Biblical Integration in Counseling

 I. Introduction

The bible is a source of understanding human behavior. It has given many people valuable truths in understanding themselves and handling interpersonal relations. 

II. Activity

A. Choose a biblical character in the OT that has given a good foundation in helping people. Explain.

B. Choose a NT character that could be a great counselor in today's standard practice. Explain.


  1. John Mark Rufin
    3rd year ABCEd
    1. Solomon - in his time as a king of Israel, Solomon was known as the most wise man living. Nobles and Kings from different places visited him just to listen to his wisdom. Moreover, one of the most profound deeds of King Solomon was to identify the real mother of the child that was being claimed to be their own.
    2.Paul- He was the Apostle for Gentiles and he had successfully addressed problems in the church using the wisdom God has given him, especially in the church of Corith where believers had a problem with division. Paul addressed it and gave proper solution to end it.

  2. Jhon jayA. Bajamundi
    3rd ABCed
    1.David is the biblical character i choose in the old testament. Because God choose him to be a king over israel. Samuel is the prophet in this time and God says to samuel to go to the family of David to choose one of the man that rule over israel. Samuel see person physically but God seeks in the heart of man. Samuel had a mistakes for choosing the king because he see them physically. Yet because of the guidance of the Lord David has been chosen to be a king. David has an attitude to call God first before fighting other nation. Because of his attitude of being active in listening on God they also achieved victory. This is the thing can be also added as a foundation in helping people, because david listening to God's instruction they achieved victory.

    2.Jesus is one of the best character in the new testament and for me He is the greatest example in todays standard practice. Because all of the skills that indicate in guidance in counseling has already been made by Jesus. Asking question, emphathy, reflection, etc. was done by Jesus.

  3. Diasanta, John Mark T.
    3rd year/ABCed
    II. Activity

    A. Choose a biblical character in the OT that has given a good foundation in helping people. Explain.
    >>> Nehemiah, He wanted to leave his job as a cupbearer to the king and rebuild the city of his people. Because of Nehemiah's advocacy, the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt, exiles return to a secured city, and the people recommit to God's Law.

    B. Choose a NT character that could be a great counselor in today's standard practice. Explain.
    >>> Paul, He is the apostle that give his life to the people of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Corinthians, even when he was is jail, paul not give up to share the love of God to people and in his disciples.

  4. A. Choose a biblical character in the OT that has given a good foundation in helping people. Explain.

    1. For me is Jonah or Jonas Ben-Amittai is a prophet in the Hebrew Bible from Gath-hepher of the northern kingdom of Israel in about the 8th century BCE. He is the central figure of the Book of Jonah, in which he is called upon by God to travel to Nineveh and warn its residents of impending divine wrath.

    B. Choose a NT character that could be a great counselor in today's standard practice. Explain.

    1. I choose Peter, because Peter was the first Apostle to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah, the one promised by God to save his people. He gave up his life as a fisherman to lead others to Jesus, by being a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19) for Christ. He was a witness to the Transfiguration, when Jesus was revealed to be God’s Son. He saw Jesus bring a dead child to life (Luke 8:40-56), and he was an eyewitness to Jesus’ agony in the garden of Gethsemane.

  5. Berlinda Bersabe D.
    II. Activity

    A. Choose a biblical character in the OT that has given a good foundation in helping people. Explain.
    - I choose for Mordecai, because he was a great and good mentor for Esther since Esther became orphan, his cousin Mordecai always taking care of her. Mordecai know what are the things that esther need to do in order for esther didn't feel to judge so Mordecai expalined to esther that she need to hide her identity to protect herself. I consider mordecai a good sample in terms of having a good foundation in helping people because he was a active listener because after he heard what Haman bad plan for Jews people he immediately go to Esther to discuss what he heard and also he was a observant because if he didn't observed that Haman was not really a good man, maybe their is something wrong happen to him to esther and to all jews.

    B. Choose a NT character that could be a great counselor in today's standard practice. Explain.
    - for the NT character i choose for Joseph the husband of Mary because i think the way how he handle the situations between him and Mary was really good because the moment that he know that Mary was pregnant and he is not the Father, he planned to divorce her quietly as to not shame her anymore. and this actions of Joseph show being sensitive he didn't want Mary to feel bad by people judgement that's why he decided to divorce her quietly and in counseling it is important also for the counselor to be sensitive in what they will respond towards to their client if they observed that their client is not really open in terms of insensitive words try to adjust and as possible try to use alternative word to avoid client feel offensive.

  6. 1. Joseph - Joseph showed compassion to his brothers when they came to Egypt searching for food after being sold into slavery and rising to power in Egypt. In addition, Joseph was given by God a wisdom to interpret dreams, he was also given a heart to empahtized to other people.
    2. Jesus was the great counselor in his times, for he has wisdom that man could not fathom. He was full of emphathy towards men who were full of faith and hunger to his words.

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  8. 1. In the Old testament the character that I admire was Adam because before he fall in a sin, his characteristics of being intelligent and strong which is applicable in the field of counseling because in order to be effective counselor you must be intelligent in thinking and you must be a good listener.

    2. In the new Testament I choose John the Baptist because he was a good servant, his genuineness help him to continue his mission and for counseling it is important to have a genuine heart to all aspect of your life especially if you are giving advice or help it is important also in order to avoid some misinterpretation towards to your client.

  9. Name :Deovanny Lavabo
    Year and course :3rd yr-AbCed

    1. Joseph the dreamer. Based on what I've read and learned about Joseph on what he did when he was on prison together with thw other prisoners, He really gave a couseling skills aside from listening to them he gave an empathy for them.

    2. Jesus. A cousellor must fully equipped with learning and must help others, and Jesus was the perfect example for a good counselor and a counsellor must be like him.

  10. Ruth Kathleen Tasarra
    3rd year - ABCEd
    A. Choose a biblical character in the OT that has given a good foundation in helping people. Explain.
    Noah literally helps the animals from flood but why did I choose him as a good foundation in helping people? Because Noah helps people to came back from the Lord who created all things and to make them realize everything and to learn them to listen to the Lord. The survivor of God’s great flood. Noah obediently builds the large ark, or boat, that saves the human race and the animal kingdom from destruction. Noah is the precursor to Abraham, because Noah represents the first instance of God’s attempt to form a covenant with humanity through one person.

    B. Choose a NT character that could be a great counselor in today's standard practice. Explain.
    I chose Jesus in the new testament character who is a great counselor in today’s standards. We all know that all the words of Jesus are so powerful and mindful and every words He said are literally happening to us right now so be mindful to His words and to our flesh.

  11. Nikki Rose C. Dizon | ABCEd
    A. Choose a biblical character in the OT that has given a good foundation in helping people. Explain.
    > i will choose Moses because when the time when he led the people to cross the red sea he no doubt to follow God and the way people trusted him even they might be in danger.

    B. Choose a NT character that could be a great counselor in today's standard practice. Explain.
    > Paul, because as far as i know Paul wrote much letter and he helped people and he worked while he was serving the Lord because the church could not afford to give his need and i like his heart in helping people, and the people get a sympathy from him and they trusted him because the way he leads people. People undoubtedly believing in him.


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