.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - A person who think thoroughly about the situation, action, reactions, and the consequences of their actions or events and is aware of it realizes their choices as a part of their consciousness. If one is unaware of their actions or series of events, choices isn't part of their consciousness. Example of such is dream, coincidence, etc.

  102. MONTERO, Apple Joy L.
    BAM-IM 2B


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    You know that you are conscious when you are aware or alert on what is happening on your surroundings. You have enough knowledge on something that is happening in a particular setting and you are conscious when you can respond on that certain situation.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    When you are conscious, you are able to decide and to make choices which can be your response on a situation on your surroundings. We realize that our choices is part of our consciousness because we are aware on what is happening, we are responsive and we are knowledgeable enough to make choices and decisions.

  103. BAGASONA, Kim Dianne G.
    BSCS 2A
    Monday 4:00pm - 7:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - Consciousness is simply defined as your awareness of yourself and the world around you. As long as I am self-aware, in the proper mind, and can control my own self, I believe I am conscious. It can means that you know who you are, where you are, where you live, and what time it is. Well, consciousness depends on the person and is not the same for all. It also has different levels and can alter or change depending on your flow of thoughts.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - According to study, our brain makes decision seconds before we realize it. Therefore, when making deciding or making choices, it is not independent on our consciousness, but rather our mind makes the first step. Afterwards, we are able to think what to do, and that is where consciousness follow. That is the time we think if we should do it or not depending on our surroundings and the situation. It is when we are already aware of having an answer that we scrutinize it using our consciousness.

  104. Yusoph, Jihad M.
    BSCS 2A
    4pm- 7pm

    -We should accept that we are in our consciousness constantly. Indeed, even on account of profound rest. After we awaken we realize that we were dozing for that time. Our awareness is for an amazing duration yet absolutely we have questions over this. We have to apply our mind and ponder about it. Its the condition of our brain which is now and then dynamic and here and there idle.
    -The work raises doubt about the 'awareness' of our choices and may even test thoughts regarding that we are to settle on a decision at a specific point as expected. Self awareness is simply the capacity to see clearly through reflection and introspection.While it may not be conceivable to achieve complete objectivity about oneself, there are positively levels of self awareness. It exists on a spectrum.Although everybody has a major thought of what self awareness is, we don't know precisely where it comes from, what its precursors are, or why a few of us appear to have pretty much than others.

  105. NUÑEZ, RIZA E.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We are conscious if we know or we are aware what is happening around us. If we know what is right and wrong or good and bad, and if our choice is right, it means we are conscious because we care not just on ourselves, but on the people around us, as well. It means that awareness really help us by how we think/act.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    As what I've said, if we are aware of the things that is happening around us, we can simply realize that in every choices that we made, there is a consequence. And if there is a consequence, no doubt, we will come up with the right choice/decision.

  106. Complido, John Edward D.
    BSCS 2B
    4pm- 7pm
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    The fact that all of my 5 senses are working and the fact that I am fully aware to my surroundings and I know how to respond to it.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Consciousness is the awareness and knowing what to respond to its surroundings. Being aware to our surroundings and knowing how to respond to it so that we conclude and make choices, we are always aware when we are making decision or choices

  107. Abalora, Sean David B.
    BSCS – 2A
    Monday (4PM to 7PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I wake up, and that's what it takes to make me realize that I'm here—alive and conscious. I breathe, smell, taste, see and feel, as if it's all I'll ever need. But there are colors inside of me, and every time someone ventures through my shades and hues and touch some parts of them, it makes me fully aware of my consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Making rash decisions and good decisions all fall under having a consciousness somewhere inside of us. It just comes down to what kind of consciousness we're having. And whatever the outcome may be, we accept it and take account for it, and try to fix it or make it better when it's not the one we wanted.

  108. Wendell Herrero
    Monday (4PM to 7PM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You know that you are conscious when you are aware of things in your life. You know what how did this happen to your life, how come that this thing is connected in you life and lastly you are able to create choices according to your will.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    We realize our choice as part of our consciousness when we are able to react things on our own. Our mind process our thoughts around us but if we are not able to execute this thoughts, therefore, the choices made are not part of consciousness

  109. Jinn Alano A. Dilag
    Monday (4pm-7pm)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    I know that I am conscious with the fact that I am self aware with the choices that I made. The concept of consciousness can be very vague and hard to determine but for some people as well as myself I can determine that I am conscious by the way the I think and I am free from the people or to the unknown forces that controls me.

    2.How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    People can realize their choices is part of their consciousness if they themselves accept their responsibility and consequences that their choices make then they know that they're choice is part of their conscious.

  110. Romeo Rojo
    Monday 4-7

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Simply if you know what you are doing at the moment you are conscious. If your mind is in state where your body follow it rationally

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Choice that trigger awareness is consider one of the realization that people know that their action is part of consciousness

  111. San Pedro, Jeremiah G
    Thursday 4-7 pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    If I can't think or decide properly and always feel sensitive to other people.

    2. How can people realize their choices as par of their consciousness?
    Making a rush decision and did not think enough if your decision will be good enough to others.

  112. Bermejo, Rogene Ann C.
    BT-NFT 3B
    THURSDAY (4PM – 7 PM)
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    The act of being cognizant implies that we are considering comprehensively and basically. and we are not truly acting base on our feeling or in buildup of occasions. But we do things and analyze it to begin with. One can say simply are cognizant once you are alert or lively, but for me, one is cognizant in case he/she is seeing his/her encompassing as an entirety.
    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Our consciousness is what actually helps us to make choices and decisions. Before having choices and making a choice, we have to first know and analyze what is happening and why we to make a certain choice. And that is what our consciousness is for.

  113. Agutaya, Stephanie Joullianne
    BSCS 2B
    Monday 4PM - 7 PM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I know that I am conscious when the actions I make lead to reasonable results. Such as if I pinch myself, I would feel pain. If I choose want to eat something, I would eat it, etc. Basically, I am aware of the actions I make and that each action has their corresponding reaction. Only you, yourself, can prove to your own that you are conscious. It is hard to make others believe whether you are conscious or unconscious about the actions you make.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    As what I've said, consciousness, to me, means that one is aware of the actions they make and are aware that there will be consequences following it. To be "conscious", one must be "aware and be responding to one's surroundings." The choices you make are actions that are influenced/swayed by your own awareness. Let's say you are feeling hungry. You can choose to either eat or not, but it'll depend on how hungry you are. How hungry you know you are. If you are aware that you're not that hungry, then you can make the conscious choice of not eating. But if you are hungry, then you'll realize the need to eat.

  114. CASACLANG, Kriztian
    THURSDAY 7am-10am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - I can know that I am conscious when I can tell for a fact that I understand what is going on my surroundings. I am conscious when I do things or decide things that I am aware of, and I know the things that will happen and be accountable for those actions.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - People can realize their choices of actions as a part of their consciousness when they are aware of what they are deciding and also aware of the consequences that might happen after their chosen actions. There are choices made unconsciously, but most of the time when we are deciding, we are conscious of it and an example of it is when we make choices that we are aware of, like deciding to spend money on wants and needs.


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - conscious means awareness of yourself and the world around you. And my consciousness will appear When something is off about me and one of my friends, I immediately ask her about it so we can fix the problem.
    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People realize their choice of their consciousness in some situation our consciousness helps us about it I know that we are all aware what is happening around us and we choose what would we react in a different situation.

  116. Ferraz, Johnsen M.

    You are aware of your own existence and you are fully aware of your surroundings, understand what is happening around you.

    They have this feeling of discovery that being aware of ones surroundings or existence can affect ones choices.
    Every day they have this choice, example, in the mornings when they woke up, immediately they are aware of what is happening and what responsibility they have to do and they chose to sleep for five minutes.
    They have this work to do or something to do today but they chose to sleep for 5 minutes more. Its like choices but you put your mind to it.

  117. Yabut, Harold Vince M.
    BGT-AT 2D

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Having consciousness is innate to us human being, scientifically our consciousness is our 5 senses, because the meaning of consciousness to the awareness of your body to respond, for everyday that we live, is each response of steps such as eating, entertainment, etc.

    When it comes to consciousness of morality, it is believed to be innate to us, in the start we people can think and respond, feeling and emotion which makes us sensitive is also innate to us, that is why thinking creates good and bad and right and wrong. thinking is innate to human beings that is why we have senses and instincts to respond.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    The way of thinking is the reason why we have consciousness, when realizing that each of our bodies has their own needs of responding to the surroundings. thinking then responding came from our senses of being aware to the surroundings. Morally speaking, it is our emotions, feelings, sentiments, values, is what makes our choices sensitive to consider our surroundings before making last say.

    Each person has their own instinct and senses in life, each of our choices can be impulsive or a success, that is why there social justice that molds people; religion, culture, laws, rules, principles, are made by human beings just to make life good and better. example to religion, it is what makes people good in life, thus helping their moral senses to increase and to make the right and good choices not only for them but to the society also.

    BGT - 2D
    TUESDAY 8-11AM

    1. Consciousness also comes with Curiosity, Human beings are constantly curious about anything and everything, Even our decisions whether it is a mistake or a good one - being conscious also means having a free will.

    2. As I say, it also means free will, Being able to think and do all the things that we wanted is a free will, where the limit is your own capability.

  119. Regalado, Deinn Jayro R.
    Tuesday 8-11am

    - having conscious literally having an awareness to your surroundings. we must believe that we are conscious all the time, even in sleeping. after we woke up we know that we are sleeping for a period of time. even animals have consciousness, defending themselves when they are in danger, or hunting food if they feel hunger. conscious is constant, and anyone can became aware of it.

    - people realize their choices as part of their consciousness, if they are aware on what they decide, and they know what are the possible consequences or conclusions in their actions.

  120. Galasao, Jhunmhar G.
    TUESDAY 8:00am - 10:00am

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Human being has a consciousness we called. This is the awareness or something you are responding to one's surroundings, like for example you are very conscious in your appearance. You're having a sense of insecurity and it is because someone is blaming you or bullying you about your appearance. Our mind response to it and that is the outcome.

    2.How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - People realized it when there is acceptance about of what would be the outcome of the choice that they made. So, that people are aware of something that they already know the consequences of their judgements or choices.

  121. De Jesus, Virga M.
    BGT-AT 2D
    Tuesday 8am - 11 am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is part of your consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    An individual having a consciousness is aware to all the possibilities that might happen to their life. Having a critical mind, we have the ability to think clearly and rationally in making choices. In making choices, we should be aware to all the possible result of our choice because at the end of the day we are the one who are accounted to our action.

    BGT AT 2D
    TUESDAY 8AM - 11AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You know you are conscious because you are experiencing it and it forms the basis for all your other experiences. Even in the case of deep sleep. After we wake-up we know that we were sleeping for that period-of-time. Our consciousness is throughout our life but certainly we have doubts over this. We need to apply our mind and contemplate about it. It is the state of our mind which is sometimes active and sometimes inactive.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    They will realize when they make decisions or choices knowing what the consequences will be, and aware of the cause and effect of it, or think and reflect before doing something is part of our consciousness.

    BGT- AT- 2D
    TUE 3/16/21

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Being conscious means oneself is aware of his/her surrondings and can react on a situation given that the person is awake.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Oneself can realize their action as being conscious is if a person is mindful of his/her choices and understand the consequences and possibilities that might occur through their decisions.

  124. Estrada, Greggy D.
    BGT AT-2D
    Tuesday 8am-11am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    You'll know if your conscious if you're thinking, you're aware on what is happening in your surrounding, what you experience, being aware of what you are doing or being aware of yourself. In general, being conscious is being awake. If there is a thing or information that comes in our mind, we can say that we are conscious because we are thinking or we receive an information into something that we are able to act depends on the information that we receive. Our consciousness can change depends on how we view things and how we are able to experience something.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Thinking is part of being conscious. It means that we are aware of ourselves and the way how we view our surrounding. We realize that out choices is being part of our consciousness if we think and assess first before making a decision into something. Our conscience is the basis to helps us to guide our action of being conscious.

    BGT AT 2D
    MARCH 16, 2021

    A choice is not an illusion, rather it is an image showed in our consciousness. If we are not driven by the reality of choice, then life is predetermined by natural forces, there is no argument about that, because natural forces will inevitably control us either way, we are just the workers that guides the flow of nature, either with technology or with the simplest form of handling nature. The consciousness is a very complex place for me, but when a choice is showed inside it, we can process the idea of it and then easily understand it, not the outcome itself, but just the thought of that idea.

    1. I can tell that I am conscious if I know what I am doing if I am alert or if I am cautious of my surroundings.

    2. If we are talking about how a person can realize their choices as part of their consciousness, they will realize it after they have done their choices with actions.

    For me, it has a bit of a delay sometimes when you have done it, sometimes they regret their actions or sometimes they accept it. On the contrary, it never has a delay, it snaps on their mind that while they are doing the actions, they simultaneously process the idea in their consciousness of how they will do it, how will they execute their own choices that they have come up with. I can now finally say that people can somehow realize the choices as part of their consciousness if they are aware of their surroundings.

  126. Paras, Jese Kiel R.
    BGT AT-2D
    8:00-11:00am Tue

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - I can say I'm conscious because I am aware of what's happening around me, profoundly, we are considered conscious if and only if we know where our lives is leading us and when we actually realize that life isn't only about existing but rather living our lives with a purpose.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - We humans, we're born with the capability of being rational, thus, making choices as part of our consciousness will take place. But, it's hard for people to realize that it's part of their consciousness since, making decision is our natural response on everything. In order for people to determine that their choices are part of their consciousness is to be able to comprehend ones self and thoughts.

  127. 1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Consciousness happen at natural times, it suddenly popup in our mind when it comes to our awareness and understanding on what is happening around us. It sets to us as our capabilities on the reality that we lived on, yet, being conscious would leads us to a random possibilities depending on how we react in certain situation.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Realizing our decisions is actually a part of our consciousness and this will occur when we are aware about the aspects of reality. However, it requires critical thinking in decision-making before we truly realize that turns into consciousness. At some point, it is the brain that makes the decision, not a person's conscious mind. It means that upon our understanding the situation we then need to investigate whether a decision prepared by these brain signals is initiated.

    MARCH 16, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    A person who is conscious is aware of what is happening of one’s surroundings, and even having a disability, if an individual can make still make rational thinking and can still be aware of the things that is happening around that individual, he/she can still be considered conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People can realize their choices as a part of their consciousness by knowing and being aware that each choice that they decide on has a cost. That there will always be unpredictable consequences that we never expected on all the choices that they will decide on. Knowing that there will no turning back on what the outcome of that choice has led her/him to a certain situation.

    TUESDAY 8-11 AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Consciousness is a state of illusion between thing and nothing. This illusion further grows and takes shape in knowing and leads to appearence of forms and shapes. The Consciousness lies between awareness of thing and nothing beyond which there is nothing to know and nobody to know. We know because we think there is a separation we are not knower and we are neither known. Because we are neither known nor knower we become conscious of both and experience consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People realize their choices as part of their consciousness because a human body cannot functions without choices. Our actions is not predetermined by natural forces, we make our own decisions and choices to take. Every human have
    individual’s state of awareness of their environment, thoughts, feelings, or sensations in order to experience consciousness, one must be both awake and aware.

  130. Bonifacio, Christina Lorraine G.
    BGT. AT - 2D
    Tuesday 08:00 am - 10:00 am

    1.) If one has an awareness of their own existence and surroundings then, they are considered as conscious.

    2.) Our choices are part of our consciousness as we are able to comprehend what is happening, and having the capability to think and respond. With the decision we chose, we are aware of what are the possible outcome and consequence of our action. Thinking that is the best answer or lesser evil than the other choices.

  131. Villanueva, Louie Rey O.
    BGT AT - 2D
    Tuesday (8:00am - 11:00am)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - We will know that we are conscious when we will aware of one's own existence, sensitive to something and you will be able to understand what is happening around you.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - We realize our choices as part of our consciousness when we are aware of the consequences of the choices we make that involves around you. We should think the possible outcomes of what your choices are.


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Consciousness is the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings, I know that I am conscious when my choice changes whether I do it or not, or choose between right, or wrong. I am confused or conscious of my action.
    What my mind said was different from what my physical action wanted to do. To be aware of being aware of something or to know that something is happening is part of consciousness. It helps me to think carefully about the actions I will take.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    As individuals it is difficult to decide, but we all just make decisions for one reason. Awareness helps us to make decisions. We know what is being done and we know that every action has a consequence, the brain decides before you even know it. Before you take an action there is a decision. Every action and decision are important for us to know what we will choose best. And lastly, every decision that is made must be considered, we should all not act accordingly to what we want to do without decision making.

    Tuesday (8:00am-11:00am)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    The person knows that they are conscious if they are awake and have an awareness to know to what they are doing and know what's happening to their surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    The people realize their choices as part of their consciousness, if they think about their choices thoroughly and take consideration of the consequences their choices they will make. They are concious if their choices and action will affect other people around them.

  134. Balona, Bryan G.
    Tues 8am-11am

    1. We can confirm that we are conscious when we have the ability to think freely and intentionally.

    2. Making a choice requires consciousness. Without it, you cannot think, and without the ability to think, you cannot make a choice.
    For me, to confirm whether your decision is made with a conscious mind or not is if it makes sense or not. If it makes sense/logical, it is a decision made with a conscious mind while if not, there is a high chance it was made with an unconscious mind.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. Solo, James Patrick S.
    BGT-AT 2D
    Tuesday 8:00-11:00 am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    -We can be considered conscious if we continuously think and feel thing and be aware of our surrounding and on what is happening around us according to some studies. This means that we are not just there to exist but we have to have our own purpose.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -Consciousness is the one responsible for our critical thinking or the one that helps us create choices by thinking. Our brain receives various information about our surrounding by just being conscious and that helps us in our decisions and the possible consequences whether it is right or wrong .

    BGT - AT 2D
    Tuesday 8am - 11am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    For me, I know that i am being concious when I care about to the things around me and when i think thoughly on a certain situation, essentially a
    person who is concious is aware in theirselves and aware to the world around them. It refers to our individual awareness of our own thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environment.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of consciousness?

    People realize that their choices is a part of conciousness when they are aware of what could be the result of their choices. Our brains make up it's mind to ten seconds decision before realizing it but we are free to make a choice in every particular time but since it's our nature to usually think about the things and people arounds us we get concious by what choice should we choose.

    BGT - AT 2D
    TUESDAY 8AM - 11AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Just by thinking for the answer in this question, it just means that I am conscious, because I am being aware of things and my surroundings. Knowing that I am conscious means I am conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Being able to make choices also means that we are conscious. Making choices is part of being conscious as we are in the state of thinking. As we think of what to choose, we also become aware of our surroundings, because in order for us to make choices we have to think of people and things that have a relation to our decision making and how it will affect them and yourself.

  139. Ara Kyleen D. Calara
    BGT AT 2D / Tuesday 8am to 11am

    How do you know that you are conscious?
    - if you are aware of your thoughts and surrounding. we will know it if we feel something exists or happening.

    How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - we will realize our choices if a person is aware of what he decided. our choices is important to think of, we must aware of everything we do. because after all we are the one who will encounter the consequences of our choice.

  140. BURCE, Mark John Louie C.
    Tuesday 8AM-11AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious? 

     Conscious mind is the part of our mind that is responsible for logic and reasoning, also the conscious mind controls all the actions that you do on intention while being conscious.You are also if you are clear minded because you need to choose in every actions you make, you need to think of the situation carefully.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness? 

    I guess people understand or realize their choices as part of their consciousness if they were aware of their actions. when they think carefully about their choices on what path they should take with cautious and really know the choices they are making. Being aware and alert of the situation that will make you respond and make choices wisely.

  141. Joshua Mamitag

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    The common thing we can know that we are conscious is in physical form. For instance, If we are aware in our senses, like we can feel our sense of touch when we feel the pain from the wounds, we have sense of sight to see what is in front of us, and so on. Another thing we can know if we are truly conscious is in mental form, like if we are aware that we have control in ourselves, meaning we have the sense of reasoning, logic, and judgment. There is some scenario that we say like, “Sorry what happened, I don’t have a conscious on what I’m saying.” It states that he/she is physically conscious but not mentally conscious. There are times that our brain doesn’t process fully the inspiration and just act based on instinct or emotion, in other term we didn’t think it fully and just act. For example, I lose a game and I blindly blame and insult my teammates. We can say that I am conscious physically but not mentally, because I act based on my emotion thus the absence of my logical reasoning.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    We can realize that our choices are part of our consciousness when we have awareness on its outcome, have the sense of logical reasoning, and proper judgement. If the choices we choose have an impact on us like we feel guilt, relief, contentment, and so on we can say choices is part our consciousness, because it only shows that we are aware of the choices we are doing. For example, we are given the choices to choose to cheat or not in the exam and we choose not to cheat then we feel a sensation of relived because we are conscious of the choices and the outcome of it.

  142. LIM, ANGELO
    BGT-AT 2D

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    -I believe I am being conscious whenever I am able to think. With the help of my senses I am able to observe and be aware of my environment. Being conscious is knowing or thinking that something exist or happening.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -People make choices depend on the things that is existing. You cannot put something on your choices that does not even exist or something that is no potential to be done. In order for you to make your own choices, you must first be able to consciously think and reason about it.

  143. Remo, Leincy B.
    BGT - AT 2D
    Tuesdays 8AM - 11AM

    1. How do you know you are conscious?

    For me, the act of paying attention is all that constitutes consciousness. Consciousness involves feeling of something including yourself being aware in your thoughts and even in the environment. I know I am conscious because I wake up every day with thoughts in my mind with “What should I do today?” and so on. I’m fully aware of the time I should manage every time and sometimes I feel exasperated when I won’t be able to do the things I should have done. And I think that’s what consciousness is, you are conscious if you know what it's like to be alive.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Just like what I answered in the first question, from the moment we wake up, we are making choices. Even before going to bed, we make decisions that will affect the next day. We get to decide how we want to plan our day and whether we want to select our goals purposefully or aimlessly. We could only make conscious choices when we are consciously self-aware.

  144. Ferrer, Elaine Gwyneth P.
    BGT AT 2D
    March 16, 2021
    Tuesday 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Consciousness is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the quality or state of being aware.” From my perspective, we are conscious if we are aware of ourselves and pay attention to the surroundings, including our emotions, thoughts, memories; things like that.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People are capable to make their choice. However, since making decisions are our normal reaction to everything, we may find it difficult to realize that these decisions are part of our consciousness. I assume that deeply analyzing something in-depth, decoding its meaning, and formulating the outcome, indicates that we are completely aware of it. We consider evaluating and weighing various factors and taking full advantage of our brain's information processing in order to be fully aware of our choices. Also, let us consider that our behaviors as indicators of the presence of consciousness.

  145. Udtohan, Jeyson P.
    BGT - AT 2D
    Tuesday (8 AM - 11 AM)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Consciousness is an awareness of existence, having perception, thoughts, and feelings. Essentially, consciousness is the awareness of ourselves and the world around us. Thinking, memories, and having emotion explain our consciousness. Being concerned about what is happening around you is caused by being conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Making choices is part of consciousness. Being conscious, we understand what good and bad. And it helps us to realize to decide the best thing to do in certain situations. We will realize that our decision is part of our consciousness when we are fully aware of what is happened and we the result of the decision we make.

    BGT-AT 2D
    TUESDAY 08:00am - 10:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    For me technically, consciousness is your awareness of yourself, to others and to the world around you. This consciousness or awareness and subjective and unique to you as you’re the only one that can feel and is aware of it as it is your own consciousness. For me our own consciousness constantly changes and shifts depends on your experience and what you are feeling and conscious of at the moment. Sometimes consciousness affects my decision making depends on what the situation is.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Constantly, depending on the situation people gets confused on what decision they are going to make if they are under pressure or not then after that’s when they realized what they decided after making their choices and that’s when realization kicks in or that’s when their consciousness hits. But other people is conscious on what choices they might take because they might be aware of what consequences are waiting for them of they make a wrong or right decision. Sometimes it really depends on the person and on what situation they are in.

  147. DEVULGADO, Carlos Rayvan A.
    BGT AT-2D
    March 16, 2021
    Ethics [ Tuesday 8am-11am]

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    For me consciousness is innate to every human, it is living in our minds and meant to develop, that is why humans are different from other living organisms because we are capable to comprehend. We are capable to think and be more curious about our surroundings. Thus, Consciousness has been part of our lives even we do not realize it, because it is sleeping in our mind as we were born, and it will further awaken as we experience things that can open our eyes and minds as we grow, and the fact we are capable to think critically and holistically, we are competent to acknowledge things and information. Moreover, humans have five senses, we are capable to hear, sight, smell, taste, and touch that our body and mind are capable to respond and receives sensory information, through this information, we are capable to open our consciousness. As well as our surroundings, it also has the ability to open our consciousness because our environment; beliefs, influences, and cultures are some factors that can also shape us as human beings. And I know that I am conscious because I am in my right mind, I am capable to understand and absorb every knowledge that can enlighten and make me aware of what is happening to our world, and I know each of us is capable too.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    I think it is also innate to a human being to realize things, specifically our choices being a part of our consciousness. As I was saying to the first question, consciousness is part of our lives, and the fact that we are capable to comprehend and think critically we are conscious and aware of what is happening in the world. Furthermore, consciousness played a big role whenever we make choices and decision because it requires to think and further analyze each circumstance that could help us to make a decision regardless of what choices we make, and the fact that in making choices requires our deep understanding we are able to realize that it is part of our consciousness. But for some instances, people tend to realize it after they make choices and actions because they will start to ask and critique themselves whether the choices they made are the right thing to do. Nonetheless, as long as we think regardless of what decision, judgment, or action we make, we are constantly conscious about our choices.

    BGT AT - 2D
    TUESDAY 7AM - 10AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    For being conscious that how our inner self thinking about a thing. Because our mind involves all of the things that you are currently aware of and at the same time it's a short term of memory and a limited in terms of capacity. For being aware of yourself that surrounds you is the part of your consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    I think if we're conscious in a certain time of being aware of our surrounding not just only in physically but also with other factors, that is when we making a decision to choose by thinking about it rationally. So basically the choices that we gonna pick are the actions or response that is focus on by our own awareness.

  149. How do you know that you are conscious?
    I can say that a person is conscious when you have an awareness of yourself And the world around you.

    How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    When we make our decisions and choices, we are in a state of
    consciousness. Consciousness helps a person to realize or makes a person aware of what would be the consequences of decision that he/she has made…

  150. Cruz, Irvine Rheinn S.
    BGT - AT 2D
    Tuesday 8am-11am

    1. For me, i will know that i am conscious if i am aware in myself and my surroundings. I am conscious if my mind is open and capable to things that may be positive or negative. Consciousness is about the choices that you can make to happen.

    2. In any decision you need to depend on the situation in terms of your consciousness. Being conscious about everything can make you decide easily you can make your own choice by yourself because you are conscious at the things happening in surroundings and to yourself.

  151. Barrios, Rodnel C.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Basically, if you know what you are doing and you can decide based on what you are thinking and also you are aware of what is going on around you.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    People realize their choices as part of their consciousness by ways of thinking about the outcome, for example, you chose the ballpen over pencil, and then you realize you chose the ballpen because your consciousness came out and gave You an idea of in ​​using the ballpen you will show your proper penmanship

  152. Espinosa, Jayson T.
    BGT-AT 2D
    TUESDAY | 08:00am - 10:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    From the word conscious this is the awareness of every human in their surroundings. He / She acknowledge all the piece of information in the world. Some of the things that you are being conscious in everything is by touching, seeing, hearing and smelling all the things around you. Conscious happen first in our brain and pass through our body and generate a conscious experience. And consciousness has less to do with pure intelligence because it is more on us as nature living and breathing organism. I think that I am conscious in everything by just waking up in the morning, I take note some of my to-do list in a piece of paper for me to do everything that is important. And by doing that stuff I am conscious enough some of the thing in my list.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Our brain processes all the things that we want to do even in bad or in good thing so our brain is the the responsible in thinking deeply for us to be more conscious in everything around us. Some of the people realize their choices as a part of consciousness when they are confuse on the thing or he / she is choosing the right decision. Therefore, every decision that we make in everything is a great conscious because you are aware on the things around you.

    BGT AT 2D
    TUESDAY | 8:00am - 10:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We can say that we are conscious when we react to any stimuli your body can react to. Be it smell, taste or feeling. We can also tell that we are conscious if we are aware of our surroundings. Respond to any impulses around us and react to it accordingly.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I can say that people realize it by two factors. Guilt and Choices. We as a human is bound by choices in our everyday lives and it's with us with every action we do. Guilt, on the other hand goes side by side with choices as it is the outcome of every wrong choice we made. Realizing this proves that we are also conscious and choices as part of it.

    BGT – AT 2B
    WEDNESDAY, 8:00AM – 11:00AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - Giving answers and being aware of what is going on around me makes me conscious. Since I am capable of evaluating what is going on around me. Being awake or having the eyes open is not the same as being conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - Since we are aware of the things that could happen to you and other people, our consciousness influences our decision. You are conscious that you will fail as a result of your poor decision. Consciousness allows you to evaluate everything. We analyze, we think objectively and logically to ensure that we make the best decision possible.

  155. Ayson, Francess Rishabel V.
    BGT-AT-2B Wed 8:00AM- 11:00 AM
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    We believe that our "self" is on one side and the universe is on the other, and that our "self" is either receiving (conscious) or not receiving (unconscious) knowledge from the world (unconscious (Ivan Blum, Quora). We are conscious when we are aware or we can feel all the things that are happening at the moment.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Some people decide base on what they feel and this affects their choices. Their consciousness made them come up with the decisions they make. They will realize their choices after seeing the effect on themselves, mentally, emotionally, or physically as the result of their decision.

  156. VELASQUEZ, Khristina R.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We are conscious because we are aware of what is going on around us. Based on definition of consciousness, it’s described as the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. But, in my view, a person would know whether he or she is conscious if they are aware of where their lives are taking them. It's when people know that life is about more than just existing it's about living.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    We are conscious if we are aware of our surroundings not just physically but in all aspects. We make choices based on what we see and what is our perspectives. Although we can't say that anyone considered our decisions or choices, as long as we are conscious of our surroundings and have carefully considered the other choices, therefore, we are fully aware.

  157. Besa, Rick Mervin L.
    BGT-AT-2B Wed 8:00AM- 11:00 AM
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I can't say I'm conscious even with my eyes open, able to speak and move. I know when I am conscious when I have alertness or awareness that is happening to me at the moment and I think about every move I make and my emotions and feelings are not mixed.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    When we are conscious we know in ourselves what is right and wrong or good and bad, so consciousness helps for the decision we make or choices we choose because you know what the outcome will be and you just choose the two options right or wrong decision, for me you always have a wrong choice even if you are concsious.

  158. Alibadbarin, Jasphet Joshua M.
    BGT AT - 2B Wed 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    We can say that we are conscious if we, "self", perceive or are aware of our surrounding. It is a state wherein we are awake and interacts with the environment surrounding us, that we feel and see what's happening beyond our own universe.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People who tend to decide or choose consciously and unconsciously are the ones heavily affected by it and of course the people who are within those choices. Therefore, in my opinion, we can determine that our choices is part of our consciousness is when our decisions mirrored unto us effecting our mind, body and soul. Also, we then realize, that it effects us physically, mentally and emotionally because of the decisions that we made consciously.

  159. Encio, Nicholas L.
    BGT-AT-2B Wed 8:00AM-11:00AM
    March 17, 2021 do you know that you are conscious?
    -I can tell that I am conscious when I'm aware of my sorrounndings and I know what I'm doing during that moment peice by peice of information processing on my brain.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -when we are aware or conscious of the actions that we made, we are evaluating the possible outcome and consequences of our actions logically. We weigh the different options possible then choose the one that is most beneficial or we think have the best result.

  160. Ramos, Daniel Joseph C.

    BGT-AT 2B Wed. 8-11am
    march 17, 2021

    How do know if you are conscious?

    Consciousness comes with comprehension on the things we do, and we try to understand, in a certain circumstance that we encounter, we are not really forced but obliged to respond and to assess what is the best approach to do. You can say that you are in conscious if you can to comprehend and understand the certain situation you are dealing with, it is very important for us to understand everything before we do an act, because it might cause another problem that you are supposedly fixing.

    If we talk about consciousness, it means you are aware of your surroundings, you know what to do, what to say. But there will come a time even we are physically conscious we cannot comprehend what is happening. it often considered as unconsciousness

    How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Realization can be present either in the actual event or after making a decision, your actions come into realization thinking if what you did or will you do is good or won’t be offending. Making choices as a social justice or judgement call or choosing between what will be the best action is considered as a realization because you are able to comprehend, foresee the probable outcome, the possible scenario it might cause.

  161. Dela Cruz, Rex Maxwell C.
    BGT AT- 2B
    Wednesday 8:00 am - 11:00 am

    For me, choice occurs when you have to pick one thing from another by using oneselfs judgement. Choice is not an illusion of the mind instead it is a process to meet one's satisfaction by choosing one that oneself wants based on oneselfs judgement.

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    My former teacher taught that; to know if the baby is conscious, is when i put something on the baby's face and face the baby in the mirror, the baby's have a consciousness if the baby remove the thing you put on the baby's face, and if the baby tries to remove the thing through the mirror.

    By the explanations given, I conclude that ever since we are a baby, consciousness growing on us, and it doesn't have to teach or to be learned instead to be realized. From infancy consciousness grows overtime and may be accelerated depending of what oneself experienced.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of the consciousness?

    No man is an island, they say. So people make decisions by also thinking about all the factors may affect of this choice because he/she is conscious. and at the other hand, selfishness is also part of a decisions and this act is also made by oneself's consciousness.

  162. Paradero, Clyde Justin B.
    Wed/ 8:00 am to 11:00 am

    1.) I can say that I'm concious if I'm fully aware of what I'm doing or saying at that moment. Because being concious is the state of awareness in your surrounding, you can't say that you are concious if every action or choices you make feels like they're aren't yours, but you also need to know yourself very well, how can I say so? Because if you do something that you don't seem to remember or you're not aware of that action you are being accused of doing, it is up to you on how well do you know yourself if you've done it while you're concious or not, sometimes we tend to do things that we are not aware of, most of the time these events happen when we're in a drunken state and the next day we get sober, we're perplexed on how we get on 1 place to another without remembering the details. Being able to say you are concious means that you are aware of your surroundings.

    2.) Well if you made a choice through critical thinking and picking out the best option or choices available, you are concious of what you are doing. Thinking critically requires your brain function to focus at a hundred percent, you can't make solid arguements if you aren't concious of what you are thinking, doing, writing or saying. That is why most often, people who are in a state of panic cannot decide what to do or they tend to make a mistake in a given situation that requires critical thinking, because your brain's focus is being torn between thinking critically and worrying. We can use medical personnel who are giving first aid as an example, they are trained not to panic and to never show to the patient's relative or companion that you are worried about the patient's situation, not only will you unease the companions but you as well can't decide on what best course of action you should take, being concious in that situation can weigh the scale towards life or death. They would only realize that they're fully concious of what they are doing if and only if they look back to what has happened and reflect on it, because at the moment of emergency you really can't think about stuff like that, you can't think about " hey I'm fully concious because Im doing the best course of action" no, at that moment all you can think about is how are you gonna save his/her life and that requires you to be in a state of consciousness.

  163. Miranda, Jomari M.
    BGT-AT 2B
    March 17,2021

    Consciousness is the ability to know or understand something, or being aware of something. I disagree that a choice is just an illusion made up by our mind, that everything we do is determined by natural forces, that every move that we make is already been decided. Choice is something that makes us truly free, if we assume that what happened in the bible are the start of this world that we are currently living on, the first choice that man ever made was to eat that apple or not, we may feel sometimes that our plans fall apart even if we try harder each time and we think that our fate is already written that’s actually wrong, God may gives us the choices me way choose upon but its up to us on what are we going to do with them. Einstein once said” God does not play dice with the universe”, in the same scenario if I’ve given you a hundred dollars it is up to you to spend it, if you spend it in gambling or business whatever choice you make it’s up to you, and that’s how I understand how choices works.

    BGT AT-2B
    WEDNESDAY, 8:00AM - 11:00AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - Technically, if you are aware of what is happening to you from the perspective of yourself. This awareness of your own experiences, the awareness that you are having them, the awareness that you are having your own thoughts. That makes up what we call consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    -Whether good or bad, every choice we make has a consequence. After all of the choice we make we will realize all the pros and cons. So, we must always be cognizant of the fact that each decision and choice we make is not affecting only you. The choices we make not only affect our lives, but those choices affect and influence the lives of all those people who love and care about you.

    Wednesday (8-11am)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    - It's self-evident that we're conscious because we're aware of what's going on around us; after all, consciousness is described as the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. But, in my opinion, a person would know whether he or she is conscious if they are aware of where their lives are taking them. It's when people know that life is about more than just existing; it's about living.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - Decision-making is guided by consciousness. So, our consciousness is what really guides us in making decisions and choices. Before making a decision, we must first understand and consider what is going on and why we are making a particular choice. And it is for this reason that we have consciousness. People should have a strong understanding of their mind, emotions, and other sensations in order to comprehend that their decisions are based on their own consciousness.

  166. Ferrer, Myra Janna D.
    BGT AT 2B 8-11am

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?
    Consciousness is not apart from knowing. Without knowing there is no consciousness either (Nair, R. Quora). We can't say that we're unconscious or if that memory is not only recorded in our mind. Consciousness lies for being aware in everything.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Consciousness is like being aware of the consequences of the choices and somehow they realize it when they face the effect of their own choices.

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

    BGT – AT 2B (Wednesday 8:00-11:00)
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Answering this question is considered that I am conscious since I was able to think and I am fully aware on what or how will I give an answer. Being aware on your existence, making a choice and knowing what’s going on around you makes us conscious.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People realize that being able to choose is part of consciousness because you are thinking and evaluating what will be the outcome or result of your decision if it is going to be good or bad. Considering of the possible outcome, having the ability to think and respond or react in choosing, simply means you are aware and alert which makes us conscious.

  169. TAN, MARLA /BGT -AT 2B / WED 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?

    - When we are well aware of what is happening in the world. If we are able to describe our feelings and opinion based on what we have experience, then we are conscious. We can give a response.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -Having choices means making a decision, and having a decision is adhere by the consequences. We have the power to choose and that is when we know we make a good or bad decision we are aware of what we choose to do and not to do. Our brain is the master behind all the decisions we made, our consciousness refers to our individual awareness of thoughts, memories, and feelings. By that, our consciousness enables us to make a choice, our choices reflects how alert and awake we are.

  170. Osal, Brix Lee D.
    BGT AT 2B Wednesday [8:00 am - 11:00 am}
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    -I can say that I'm conscious when I'm fully aware on my self or surroundings and being responsive at all situations. Also if I made a choice on a given situation because I am using my brain.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -People realize it if their choices results into something bad, and our choices and lives are connected physically or mentally. For example, when it comes physically, if you don't eat healthy food, how can you assume that your body will be healthy too? and when it comes mentally, this is where "Guilt" and "Conscience" comes, because it is the results of the wrong choices we made. Because everything happened to you, comes from your actions, and your actions comes from your mind, and everything in your mind becomes the decisions that you made and that's why our choices and lives are connected.

  171. Dela Cruz, Jude C.
    Wednesday 8:00pm - 11:00pm

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Based on my research, is you will know if you’re conscious if you are aware of yourself and the world around you, like being aware of your surroundings and being able to think logically about the situations you have.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    If you’re making your choices or think thoroughly about the situation and knows the consequences of your actions and being able to choose what is right and what is wrong on the situation you are in.

  172. de Leon, Florenz Kate V.
    BGT AT-2B
    Wednesday 8:00am-11:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    -According to the dictionary, consciousness means the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings. It does mean that consciousness is the act of being conscious with what's happening around oneself. It can also mean that being able to identify what is right and wrong. The awake in the definition does simply mean being responsive when it comes to physical terms but it can also mean that we are awake of what is the truth and not and we are mindful of every action or decision we are making.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -Our consciousness helps us to decide and understand one's choices. Being conscious makes an individual realize their choices. People can be able to realize their choices once they are conscious. And for me, for a person to be able to decide he/she needs to be conscious of his/her surrounding first because when making decisions we have to be aware of our actions and the people that might be affected by a certain decision or action.

    BGT AT-2B (Wednesday 8:00-11:00)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    A person is conscious when he or she is aware in his or her surroundings. When a person can acknowledge, understand or realize what is happening around him or her.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Making a choice always have a step before it, that step is to think critically of the options and asses the situation calmly. They can predict the outcome if it may be a good or bad thing that can help make decision making easily. Having the ability to think calmy and critically in every situation given means you are aware of the consequences and that makes you conscious.

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. Donsom, Donny C.
    BGT - AT 2B
    Wednesday (8am-11am)


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - You may know that you are conscious when you are aware of what is happening around you. With all due respect to those who have it, I think that the critical part to explain one’s consciousness are those who have mental disorder. I know that there are something on their mind that a normal person can’t experience that makes it too complicated to elaborate by a person like me without a background knowledge on the psychological field.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - A people may realize that they made a right or wrong decision one’s they are conscious enough. The great example for this is the “Jonel Nuezca double murder case” a policeman who killed a mother and her son, which is one of the most brutal way of killing a person that is recorded. I am not on his side actually but as I tried to put my feet on his shoe I somehow made myself justify what he did or is there something on his mind. As I watched the video, I observed everyone’s behaviour, and all them are fighting for their own rights, the ending part of the video is him firing his gun to the victim. I think he isn’t 100% conscious of what he’s doing until he has choice on his mind whether to use his gun or talk peace without a gun, but in the end, he used his gun to end the lives of innocent people. According to, Nuezca pleads not guilty to murder charges against him that means he will pursue that what he did was from his insanity, also stated in the report that he regret what he did and did not expect that he can do it. However, what is done is done, we’ll just put this issue on the hand of legal authorities.


  176. Alvarez, Angelo Jr. O.
    BGT- AT-2B
    WED (8:00 AM – 11:00 AM)
    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    Conscious is having knowledge of something; awake. Knowing that I am conscious is that I am aware of what is happening around me and how my body reacts/cooperate of what my brains tells my body to do. For example, I know that there is a call in the Microsoft Team and my mind tells me that I need to join or else I will be marked absent by my teacher, so I did join the call, in that scenario I know I am conscious because my body reacts of what my brain told, that to join the call. Being aware of what you are doing, decisions you are making and other simple things like if you hit by a car you will feel the pain and the impact of the hit.
    2. How can people realize that their choices as part of their consciousness?
    We all have brain. We are aware of what we think even if it is simple or complicated. If an individual is making decision of course they think, even if it is a judgement call. People already realized that the choice they made is part of their consciousness. Why? Because by only making decision is already a proof that the person is conscious and aware that he/she is in the moment of making a decision.

  177. Arpon, Valeria M.
    BGT-AT 2B
    Wednesday, 8:00AM - 11:00AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - I know that I am conscious when I am aware and I can respond to what is happening to myself and to my surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choice as part of their consciousness?

    - People can realize that their choice as part of their consciousness by knowing that to be able to make choices, people must be conscious and aware on their surroundings. Choices is always part of consciousness.

    BGT - AT - 2B
    8AM TO 11AM

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I know that I'm conscious in the way that I'm pretty well aware of what is happening around me, because being conscious is being aware of your surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    People were realized their choices is part of their consciousness when they feel the satisfaction. When you're in particular moment you choose what is the best choice, because in the end you don't want to regret. Being conscious or being aware will let you know what will be the consequences of the choices you made. Therefore, I conclude people will choose what is the best for them for the situation they are only aware of.

  179. Medina,Julianna Angelique R
    Bgt At 2b
    WEDNESDAY 8am-11am

    How do you know that you are conscious?

    Obviously, you'll know you're conscious if you're fully aware of what's going on around you. Not only that you can see properly but think properly as well.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - When the person chose his decision rationally. When they have already thought of the consequences of their decisions, that's when they know their are fully conscious.

  180. GAPOL, Trixie Eunice R.

    1) while predetermined by natural forces, one can be conscious of his self and be aware of his existence. his decisions are affected by these natural forces making his judgment different from others. however, these natural forces is what made us up and what make us a person. so it is to say that we are conscious of our choices and we have little control of this natural forces.

    2.) We are aware of the natural forces that affect us. But we have ethical basis that makes us accountable on our decisions, and not just by moral basis.

  181. Basilides, Alyssa Jamille G.
    BGT-AT-2B Wed 8:00-11:00am
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know if you are conscious?

    I am conscious in a sense of being aware of my thoughts, memories, feelings, and environments. Watching movies for an instance, I am focused with what I am watching but it may shift to different thoughts or memory of a shameful act that I did. Or noticing that I am uncomfortable with my chair. Or thinking of the lesson that we've discussed last meeting.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    For to doubt is to be conscious and to be conscious is to have mind. People making choices is part of thinking and awareness. It is between thinking what to do between those choices either based it on their feelings or not and what the outcome it may bring based on the choices they make.

  182. De Sagun, Kyla Carille A.
    BGT-AT-2B Wed 8am -11 am

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?
    It is essentially being awate of yourself. It is like a self awareness. A person being aware that she or he is not just a physical being. You are placing yourself as a soul, in roles, and responsibilities as a part of society or universe. Conscious is also can experience where you are fully aware and controlled your thoughts to what is happening to your surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    -In making choice is like you are processing the information to make it more comples . Consciousness can help you to be aware so thant will encourage you to do it your free will because you trust yourself for judgement. Consciousness also can help people distinguish their own awareness and capabilities. Trust yourself and decide to your choices that will help you to realize your objective with confidence

  183. Galang, Maria Angela B.
    Wednesday (8:00-11:00 am)

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    As the father of modern philosophy said "I think therefore I am"-Descartes.
    I believe that, as a human being we exercise thinking logically and fairly whenever making decisions. Having the act of thinking and questioning about things even within yourself means you as a human is functioning.
    Relating it to consciousness, a human is conscious if he is aware about the happenings to his surrounding and is able to react about it. Therefore, being conscious is not just being physically present on that certain situation, it is being present physically and mentally.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Asking yourself before taking a choice considers alot of thinking before actually doing it. Asking questions within yourself is being aware that the choice might greatly affect you and the people around you.

    Being conscious of and consciously utilizing our power to choose will enable and empower us to create and experience a kind and quality of life that harmonizes with those choices.

  184. Cafranca, Julia Mae V.
    BGT-AT 2B
    Wednesday I 8:00 - 11:00am
    March 17,2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    It is based on our awareness of the environment that we are experiencing both the external world and internal selves. By gathering all of the information, focusing on one thing to another, satisfying our thoughts, feeling, and emotions to help us think critically in every circumstances.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Our consciousness is self-descriptive this will help us to focus and serve as a guide to plan for our futures, consider the consequences and reflect on the past. For Instance, l am conscious of having to do my plates for how many hours then little by little then I realized that at the same time my back hurts because I don't have the chair with a backrest. My consciousness attention is to consider the consequences that its time to take a break for while, regain my strength and back again later.

  185. Cauilan, Ynah
    BGT-AT 2B
    Wed. 8am – 11 am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    We may know if we are conscious if we are aware of what is happening at a current time. When one is fully conscious, one is out of memory.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Our consciousness is an aspect of our mental processing. Thinking critically and rationally help us asses situations and determine the weight of our choices, thus being conscious.

  186. Nepomuceno, Jhen Rick B.
    BGT-AT-2B Wed 8:00AM-11:00AM
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - When we define consciousness refers to an individual awareness of our unique thoughts. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is part of your consciousness.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    - We people we decide on ourselves, we make and choose our decision to take and our consciousness follows what we made up it simple to say that we are aware of what we are doing and decision making. For example: “when we write we read” to elaborate our consciousness will take a step to understand and read what we are writing at the same time and we are aware of that,.

    BGT-AT-2B | Wednesday 8:00am to 11:00am
    March 17, 2021


    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    Consciousness alludes to your person mindfulness of your interesting considerations, recollections, sentiments, sensations, and situations.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    By means of being aware. Consciousness leads on being aware. When we are conscious on such things, we might be able to choose on what is right or wrong, what is needed and not and most specially, how this thing will affects to us. Awareness is our personal knowledge and perception on a situation. If we are able to justify this things, we are able to realize the things that consciousness intends us to be.

    BGT - AT 2B
    WEDNESDAY | 8:00am - 11:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    We are. Why we do believe that we are conscious even we don’t have any proofs of it? Conscious is a state of being aware so as much of what we experience in the world around us makes a lot more sense if we assume that we are conscious. Basically, we are presented with so much evidence for our own consciousness like in the case of sleeping. Even after we wake up, we know that we were sleeping for that period of time. Consciousness is not apart from knowing. We know we are conscious because we experience it and it forms the basis for all your other experiences.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Our brain makes decision before we even know it so sometimes, we called it instincts. And people will realize their choices are part of their consciousness after being aware and think thoroughly about the consequences, reactions, of their actions that may lead to good or bad choices. So, in order for people to know their consciousness it needs to have deeply understanding of consequences in every circumstance they’re in.

  189. Lardizabal, Matthew L.
    BGT-AT-2B | Wednesday, 8:00-11:00 AM
    March 17, 2021

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I believe that I am truthfully conscious whenever I am aware and completely able to react, comprehend, and assess the things along with circumstances happening before me. Consciousness is our state of being aware with the interaction happening between the outer world and our inner self. Consciousness is also the ability of the brain to process the attained information of our body and produce an action in response to it. Which is why I also think that being conscious is our state of being awake while having an aware interaction with our surroundings.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    I believe that a choice is done with one’s consciousness once it is a product, in result to one’s own thinking. People would realize choices as part of their own consciousness when they put their minds into work towards having an analytical thinking on those choices. May it be a good or a bad choice, as long as it is a choice that has undergone through one’s notion before being put into action, then that is significantly a choice from one’s consciousness. In a simple definition, as long as you have a distinct and clear memory of certain choice or decision, then that is something that has been done or been thought of as a product of one’s consciousness.

  190. Rosario, Ma. Sarah F.
    BGT AT - 2B
    Wednesday, 8:00am - 11:00am

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?
    We may know if we are concious if we are aware of what is happening around us and to ourselves.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    We may realize that our consciousness takes part of our choices/decisions in life when we are having a hard time of choosing one. It is because our consciousness processes the outcomes each choice that we have.

  191. MENDOZA,Cyrus Cigarrete I.
    BGT AT-2B WEDNESDAY 8:00-11:00


    1.How do you know that you are concious?

    You know that you are concious because you are aware of your surroundings and also you can feel the surroundings.when one is concious he can fully make a sound choice.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their conciousness?

    As i've said when one is concious he/she can make a sound choice, we can determine that choices is part of conciousness by determining whats right or wrong. Determining whats right or wrong means that you are aware that if you choose one of it might affect your surroundings or even us so that means that you are aware of it, being concious means you can weigh your own choices by thinking rationally and straight.

  192. Mercado, Lawrence C.
    WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

    1.How do you know that you are conscious?
    To know that you're conscious is when you are aware what's happening in your surroundings and an awareness about your self and the things around you.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    Making a choice is a state of being conscious, once we use our mind to think ,to decide and make a decision or actions to choose what we really want and what we think good for us.

  193. Balderama, Jhen Mer

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    - Well, basically, a person know that he/she is conscious when he/she is aware of what is happening around him/her. Being conscious means that someone is fully aware of the choices that they make and the consequences that are aligned with it. Tho, there are times when a person loses it's consciousness. For example, when a person is under drug/alcohol abuse or when a person is mentally unstable to perceive of what is happening around him/her.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?
    - To answer this question, we have to first know if the person is aware of the consequences of their actions. Form me, realization always happens after making a decision. And to know if their choices have been a part of their consciousness will come after they have think about it alot.

  194. 1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I know that I am conscious when I am aware of what is happening in my surroundings. Also it is the act of being awake and being aware of yourself.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Thinking logically, choices is one of the most crucial decision to make as a person. We could realize that our choices is part of our consciousness when we know what are the consequences after we have chosen anything. We are not that conscious when we chose anything that we haven't think about yet. Therefore it is crucial to have a choice specially when we know right and wrong. But sometimes, we tend to do bad for our own wants and flesh.

  195. Portes, Edrian T
    BGT AT-2B

    1. How do you know that you are conscious?

    I know that I am conscious when I am aware of what is happening in my surroundings. Also it is the act of being awake and being aware of yourself.

    2. How can people realize their choices as part of their consciousness?

    Thinking logically, choices is one of the most crucial decision to make as a person. We could realize that our choices is part of our consciousness when we know what are the consequences after we have chosen anything. We are not that conscious when we chose anything that we haven't think about yet. Therefore it is crucial to have a choice specially when we know right and wrong. But sometimes, we tend to do bad for our own wants and flesh.


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