I. Theories for Ethical Thinking

 I. Introduction

Theories help people find a framework in how they understand the world. It is a guide and guard in evaluating what seems to be right and appropriate.

However, theories might help you understand a behavior or a human act but not necessary a human being. Everyone is unique and the level of development and maturity comes to play in living an ethical life.

II. Activity

1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.


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  3. Cenal, Ricamae
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (11:38 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men. Explain.
    I don't really have a background knowledge about the ethical theories, but based on what I have researched, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the 'deontological ethics'. According to what I have researched, deontological ethics, in philosophy, are ethical theories that gives special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. Actions is considered morally good not because the product of the action is good, but because of some characteristic of the action itself. For me, if we are doing what we should do, thinking of doing what is ethically/morally good at the same time, would make it possible for us not to resort to do evil or bad things. When we always practice good moral in whatever we do, it would be hard for our conscience to do evil things.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Again, based on what I have researched, there were established ethical principles to make a theory accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics. There are four ethical principles and these are (explanation per principle is based on my understanding):
    Beneficence- it prioritizes the theory to do what is good and right and it should strive to achieve greatest amount of good rather than evil, for we benefit from what is good.
    Least Harm- it similar to beneficence, however, it deals with situations where there are no more beneficial choices or the choices could do harm. If so, choosing the option that would only do least harm or few person affected should be seeked.
    Respect for Autonomy- the theory should allow every individual to make decisions for ourselves because we are the only one who could understandand how we want to live.
    Lastly, Justice- the theory should be fair to both parties involved, and ethical decisions should have consistency unless extenuating events that can be justified exists.
    These principles are the foundation of ethical analysis that should always be observed in making ethical theories because there is a need for guidance or goals set in order for the theory to be useful and to make an ethically correct decision.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior because ethics talks about our quality of life and behavior. It helps us know beliefs about what is right and wrong, what is just and unjust, what is good and bad, in terms of our behavior, and it helps us live our life with morality.

  4. Bea Jaryl T. Abenojar
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday - (2:17 pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the truth. The reason why we all lie is that we don’t want others to know the truth. And this lie will turn us into something we never imagine. I think it could be the foundation to do things badly, from liar to anger until the worst. The truth will set us free from the burden we are carrying and help us eliminate the bad vibes within ourselves. Though, we can’t avoid the fact that it is still evil within. But the good will always prevails. If we practice lessening our lies, we can also reduce the pain we are causing to others and the hatred to ourselves. The essence of truth can determine whether it is the right thing to do or the other way around, but the significance is we are happy to tell the truth.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    It will make the theory accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it guides us in understanding what seems appropriate and the right thing to do. It can be exhibit through actions such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Since, ethics play a significant role in the absolute core of the person in representing the character, behavior, and quality of life. And one thing that is definite in the world is change. Everything seems to be steady yet, like a roller coaster. It goes round and round but, you're still going in the same position. In life, there are ups and downs and, if the theory is the practice in our everyday life, we will see what circumstances are and help us decide what's the best thing to do.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. Ethics both focus on human action and behavior because the important function is to figure out whether a particular human action and behavior are moral or not. And morality involves the examination of human behavior to decide if it is good, bad, or indifferent. The theory will guide us to what path we take and whether it will give us good outcomes. It may help us grow and develop the way we are living. It is through learning from our mistakes and the lesson we get in our experience. Though, hard to understand the self because only we will know what we want to know. And in the end, it is still you to decide and choose.

  5. Chico, Jeleta C.
    Tuesday (2:32 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Every individuals are constantly making their own decisions according to their own definition of what is right and wrong. Ethical theory guides and emphasizes things that will teach us to make those decisions ethically correct. There are many ethical theories based on my research but I think the one that will provide resolution to the evils of men is the utilitarian ethical theory. The utilitarian ethical theory is founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action. According to this theory, the choice that yields the greatest benefit to the most people is the choice that is ethically correct. On my own understanding, this theory will resolve the evils of men since this will guide us in making good decisions that are beneficial on our lives. Although there are no definite solution on these matter, I think the evils of man can be resolve if one is morally educated and know to do the right thing and by abstaining from crooked path.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    There’s a lot of ethical theories but the purpose of these theories are the same which is to serve as a guidelines on doing things that are ethically correct and morally right. The sole idea of ethics is defining what is right and wrong and pursuing us on to abstain on wrongdoing. I think what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics should be based on the main point of the theory. Every theory is different. According to my research, there are five ethical theory and each one of them focuses on different idea but with the same goal which is to pursue us on doing things ethically correct. Each theories have strength and weaknesses and people acts according to their own decision.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes. Ethics are sets of principles that guide’s a person’s behavior. It teaches us what is right and wrong and impose morality on our character. If focuses on decision making guidance that emphasizes what is ethically correct that leads us to make a right decision. It’s practical to govern human behavior with ethical theory since this will help us grow and develop our innate behavior and moral character. Thus, people who never stray from the right path tend to reach their goals in life.

  6. Maria Abegail I. Buenafe
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday - 8:00 - 11:00 am (2:33pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Deontology is an ethical theory that considers morality to be doing one's mandate by following rules without considering the potential consequences of one's actions. Because it is morally good because of some aspect of the action itself, rather than because the result of the action is morally good. According to deontological ethics, some acts are morally justifiable regardless of their consequences for human welfare. Therefore, it's base on how we act. If it's ethically/morally good for us.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard pursuing ethics? Explain.
    This refers to an idea judgments that serve as the foundation for the many specific ethical prescriptions and evaluations of human actions. Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice are three basic principles among those generally accepted in our cultural tradition that are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human.This entails ethical ideas that human beings should be treated as entities, and with limited autonomy are protected by the law. Individuals are viewed ethically not only by respecting their judgements and protecting them from harm, but also by attempting to ensure their well-being.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, since theory of ethics are the moral principles that guide a person's behavior. Social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences shape these morals. In terms of human behavior, ethics reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good and what is bad. They serve as a guidepost for how people should interact with one another, understand and fulfill their societal obligations, and live their lives.

  7. Emmanuel Andre T. Raymundo
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday - 8:00 - 11:00 am (3:48pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Deontology emphasizes the ramifications of your actions and holds that when making life decisions, you should act responsibly and in accordance with your commitments. According to a deontologist, morality is both a responsibility and a duty. This is the theory because no matter what you do, good or bad, there will always be an impact. You will be rewarded for your excellent deeds. If you do something wrong, you will be penalized. According to this concept, mankind's problems will be solved when people understand they don't want to do evil things and instead choose to do good. For me, there is always a chance to change our perspective in life.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - We have a chance to do the right thing because of the Deontology theory. It's not always the case that you'll be a bad person. People should not be judged based on a single mistake they make in their lives. As a human being, we must maintain self-control by engaging in activities that do not harm others.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, since without an ethical theory, we would have no idea of knowing what is right or wrong. If we suggest that killing people is acceptable in this world, then everyone will kill each other and no one will be severely punished. We should apply those ethical theories in order to improve our human behavior and maintain peace in our surroundings.

  8. Tura, Exekiel T.
    BSCE 2G
    Time of Submission: 4:14
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -To be honest, I don't have any idea about ethical theories I don't really know what ethical theories either, but I try to research about ethical theories that provide resolution to the evils of men and I think it is the "Virtue" The virtue ethical theory judges a person by his/her character rather than by an action that may deviate from his/her normal behavior. From the very first place we all know what is right and what is wrong because it is part of our culture. We always said that something is good when we say we agree with it so we think that that's the right action on the other hand we classify something is evil if we say that we don't agree with it because it is wrong so we used to stay away from it. Though virtue ethical theory is about judging someone we know by his/her character rather than what he/she did even if it's wrong or you knew it was wrong you will used to considered it as right since he/she is your friend, because virtue ethical takes the person’s morals, reputation, and motivation into account when rating an unusual and irregular behavior that is considered unethical. For me, knowing what is right and what is wrong is just a basic human act, it is very common to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong, so I expect that every person would do the right thing because it makes us to be a good person and also we should apply some good moral in every actions we wanted to do so that we can overcome the evil inside because to be ethical is to be fair to yourself in every possible way.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    -There are a lot of ethical theories that guides us and helps us to understand the importance of what are the ethical things to do. The role of ethics is essential because it has a large influence in our society because it is the basic standards that make everything run smoothly. The theory can be accepted as long as it conducted in accordance with the four fundamental ethical principles; Least Harm; beneficence; justice and respect for autonomy. I think that these four are the standards of making a good theory in pursuing ethics. It is about understanding what is right and what is good. It helps us to make a decision to choose what to do; it allows us to become more autonomous wherein we are able to make our own decisions to apply in ourselves. Coz in the end it is always our decisions that matter whether we would do what is right or not. Lastly, understanding ethical principles help us to focus on our ethical actions. It is essential for every one of us to understand our own emotions and actions. Understanding ethics defines the essential qualities that make one person distinct from other individuals.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, Ethics help us to understand about what is right and what is wrong and it is not just about human action but also the morality. Ethics is practical in the sense that it is concerned with practice. It is known as study of desirable behaviors. Ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior. Those are moral behaviors, norms and practical guidelines. It belongs to our everyday lives helping us to solve our problems, our inquiry, and helps us to make better decisions and perceptions in life. The purpose of ethics is to figure out whether particular human actions are moral or not. It shows our uniqueness to other people on how we lived in our own morality, on how we adapt the quality of life that we are worth living. Lastly, Knowing yourself is important than others knowing who you are because in the end it is always your decisions that matters.

  9. Engo, April A.
    BSCE – 2G
    Tuesday (8AM to 11AM)
    TIME: 5:01 PM

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Philosophers, over the centuries, have come up with theories on how people can tell right form the wrong. In these theories, there are three notable ones: Utilitarian, Deontological, and Virtue Ethics. The theory that will probably resolve the evil in men is the VIRTUE ETHICS. This is due to virtue ethics concerning the character of a person above anything else. The theory entails that a person will do the right thing because it is a part of him/her and not for upholding his/her duty or for any good consequences. The virtue ethics’ resolution of evil is best explained by Aristotle: “For example, a virtuous person is someone who is kind across many situations over a lifetime because that is her character and not because she wants to maximize utility or gain favors or simply do her duty.” Virtue Ethics primarily is interested in finding the answer to “what make a person good?”

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Ethical theories are the foundation for ethical solutions to a difficult situation in our day-to-day lives. Each of these theories are focused on different approaches in solving an ethical problem. This means that everyone has different way to solve the same problem this, then, result to countless of ethical theories to arise. But not all of these theories will be accepted unless they achieve the four goals of ethical theories: (1) BENEFICENCE, (2) LEAST HARM, (3) RESPECTS FOR AUTONOMY, and (4) JUSTICE. Beneficence is aimed to create a larger ratio of doing good over evil. Least harm promote actions that will least hard or harm a fewer people. Respect for autonomy exercise the rights of everyone to control their own lives. Lastly, justice deals with the fairness of a decision.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    YES, and NO. Though ethical theories can provide a framework for the rightful actions and decisions to a situation (might be due to duty, good consequences, character, etc.), the accomplishment of said and suggested actions and decisions are still rested to the person making them. At the end of the day, theory of ethics is still that – a theory. Theories are concepts awaiting to be proven in a specific ethical situation. They are ethically fulfilling if followed, but they also possess the principle of autonomy which promote the right to self-governance. Therefore, these theories will indeed help to govern human behavior, but not entirely practical to solely be relied on.

  10. Solomon, Rodelyn Ann C.
    Tuesday (5:03 pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I believe that deontological ethics is the theory that will provide a solution to the evilness of man because it will provide a foundation that all people should be treated with respect and dignity. Weapons, for example, do not kill people; people do. Men's evil should not be retaliated against, but rather addressed in order to experience humanity. Even if he had a wicked heart, he could change if he learned to act well and be content with it, for no one wants to be bad; they simply mistake it for happiness. Deontological ethics can alter a man if he chooses to change it, beginning with himself, because all he has to do is gain access to what is already within him.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Theory can be regarded as a standard for pursuing ethics if it is concerned about the great improvement of people and society with respect to everyone’s differences. In addition, theory can be recognized as a standard if it does not offend or contradict moral philosophy. With the help of the theory, people can be able to welcome and accept the magnificence and goodness of life and respectfully treat everyone. Making a widely accepted and right theory can educate people's minds while also educating their hearts.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, theory of ethics is useful in guiding human behavior since it can explain and observe facts about life's reality using pieces of evidence. It allows people to perceive and be enlightened about what they should change or keep for their own betterment considering the right values. It will also assist people in thinking critically and being prepared for the unexpected, allowing them to achieve life success and self-improvement. People who have morals are similar to adventurers with compass because they comprehend and create a way to navigate life so that they can go wherever they choose even if they lost.

  11. Sementilla, Cheska Mae L.
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (5:49PM)

    1.) What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - For me, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the Virtue Ethical theory. On my own understanding, the virtue ethical theory evaluates a person based on his or her character rather than an action that may be out of character. When grading odd and irregular behavior that is regarded unethical, it considers the person's morality, reputation, and motivation. The fundamental focus of virtue ethics is on a person's honesty and morality. It states that a moral and virtuous person is one who practices positive behaviors such as honesty and generosity. This theory enables you to make a decision in light of those favored virtues. It assists a person in resolving ethical ambiguity without the use of particular rules.

    2.) In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - To better comprehend ethical theory, one must first grasp a common set of objectives that decision-makers strive to attain in order to be successful. I believe that in order for a theory to be accepted as a norm for pursuing ethics, it must convince the decision maker to do what is right and good. It should also try to achieve the highest feasible good-to-evil ratio in the world. Because the greatest amount of good benefits the most people, ethical theories should strive to achieve the greatest amount of good. The theory should aim to do the least amount of harm and to the fewest number of individuals possible. The theory should allow each individual to make their own decisions because we are the only ones who can understand the way we want to live our life. Ethical decisions should be made in accordance with ethical theory unless there are mitigating circumstances that may be justified. This also implies that cases involving extenuating circumstances must have a strong and significant variation from similar cases to justify the inconsistent result.

    3.) Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, I believe that ethical theory can be useful in regulating human behavior. The set of moral concepts that guide a person's behavior is referred to as ethical theories. Individuals value ethics because they serve as rules for decision-making and conflict resolution, as well as standards of behavior for identifying the correct path of action. Ethics examines both the morality and the efficacy of human activity. Figuring out whether or not certain human behaviors are moral is a key function of ethics.

  12. Francisco, Ara Grace L.
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (7:13PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Virtue is the act that will provide resolution to the evils of men in the way of showing off a good morality and being an example to them on how to act kindly to others. Once we apply the virtuous act and become the role model that conveys the common good to others, this will urge them also to have this kind of manner. As virtue is one of the natural habits a person acquires and showcases to other people, it helps us learn more and develop good character. This also promotes morality, good attributes, and moral excellence.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    As the theory provides the quality that makes a person have ethics and good behavior, it also became the rule on how we will consider a human being to live ethically. It became the basis of everyone that ethics represents a good value of a person, which highlights the attributes discussed in the theory of ethics. Because every person has their views and principles on ethics, it became the standard of good morals. Ethics has a massive scope of behavior where the theories specify its importance and how we will apply it in our lives.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    It depends on how we will apply the theory of ethics and what aspect it involves. In some ways, it can govern human behavior in a manner of we have a good intention in embodying the ethics traits and we know what the possibilities are it can affect ourselves and the other people. But when a person has an ulterior motive to integrate the theory of ethics, it becomes nonsense because the importance of absorbing good values and understanding different principles in life loses the purpose of learning.

  13. Cuaresma, Ayron Lanz H.
    (Tuesday: 7:33pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - I am not completely familiar with the different ethical theories but based on what I have read and research, everyone has their own lens of understanding the world and evaluating what is right and wrong. Hence, the ethical theory that can provide a resolution to the evils of men is the utilitarian theory of ethics. It is based on predicting the consequences of an action. Thus, a utilitarian thinks the choice that will bring the most benefit to the most people is ethically correct, which I think is true because we live in a world where people take advantage of the goodness of others. Yet its advantage is comparing similar predicted solutions and determining which option is most beneficial to most people. And it provides a logical and rational argument for any decision and allows one person to use it on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, it is solely concerned and focused on achieving the maximum good for everyone.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - The theory is not merely about presenting reliable facts. It is open to other possible predictions that might encounter in the future. One of its characteristics is testable, so new evidence can be potentially compatible to be accepted. However, when subjected to the standard of pursuing ethics, I think it must be cohesive too. In this lens, it accounts to the objectives of the theory to justify its acceptance. It is unified and consistent where it sticks to the core of ethics itself. Lastly, it validates the value of oneself, its principles, and values.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - I would have to agree that the Theory of Ethics can be practical to govern the human behavior. Why? Every day is a constant change to remind us that we are vulnerable. Thus, we are suspected to learn in so many ways. And with this. we validate what is appropriate and what is not. But we should not know what is right from wrong alone but possess the act in an ethical manner. We live with our principles and morals. Consequently, it promotes integrity that is important for us to acquire based on what we have learned every day. Therefore, it will eventually make a change for us to grow as valuable people.

  14. Lozano, Charmaine A.
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (8:00PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men
    I do not really have an idea about ethical theory but based on what I have researched, there are four types of ethical theory which are deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtues.  Personally, I think the best solution to the evilness of men is virtue. It focuses on the person's honesty and morality. Virtue claims that a moral and virtuous person is the one who practices positive behaviors such as honesty and kindness. Therefore, by practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable and moral character. By practicing this people will likely make the right choice when being faced with ethical challenges. Thus, the evils of men will end.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    A theory is a logical way of thinking about the phenomena or the consequences of such reasoning. A theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it meets the ethics four goals including beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. These four goals will guide us in accepting a certain theory.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior?
    Yes, the theory of ethics can be beneficial in governing human behavior as it provides people with an in-depth knowledge of right and wrong, allowing us to make well-informed judgments. By this, the theory of  ethics suggests what we should do and guides us through the process of exploring choices to enhance our decision-making. Therefore, through the theory of ethics, governing human behavior will be less inconvenient since the people are practicing a system that deals with their values, motives, and actions. 

  15. Espallardo, Brian E.
    Tuesday (8:43PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    There are several kinds of ethical theories that determine ethical behaviors through different approaches. Regarding the question, I think that virtue ethics is the best ethical theory, among others, to resolve the evils of men. Based on what I have searched, virtue ethics considers virtue in order to create good public relations allowing people to maintain personal and interpersonal connections. It also deals with acquiring virtues through practice, such as practicing being honest, generous, just, loyal, diligent, and others. I believe that honing virtuous habits will guide every sinful man in the right direction of their life. As they have said that "Practice will not make you perfect, but the perfect practice will." Knowing the virtues and constantly utilizing them in real life will gradually resolve our evil in ourselves.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Various ethical theories have been proposed to deal with a certain topic, and these theories undergo a lot of processes and are thoroughly examined to be accepted. Based on my own opinion, for a theory to be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, it must follow these said principles: aims to behave morally, for the common good, to respect freedom, and to promote fairness. First, aims to behave morally, which means to choose and do what is good and right at all times. Next, always prioritize the common good or consider what others may feel about every decision. Then, the theory must never suppress the freedom of its people. Lastly, to promote fairness or justice for peace and harmony to exist.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes. As we all know, human beings are not perfect; we are bound to commit sins, cause mistakes, and have our flaws. That is the primary reason why we demand ethical theories to manage our behaviors. These theories will guide and serve as a norm in society. With this, it will balance the community and direct the people on what is the right thing to do and what is not. This will lead to integration and tranquility in society as well as the development of a person's morality. Therefore, ethical theories are like a path to success where we need to walk through them for the progress of ourselves.

  16. Mata, Mary Kaye W.
    BSBA-IM 2B – Tuesday 5pm to 8pm
    Tuesday (8:53 pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    For me, it’s the Theory of Virtue. As I recall what our Philosophy teacher said, an ancient tale, we have two wolves fighting within us; the evil wolf, and the good wolf. I will name the good wolf as Virtue, and the bad wolf as Vice. Virtue embodies positivity; and that is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. While the other, Vice, is an evil one; he manifests anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. As the story continues, the one you feed is the one that wins. This is the best example of how a man can overcome the evil within him. Deep inside in our hearts, there is a little voice whispering to us every time we do evil, it tries to stop us because it knows, and we know that what we are doing is bad. Doing good deeds is a delightful feeling, and it boosts us to do more because a part of us feels genuinely happy doing that good thing.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    If a theory offers a fixed moral value, it might be regarded as a standard for studying ethics. To be recognized as an ethical theory, it must possess the following qualities: the ability to deal with situations in which neither option is beneficial; if it requires us to respect the decisions of adults with decision-making capacity; an act of charity, mercy, and kindness with a strong connotation of doing good to others including moral obligation; and, most importantly, the quality of being just or justice.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    YES, since it is a collection of moral principles that guide a person's actions in general. The theory of ethics reflects beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is awful in terms of human behavior. It is the process through which we try to use reasoning to discern the distinction between what is right and what is wrong in a personal circumstance. They serve as a guide for how individuals should interact with one another, comprehend, and perform their societal duties, and conduct their lives.

  17. Mendoza, Arabelle V.
    Tuesday (5pm-8pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - The Utilitarianism theory is one thing I know that will provide a resolution to the evils of men. In this theory, your decision or action in life will always based to the benefit of other people. This theory will help most of the people on how to show kindness, because you always think what is good for them, what is best for your family, friends and other people that you don't have any connection. Honestly, I don't believe that evils is existing to a man's heart. It is not their character, but because of their surrounding and the urge of demons, their goodness is replace by another. Thinking about the other people first before your self is very important in avoiding the wrong doing, because by doing that, you will learned how to show the genuine and best act of kindness that other people could ever have and experience.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - Ethics is more about what is good or doing the right deeds. A theory will only be accepted if the purpose and objective is for the benefit of most of the people in a society, because that is also the purpose of ethics. Reminding us to do the right thing every time we make actions or decisions. If the theory do not have the precise main goal or purpose in a society, or this theory can ruin the main definition of ethics, it will not be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes. Ethics is also about the behavior or character of a person. Theory of ethics can be used as a guide in human behavior, because the purpose of the four theory is for us to learn and remind to be good and to do what is right. It is always for our own benefit and benefit of other people that surrounds us. Lastly, our behavior is with us until the very last breath that we have. No one is in control of your own behavior, people can help to change it, philosophy and ethics into the good one, but there is one thing they cannot do, and that is, they can't do that for you, in the end you are the one who will do that for your own good.

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  19. Loquias, Kyle Wenzy D.
    Tuesday (10:18 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I have no other idea about ethical theories because it has not been discussed since before. Nevertheless, based on my research, the fittest type of theory in this situation, for me, is virtue ethical theory. Virtue ethical theory talks about judging a person based on his/her character rather than by an action that may diverge from his/her normal behavior. To be considered unethical, it takes into consideration the person’s morals, reputation, and motivation once evaluating an uncommon and uneven behavior. In addition, virtue theory emphasizes the value of righteous qualities rather than formal rules or useful results. So, to sum up, virtue ethical theory is inherent in what we see in a person. Therefore, it is based on our usual character that will dictate our righteousness even if it is not governed by any rules or laws. Thus, what makes men resolve the evils is to practice virtuous behaviors, and to have a better and quality personality in the eyes of the majority.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    According to the definition of theories, it helps people to find a framework on how to understand the world. Therefore, for a theory to be successful as a criterion in the pursuit of ethics, it is necessary that the decisions, actions, and consequences contained in it will benefit everyone. Through this, we will know the limit that life has. In addition, in order to fully understand ethical theories, it is necessary to also consider certain ethical principles as a guide towards a successful proposal. These are beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. These four are considered essential whenever practicing and understanding ethical theories.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    It is definitely yes; I believe that the theory of ethics can make a contribution to be practical in governing human behavior because it will gradually and clearly disclose us to the reality and morality that each one needs. After all, the time comes that theories will be only our basis for understanding life. Despite this, we must be certain in our daily living about the things that are right and wrong, bad and good. Because eventually, the day comes that we can no longer remember the exact terms contained in the theory. Therefore, it will come to the point that we will just put aside the studies or theories, but still, we need to rely on our own understanding and discipline based on the primary idea of the theories and studies. Applying the teachings plays a huge and vital role in our lives. And at the end of the day, this will enable us to have a decent and satisfying life.

  20. De Vera, Harlene D.
    Tuesday (8:00 am-11:00 am)
    Time: 10:22 pm

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the deontological ethics. This pertains in some sort of judging on the decision of people if what they ought to do are morally right or wrong. In some cases, if people tend to practice something that opposes good deeds, then it will lead to negative outcomes which serves to the evils of men. All of our decisions must be guided by good behavior and be rational on what will be the outcome in doing your next move. Moreover, if your actions are not the product of negative emotions nor wrong deeds, then it is the time to avoid any wrong doings.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    There are goals that needed to be obtain in order for a theory to be accepted. First, people needs to know if the theory will be truly benefited them. The effects that some instances can resort to many advantages or disadvantages. Second, if this will not harm any people that surrounds us. Why would you let yourself be greater than anyone by using any harm or put other people at risk, right? So think for other instances that are not risky. Third, it must respect the rights not only you but also the people around you. Lastly, what we called 'justice,' we always heard this term in trials in court, if people seeks for justice or the other way around.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, by the help of this, people can be guided in doing what they ought to do. They will question first if their decisions are worth it that it will not affect others negatively. To distinguish the truth from lies. Help us in making a better decisions and actions, whether they're good or bad in many aspects. It encourages us to accept what are the terms to be absorb in order to obtain a behavior that sustains morality.

  21. Glorioso, Glaiza Jane E.
    Tuesday (10:33 P.M)

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain
    I haven’t encountered the “ethical theories” yet so I did some readings from some articles that I have found. An article by Larry Chonko, Ph.D states four different theories such as Deontology, Utilitarianism, Rights, and Virtue. In addition, Casuist Theory is added from another article. I believe that “Deontology” to some extent provides a resolution to the evils of men. This theory explains that people should adhere and follow his/her obligations to another human being or society. This states that the ‘moral worth of an action’ depends on one’s decision to conform to duties, obligations, and rules set by the society. These are some common moral rules a deontologist practiced, “Do not steal, do not like, do not kill, always be kind & etc.” However, this theory comes with faults and instability, even though it was said that people who conform to this type of theory are more likely to be consistent with being good since they practice and based it on persons duties. One is that “there is no rational or logical basis for deciding an individual's duties.”
    It is true that all theories can help to resolve the wrongdoings and I think that Deontology plays a huge part of it. In conclusion, I would like to say that all theories can be practiced by men to help mitigate evilness. We are allowed to practice all of it and think what is best to apply in certain situations. A fault of one theory can be solved by another theory, they go both ways.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    There are 4 Ethical Principles that act as a specification for a theory to be accepted. These are Beneficence, Least Harm, Respect for Autonomy, and Justice. Beneficence guides an individual to do what is right and to prioritize good. Some examples that can be noticed are societal welfare programs, like donating for the people who are affected by a calamity, providing scholarships for middle and lower class, protecting the environment, or policies to protect the animals from cruelty. Least Harm are connected similarly with beneficence, this however helps the decision maker to make a choice in lose-lose situations. An individual should choose the option where fewer people would be harmed. Respect for autonomy explained that a theory should permit people to do what’s best for themselves. It states that everyone deserves respect because we have different and unique experiences that only we can understand, this principle is mindful of the person’s interest and desires. Lastly, Justice states that theories should provide fair judgements to those who are involved. It should be consistent and needs evaluation.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, this helps humans to a huge extent such as formulating the law and to even such a small extent where we use our decision making skills. There may be some flaws but overall I think it enhances our way of thinking, it encourages us to do good every time. It reminds us to always think about the consequences of our actions and do not make harsh and impulsive decisions. It somehow prevents us from committing a mistake. It saves us from regret, and lessens the harm that we may commit or do for people. Mistakes are inevitable but surely ethical theories can be an advice or suggestion for us to mitigate it. I believe that humans practice what was stated in ethical theory consciously or not.

  22. Lofamia, Maria Josefa D.
    Tuesday (11:11pm)
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Honestly, I am not familiar with the ethical theories, but based from my research on this, there are four forms of ethical theories: the Deontology, Utilitarianism, Rights, and Virtue. From these forms, I think the ethical theory of virtue will provide the best resolution to the evils of men. Virtues emphasizes on the moral character of a person, and is said to be developed by practicing honesty, generosity, integrity and other virtuous acts. Being able to practice these virtues can hone a person and progress to a life far from evil deeds. Thus, the theory of virtue is the key to live a life of moral character.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Based from my research, a theory of ethics is accepted if it satisfies the four principles which are the Beneficence, Least harm, Respect for autonomy, and Justice. Beneficence pertains to the attempt of a person in doing what is good over what is wrong, the second refers to the harm that may be present on other people should be less, respect for autonomy points that people should have control over their lives, and lastly justice which is concerned in the fairness and justness to those people who are involved. These principles, if met, will help make a theory that would serve as a guide for people to have a virtuous and ethical life.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, the theory of ethics can be practical and valuable in governing the human behavior.
    People are not perfect, and they often make mistakes or do wrong things. Through these theories, people can understand, learn, and develop a moral character. It will serve as a guide for people to know what should and shouldn’t be done, and differentiate what is right and what is wrong. Having these theories of ethics that direct and regulate the things and events in our life, would be the answer and path through a better life with honesty and morality.

  23. Sallao, Donna Kaye L.
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (11:45pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    In my very own opinion, virtue theory is the theory that will provide resolution to the evil doings of men. Virtue theory states that we are able to acquire virtue if we will practice it. If a person would focus more on practicing good deeds than the bad ones, as time goes by, they will reflect on it. But, take note that the virtue that should be practiced is not an evil one.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    For me, a theory will be accepted in terms of pursuing ethics when it is stating justice, fairness, and least harm among people in the society. We cannot accept a theory that is biased especially in the behavior of one person. We need a theory that will judge a person's behavior accordingly.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes. It is very practical. Ethical theories can be used as a guide in terms of governing human behavior. It sets guidance and criteria depending on what kind of person will be assessed. However, theories cannot be enough in explaining the behavior of the people. As the world change, comes also the changes in behaviors of the people. Existing theories may not be able to covered some behaviors and might no be out of their scope.

  24. Kyle Vincent P. Ramacula
    Tuesday (11.55 PM)
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Deontological ethics is a philosophical theory that emphasizes the relationship between responsibility and the morality of human actions. It is one of the ethical theories that can give a resolution to man's sins. Deontology is derived from the Greek words deon, which means "duty," and logos, which means "science." As a result, it is regarded morally acceptable in action because of some attribute of the activity itself, rather than because the action's outcome is good. By contrast, teleological ethics, on the other hand (also known as consequentialist ethics or consequentialism) believes that the fundamental criterion of morality is the value of what an action brings into being. Because their primary concept is the conformance of an action to some rule or law, deontological theories are referred to be formalistic.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    To be successful, there must be some knowledge of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve. Ethical standards are a set of principles created by the organization's founders to express the organization's basic moral values. All human-participant research should be performed in accordance with four ethical principles: respect for individuals, beneficence, justice, and community respect. Because utilitarianism is an ethical theory that differentiates right from wrong by concentrating on results, it is one of the examples that has been recognized in the standard of studying ethics. It's an example of consequentialism in action. According to utilitarianism, the most ethical decision is the one that will result in the greatest good for the largest number of people.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    According to my understanding and research, theory of ethics may be useful in controlling human behavior since ethics are a collection of moral principles that guide a person's behavior. Furthermore, ethics reflects ideas about what is right, wrong, just, and unjust in terms of human behavior, as well as what is good and what is evil. Figuring out whether or not certain human acts are moral is an essential function of ethics. As a result, ethics theories are essential to individuals since they provide as guidelines for selecting the best course of action.

  25. Dela Cruz, Maris Stella R.
    Wednesday (12:12am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is Virtue Ethical Theory. Because it emphasize the character of the person rather than its actions. It is concerned with the whole of the person's life. This applies by making decision in light of those favored virtues like honesty, courage, compassion, self-control and the like. Virtues enables us to be and to act in ways to it. These virtues are developed through learning and practice.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Ethics provide a set of standards of behavior that help us decide how to behave in a variety of situations. The difference of right and wrong in everyday life and on how we apply it in our everyday life. I think for a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics it should posses the idea to live ethically, for the common good, protects the people and develops virtues and principles.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior because this guides us to make positive impact through our actions. It helps and guides individuals the right thing to do and develops good relationships to other people.

  26. Limon, Brix Renier C.
    BSCE 2G
    Wednesday ( 12:25 am)

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain
    Deontological ethics is the ethical theory that will provide a solution to man's evils. This has to do with judging people's decisions as to whether or not what they should do is ethically correct. In some circumstances, persons who practice something that contradicts good activities will experience unpleasant consequences, which will serve the evils of men. All of our decisions must be based on good behavior and be logical in terms of what will happen when we make our next move. Furthermore, if your activities are not the result of negative feelings or wrongdoings, then now is the moment to refrain from doing anything improper.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    According to my research, and ethical theory is approved if it satisfies the four principles of beneficence, least harm, autonomy respect, and justice. Beneficence refers to a person's attempt to do what is right rather than what is wrong; second, the harm that may be caused to others should be minimized; third, respect for autonomy means that people should have control over their lives; and finally, justice refers to the fairness and justice to those who are involved. If these rules are followed, a theory that will serve as a guide for individuals to live virtuous and ethical lives will emerge.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Ethics is a collection of moral rules that influence a person's behavior, and according to my understanding and research, the theory of ethics may be effective in controlling human behavior. Furthermore, ethics reflects notions about what is good and evil in terms of human behavior, as well as what is right, wrong, just, and unjust. Ethics is concerned with determining whether or not specific human actions are moral. As a result, individuals need ethics theories since they provide recommendations for choosing the optimal course of action.

  27. Baldo, Mary Angeline S.
    Wednesday (12:38 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Since I had no prior knowledge of the various ethical theories, I decided to search for different theories to gain some knowledge. As I read about the various theories, I came to believe that the ethical theory that can provide a solution to man's evils is the Virtue ethics. This theory proposes that we approach our identity as a lifetime process with the potential to improve who we are. The idea is to develop virtues that allow us to view the world clearly and make better decisions on the basis, rather than virtues that allow us to act ethically without thinking. With that said, I think that this theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men as not only addresses the morality of an action of individual behaviors, but also explains what it means to be a virtuous human being. It also provides guidance on the kinds of values and practices that an ethical person should strive for.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    According to my research, applying basic ethical principles to a theory can be regarded as a standard for pursuing ethics. The first step is to respect and comprehend the decisions made by those with the ability to make their own decisions. Another basic premise is that the theory must provide benefits while causing no harm to others. Finally, benefits must be distributed in an equitable manner.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    I believe that an ethical theory can be useful in governing human behavior. It can lead us and help us comprehend the kinds of beliefs and behaviors that an ethical person should seek. It also assists us in making the best decisions possible in various scenarios that we may face in life. However, it is still up to us to follow those principles in our daily lives and make the decision to do good.

  28. Aganan, Je-Ann R.
    BSCE 2G
    Wednesday (12:38 am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    To answer this question, I do not have any background or ideas what ethical theory is, but according to what I have researched, the most appropriate ethical theory that will provide resolution to the evils of men is the VIRTUE Theory. Based on my understanding on what I have searched, rather than emphasizing the consequences of acts or obligation fulfillment, ethical theory considers virtues–moral character or qualities–as essential to the ethical existence. It is also stated that through this, we may assess a person's judgements based on his or her character and morals, and according to this theory, the way a person lives, his or her life may define any kind of ethical decision. The questions considered in this theory is, "what makes a good person?" or, in this case, "what makes a good public relations professional?". Just like, the decision-maker must first comprehend which qualities are beneficial to public relations, and then make judgments based on such virtues. Virtue focuses on morality and honesty, and according to Aristotle, every virtue is a mean–an average or middle ground–between two extremes which are both vices. Just like he believed that courage was a virtue and was a mean between the vices of cowardice and rashness. And with virtue, it emphasizes the excellence morality, and good attributes of a person’s decisions.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Ethical theories undergo different stages or process before it was decided to consider as an ethical theory. I think in general; a theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it considers the four goals of ethical theories which are the beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. Also, it can be considered if it is not beyond norms and moral, because it aims great a great influence in the minds, beliefs, actions, and decisions of people and in the society.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    I think yes, theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. It is because ethics helps us to understand whether our actions, decisions, or the norms are right or wrong. It helps us to practice and understand the character that we had in a good way. It seeks answers to morality, and with the aid of the different ethical theories, it provides more guidance, development and growth in our character or behaviors. And lastly it gives more meaning in our choices and decisions in life.

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  30. Angelo Kim G. Jimenez
    BSCE 2G

    1.What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Based on what I’ve research, in my opinion, deontological ethics will be the best ethical theory to solve the evils of men. Deontological based on my research is the idea that people should be treated with respect and dignity. People respecting each other with no toxicity or other unnecessary behaviors will lead to a better community and a better life for humans. I chose this theory because I think it’s the best option among the three major ethical theories, and the two theories will most likely have a lot of conflicts.

    2.In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - Based on my research again, a successful theory should have the four fundamental ethical principles: beneficence; justice; and respect for communities. The concept of beneficence requires researchers to avoid causing needless damage to research participants and, wherever feasible, to improve their well-being. Respect for community is needed to make sure they aren’t forced on participating and researchers should take responsibility for their information to be confidential.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Ethical Theories are attempts to provide a clear explanation of what we should do or our obligations as a person or a human being. Therefore, ethical theory as a practice to govern human behavior is possible because in the first place, it shows on what we should do and not do, basically, it will govern our behavior and constrict unnecessary actions.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Cammayo, Geoffrey B.
    Wednesday (1:36 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - As I have learned from our last discussion, ethics or ethical theory is the core being of a person, it means that it was the definite character of a person. Some men are raised or lived in a cruel and harsh environment which greatly affect their character. For me, the best way to prevent the evils of men was to have the children grow up in a healthy environment. As we all know the moment a child was born, they are still innocent and ignorant of the world, it is their surroundings that builds up their character. Hence, show and teach them the right conduct and the morals of society that they should possess in this cruel world. However, do not control them, let them have their own judgement in making decisions, and just guide them so that they will not fall astray. This method may not completely resolve the evils of man, but this will greatly lessen problem since we all start from being children.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - In my own opinion, theory will only be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it is proven with facts. How could we even know for sure if something is right without evidence? That is why whenever there was an accusation we first look for the basis or the evidence they had before we believe it, this was the same for the theory of ethics. The question is how do we prove that it is correct? No one can really know the right answer but for me, the best course of action was to experience it ourselves. Only by going through the same situation, we can reflect and answer the questions we have. No matter how credible theory is, it still up to us if we are going to believe and do what it says.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. As I have learned from the theory of ethics, ethics is the inquiry of investigation and morality. From the latin word of morality "mos" which means a custom, and custom means a long-established practice considered as unwritten law. Through this theory, we can infer that ethics have already take place in our society, and these practices contributed in governing the human behavior. Through ethics, people learned the humanity and qualities of life, how a life of a person is more important than anything in the world.

  33. Dela Pena, Angelica
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday (5pm-8pm)
    Wednesday - 1:48 am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -The ethical theory that I think is suitable resolution for the evils of men is the theory of Virtue. As this theory emphasizing the virtues or moral character of a person it will help him to become morally good person. In order to do that he needs to practice good habits such as honesty, fidelity, generosity, integrity and self-control as it makes him a virtuous man. In other words, he needs to cultivate his virtues and manage to flourish as a human being for him to become free from darkness. This requires a long term process and hard work to stabilize the mentality and the action of a person for good deeds. By continuously doing so, the person will develops an honorable and moral character.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    -It will be accepted if it can be use as a guide for people to analyze moral issues involving individuals, society and organizations. If the theory can be; a basis for action in improving the lives of people, can use to understand the logic and reasoning behind what makes particular actions is right and wrong and provides justification and defends basic moral principle then it is fits as a standard of pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    -Yes, because it will serves as a guide for us to have an in-depth understanding of what is right and wrong in which could be our foundation for decision making. It also provides a clear and unified account of what our ethical obligations and it will determine the consequences of our actions. Moreover, it can change or develop our moral character and be a better person for ourselves and for the society.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Ruben, Christian John R.
    Wednesday (2:10am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is deontological ethics. Honestly, I don’t have an idea what the meaning of this theory is, but I did some research using Google and I found the concept of this theory. Based on my research, it is a type of normative theory that deals with ethically obligatory, forbidden, or permissible choices. In other words, deontology belongs to the category of moral theories that guide and assess our decisions about what we should do, as opposed to those that guide and assess who we are and should be.

    2. In general, what will make a theory accepted as a standard for pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - A theory will be accepted as a standard for pursuing ethics if it has the four common sets of goals that should be fulfilled in order to be successful. These are beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. First, the theory should have a statement about a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others, assisting them in advancing their vital and legitimate interests, frequently by preventing or removing potential harm. Second, least harm. The theory shouldn’t harm many people. Respect. The theory must have respect because people have different personalities and characteristics. It should respect every person's freedom to decide for themselves. Lastly, it should have justice to provide fairness for the community and the information must be confidential for everyone.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    -I agree that a theory of ethics would be practical in governing human behavior. It gives us information on what we should do or our responsibilities as individuals. It has a set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior. In terms of human behavior, ethics reflects beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is terrible.

  36. Corpin, Dimple V.

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    In my opinion, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is a virtue. Based on my research, virtue ethical theory judges an individual by their character rather than the action. In order to resolve evils of men, we should look first at person’s moral, reputation and motivation so we can identify why an individual does an unusual behavior that different from his character and how he/she handle and make a decision in a particular situation. This theory also had high moral character where an individual knows what is right and wrong that could help to vanish the devil in his/her heart.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    A theory will be accepted if the given theory passed all the ethical principles. These goals include beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice. Wherein, beneficence is to do what is right and good, least harm tells that in making a decision you must know who will affect your decision, Respect for autonomy is the ability to control over in our lives and last is justice, wherein the people who involve in any situation should be under in a fair judgment. By that, I can say that we have different ways of solving our problems and in making decisions.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, the theory of ethics might help govern human behavior. It is because the theory of ethics tackles the things you should know, and what you must do for you to have the right decision. It trains/hones our moral character which may lead to peace and success.

  37. Gumilin, Andre
    BSCE - 2G

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Base on my researches, Ethical theories are part of the decision-making basis for decision-making when ethics is involved, as these theories represent the viewpoints from which individuals seek guidance in making decisions. Each theory emphasizes different point or a different decision making style, such as predicting the outcome and following one’s duty. Ethical theory provide a resolution to the evils of men by setting a common goal and understanding the difference in the decision that was made by the person.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory is can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it is proven or it has solid evidence that supports the theory. If it is accepted it can be used as a standard in certain part or a certain practice. A plausible explanation for these disagreements of opinion is that all people recognize some common ethical standards, but interpret, apply, and weigh them differently in light of their own values and life experiences.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, the theory of ethics can guide people to make their decision. Also ethics can help us to understand the actions or decision that are we going to make if it is a bad decision for us or it is a good decision. It can be also used as guidelines in certain place or in short it can help people to have better understanding even if they don’t have the same decision

  38. Dolorito, Adeline P.
    BSBA – IM – 2B
    Wednesday (5:48am)

    1. The ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men is our rights. Attention to rights ensures that the freedom and well-being of each individual will be protected when others threaten that freedom or well-being. If an individual has a moral right, then it is morally wrong to interfere with that right even if large numbers of people would benefit from such interference. Morality, it's often argued, is not just a matter of not interfering with the rights of others. Relying exclusively on a rights approach to ethics tends to emphasize the individual at the expense of the community. And, while morality does call on us to respect the uniqueness, dignity, and autonomy of each individual, it also invites us to recognize our relatedness that sense of community, shared values, and the common good which lends itself to an ethics of care, compassion, and concern for others. To make ethical and moral choices, one needs to have a clear understanding of one’s personal values. Without that awareness, it can be difficult to justify a decision on ethical or moral grounds in a way that others would find persuasive.

    2. According to my research, many religions promote ethical decision making but do not always address the full range of ethical choices that we face. Religions may also advocate or prohibit certain behaviors which may not be considered the proper domain of ethics, such as dietary restrictions or sexual behaviors. A good system of law should be ethical, but the law establishes precedent in trying to dictate universal guidelines, and is thus not able to respond to individual contexts. Law may have a difficult time designing or enforcing standards in some important areas, and may be slow to address new problems. Both law and ethics deal with questions of how we should live together with others, but ethics is sometimes also thought to apply to how individuals act even when others are not involved. Finally, many people use the terms morality and ethics interchangeably. Others reserve morality for the state of virtue while seeing ethics as a code that enables morality. Another way to think about the relationship between ethics and morality is to see ethics as providing a rational basis for morality, that is, ethics provides good reasons for why something is moral. All research involving human participants should be conducted in accordance with four
    fundamental ethical principles:
    • respect for persons
    • beneficence
    • justice
    • respect for communities.
    These principles are grounded in moral theories, the research ethics literature, and
    convention and are foundational for national and international ethics guidelines

    3. Yes, because the values people have tend to be relatively stable over time. We are taught that such-and-such behavior is always good or bad. As we grow, we are increasingly confronted with new and often conflicting situations. Personal values provide an internal reference for what is good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable, and constructive. Over time, the public expression of personal values has laid the foundations of law, custom, and tradition. Personal values in this way exist in relation to cultural values, either in agreement with or divergent from prevailing norms. Values serve as guidelines for making decisions and for attempting to resolve conflicts. People who value personal integrity are less likely to make decisions they know to be injurious to someone else. Personal values represent an important force in organizational behavior for several reasons. In fact, at least three purposes are served by the existence of personal values in organizations. Values serve as standards of behavior for determining a correct course of action. Values serve as guidelines for decision-making and conflict resolution, and values serve as an influence on employee motivation.

  39. Uy-oco, Jan Arvie S.
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
    Wednesday (6:46 am)

    1.) What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I think the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is, Utilitarianism. It was clear that this ethical theory is pointing out on the morality of a person that doing good is right and doing bad is wrong. So, it is basically obvious that a person must do good and not bad because in order for us to have a better life we must increase the amount of doing good things and decreasing the amount of doing bad things, and that is the time that we will know the purpose of morality our life. In general, whatever is being evaluated, we must ought to choose the one that will produce the best overall results. In the words of some utilitarians, we should choose the option that “maximizes utility,” example the action or policy that produces the largest amount of good.

    2.) In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    For me, in order for a theory to be accepted it must contain respect to all human and communities, beneficence and justice. Respect has great importance in everyday life. This is the first to be taught when we were children, to respect our parents, teachers, and elders, school rules and traffic laws, family and in the community such as cultural traditions, other people's feelings and rights, our country's flag and leaders, the truth and people's differing opinions. Beneficence is defined as an act of charity, mercy, and kindness with a strong connotation of doing good to others including moral obligation. Justice, then, is a central part of ethics and should be given due consideration in our moral lives.

    3.) Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, it will be practical in governing human behavior because we will know what is our duties and responsibilities as humans, we can do right and know what is wrong and it will help us in picking the right decision. It is an important function in ethics to figure out whether particular human actions are moral or not because morality involves the examination of human action to decide if it is good, bad or indifferent to figure out if it is right or wrong, good or bad.

  40. Mairieshel M. Alcantara
    7:52 am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Based on my research the ethical theory that will possible provide a resolution to the evils of men is the Normative ethics wherein Kantianism or Deontology, Virtue theory and consequentialist theory is under this. Deontology which originated from the Greek word 'deon' and 'logos' meaning 'duty' and 'study' is about the choices which is morally required, permitted, or forbidden. It is a moral theory that deals with the guidance among people in order to assess their choices of what they will do according to the rules that they must follow. The virtue theory is the good habits we acquire and the consequentialist theory is the about the consequences of human actions. In order to resolve the evils of men, he should follow the rules or the guidelines of doing righteous things and asses his own self if he is aware on what is right and wrong to do. Having a moral and ethical perception about things will help an individual to differentiate things well and avoid the things that is fruit of evil deeds.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The theory will be an acceptable standard of pursuing ethics if all people will truly understand what the theory is, so that they can have an application about it in their lives. Having a right standard is essential and will be beneficial to mankind in order to pursue ethics because it will help them to live their lives towards righteousness and ethically.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    For me, the theories of ethics can be used in governing human behavior since it deals with variety of concepts of life of a mankind. Ethics were divided in three major subjects which are the 'metaethics' , 'normative ethics' , and 'applied ethics'. Metaphysics is the study of the origin and meaning of ethical concepts. It also covers issues from moral semantics to moral epistemology. Meanwhile, the normative ethics is about moral standards that regulate the right and wrong conducts. It deals with moral principles and set of good character traits. Applied ethics is the branch of ethics which consists of the analysis of specific and controversial moral issues. Overall, those ethical theories is a practical way in governing human behaviors because it sets standard on how human must act. It touch all aspect of a human being and tries to help them to have an ethical and morally life.

  41. Escodero, Steven Yu
    8:46 AM

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I have no idea about ethical theory yet, so I did research about it and base on what I've gathered, Utilitarianism is an example of ethical theory and very strong ethical theory because it focuses on results to determine what is right and wrong. It's an example of consequentialism in action. It provides also a resolution to us people as we do something or resolve something particularly in our decision making. Since utilitarianism focus on what will be the consequences, it'll make us aware before we do something or before we decide on what we gonna do.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    For me is the Consequentialist theory or the utilitarianism again because according to my research, unlike virtue and deontological theories, consequentialist theories maintain which only the results, or outcomes, of actions are morally significant. Acts are judged ethically correct purely based on their outcomes. Utilitarianism is the most popular variant of consequentialism. For it is very important in our everyday lives for us not be in risk or not to put ourselves in a place or moment that would not lead us to good or better life. For me consequences is the best basis in our lives it will definitely help us to decide and do what right and know what wrongs

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, theory of ethics are useful in governing human behavior because ethical theories describe the viewpoints from which individuals seek direction as they make decisions. it also clarify what it is right or wrong to do in particular situations. Ethical theory have advantages, it help a person to arrive at a decision, help us to choose what is appropriate for the given situation, also give us a perspective on morality, assist us in making reasonable choices and very useful in solving some dilemmas.

  42. Lance Arvin Dacasin
    Wednesday @ 9:11 am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I do not have much knowledge a and background about ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men however, based of my research, there are many ethical theories to overcome the evil of men such as the egosim, virtue theory, religion, existentialism etc. Specifically, the Deontology theory or Deontological ethics emphasize the relationship between the morality and responsibilities of human action. In that manner, if we know the deep essence of duty and morality in ourselves, maybe there is a big possibility to overcome the evil. Lastly, having high morality in this world and unjust society is the resolution in the evils of men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Based on my research and own reflection, in order for a theory be accepted specifically in pursuing ethics, there must be an understanding of common set of goals that make the decision maker seeks to achieve in order to be come successful. The theory must consider all the norms, behavior, personality especially moral values because it provides a framework that can be used as a reference for decision making process. Lastly, we all know that there are ethical standards for a theory become accepted and thse standards are established by the founders of the organization to communicate it underlying moral value. It is importance to know these standard because it can be use in researches, avoidance of error and pursuing the truth and knowledge.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, when we say ethics it is the study of moral behavior and set of principles that guide a human being. Basically, without ethics, there is no peace, respect, orderliness among people in the society. In addition, ethical theory has the purpose to govern human behavior to know what is right and wrong, what is just and unjust. Meanwhile, morality is really the same in knowing what is right and wrong but morality refers to the principles of human behavior based on his own. In conclusion, the theory of ethics govern the human behavior because it guide the human being to be good in their everyday life.

  43. Cadahing, Hernanie
    WEDNESDAY @ 9:15 am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    According to what I’ve researched the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the deontology, because this ethical theory is an obligation to other or to the society. So therefore even the person wants to do some evil things this theory will be the hindrance because this deontology theory is a duty or an obligation that we need to follow. A person that has this kind of ethical theory will produce a consistent decision, just because this theory is based on the individual set of duties or obligation.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    There are a lot of ethical theories that help us to guide our life, it will serve as our foundation in order for us to pursue an ethical life. And this theory has also a different approach in a different ethical problem again according to what I have researched there are four principles that we need to consider before theory will be accepted as a standard of pursing ethics. These are beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy and justice.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because the theory of ethics that we have are also our foundation in order for us to pursue an ethical life. It will serve as our guidelines of our behavior that we need to consider in our decision before we do an action.

  44. Combong, Irish Flolen R.
    BSBA-IM 2B – Tuesday 5pm to 8pm
    Wednesday 9:46 AM

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The ethical theory that I think will provide resolution to the evils of men is the Theory of Virtue. Virtue signifies the goodness of humankind while the Vices are the opposite of it. Identifying our virtues will help us to mold ourselves to be better people. It focuses not just on our moral thinking but also on the actions that we'll do. There are seven virtues adopted by the Catholic Church: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. On the other hand, the vices are called the Seven Cardinal Sins, which are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, and pride. To manage our dark sides, we must know the virtues and the consequences of choosing the vices or temptations around us. We must practice living with it to achieve fulfillment in life and to overcome evils surrounding us.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    A proposed theory must undergo a lot of studies. As stated in a lot of articles that ethics is a process that entails art and science. The theory should offer goodness to all and ways to improve our character. To be recognized as an ethical theory, it must possess these standards: beneficial for the betterment of humankind, pursue characters and morality development, and represent upright and just judgments. I chose these standards because an ethical theory is our guide for discovering the goodness within us.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because it is a collective study of approaches that serve as our guide in nurturing and improving our morality and character development. It is also our guide on how we interact with each other, execute our moral and social obligations, and reflect on our own lives.

  45. Capa, Cyrene Kaye S.
    Wednesday (09:46 am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Honestly, I don’t have any background about ethical theories, but based on what I have searched, deontology is the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men. Deontology states that a person should follow their duties and obligations, especially in their decision making. It claims that the rightness and wrongness of actions may be determined by analyzing the actions themselves rather than the consequences.
    We should do what is right and morally good so that we can prevent doing bad things. It would be easy for us to distinguish what is right and wrong by practicing good morals in our life. Hence, our conscience will take an action to the situation because our conscience will act as our guide to everything we do. It will tell us what is right and wrong. Fill our minds and heart with love and kindness.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    If a theory guides us in making decisions and recognizing what is the right thing to do, it will be regarded as a norm for pursuing ethics. It should also include a set of objectives for the people. It should not cause harm to individuals and should be just and respectful. It should also influence and encourage people to practice good morals and do what is morally good because ethics plays an important role in the core being of a person.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, since ethical theories help us to figure out what is good and bad and what is right and wrong. It determines whether our actions or behaviors are good or bad. It will assist us in changing the way we think as well as our human practices and behaviors. It helps us to attain unity and peace in our community.

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    for me the ethical theory that can provide resolution to the evil of men is the virtue. Because virtue is decision based on the character and morality of a person. If the person see it as evil or bad decision we need to avoid that because we know what is wrong and right.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    for me theory can be accepted if it can prove or have a solid foundation. One example is the rights, we all agree to a theory of right and have a solid proof about the proposed right there a chance it can be accepted.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    yes, because making a decision without basis is unreasonable. If we practice the theory of ethics which can be prove in many way as legit . it can help to guide us in the path of solidarity.
    but some theory which cant prove a useful one cannot be used in governing human behavior.

  47. Dela Cruz, Elexander James
    Tuesday (5pm-8pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Virtue Ethical Theory is the ethical theory that will provide a cure to man's evils. This is done through making decisions based on values such as honesty, courage, compassion, self-control, and others. Because it focuses on a person's personality but instead of their behaviors and also it is concerned with the individual's entire life.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Ethics is a critical standard of conduct since it can guide us in making the best judgments and acting appropriately in many situations. It explains which practices are appropriate and which are not, especially when applied to daily life. For me, living ethically is important since it is good for everyone and of course We will all gain from it.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior. Because ethics teaches us how to act appropriately and has a huge impact on us. Ethics also helps us to do what is truly right and avoid making bad decisions in our life. It is also the reason for our unity and good relationships with others. Let's treat each other equally, as this is one of the reasons our relationship will become even stronger.

  48. Tomines, Gizelle B.
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (8:00 am - 11:00 am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Using google as my reference, for me, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the Utilitarianism.
    Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes. Knowing first the outcome of our actions will greatly impact our decision making in life. Evils of men will be avoided once we understand and know the consequences of our action right before doing it. This really help people to restrain theirselves in doing evil.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    For me, in my opinion and understanding, a theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics onl6 if it is morally and can be use in making ethical decision. Theories that are helpful in pursuing good deeds and preventing people in making wrong decision that can lead them to a bad doings.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Absulutely yes, theories of ethics help us on molding ourselves into our most ethical version that we can be. But, theories of ethics can only govern human behavior if we let it happen. Considering those theories of ethics in decisiong making is also allowing them to rule on our behavior.

  49. Bermeo, Trixia Nicole B.
    BSCE 2G
    Tuesday (8:00 AM – 11:00 AM))

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men. Explain.
    - I don't have much knowledge with ethical theories, but based on my studies into philosophical ethical theories, the deontological ethical theory places a strong emphasis on the relationship between obligation and morality in human activities. The theory indicates that the individual will fulfill his or her commitments to another individual or society because doing so is considered ethically correct. If we are doing what we should be doing and thinking about what is ethically or morally good at the same time, I believe we will be able to avoid committing evil or bad things. Generally, we should always practice performing morally good things and making morally good decisions in order to prevent doing something we aren't supposed to.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics?
    - Ethical principles were developed in order for a theory to be accepted as a standard for ethical behavior. Beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice are four ethical principles. (The following explanation is based on my personal understanding of what I've learned on my research)
    a. The beneficence principle guides a decision maker to do what is right and good. This concentrate on "doing good" provides a moral perspective and a better solution to an ethical issue. This principle states that ethical theories should strive to achieve the greatest amount of good because the greatest number of good benefits the greatest number of people.
    b. Like beneficence, least harm considers circumstances in which no choice appears to be beneficial. In such cases, decision-makers strive to cause the least amount of harm to the fewest number of individuals possible. Some could argue that it is more important to "do no harm" than it is to take measures to help others.
    c. The principle of respect for autonomy states that decisions should be made with the goal of allowing individuals to be autonomous—to be able to make decisions that affect their life. People should have as much sense of control as possible since they are the only ones who fully comprehend their chosen lifestyle.
    d. As per the justice ethical concept, decision-makers should prioritize actions that are fair to all parties involved. This shows that ethical decisions should be taken in accordance with ethical theory if there are extenuating circumstances which may be justified.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, a theory of ethics can be useful in governing human behavior because it addresses the various moral principles that might guide a person's behavior and help us distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. Ethical theories assist us in dealing more effectively with ethical dilemmas by identifying and removing behaviors that do not fit to our sense of right and wrong - our best rational interests – without jeopardizing others.

  50. Ruga, Janus M.
    BET - MT 4A
    Wednesday (8am-11am)

    1. The resolution for the evil of men is the utilitarianism, because this ethical theory focuses on the decision making of a person that will be best for everyone involved. It also focuses on helping others and an act of fairness.

    2. To better comprehend ethical theory, one must appreciate a common set of objectives that we people as decision-makers strive to attain in order to be successful. Those objectives may include the respect, understanding, love, and fairness.

    3. For me the theory of ethics can govern human behavior, because it focuses on the importance of decision making in every situation we are facing. It can help to develop the behavior of a man since he/she will consider the situation of others and what will benefit most of them.

  51. Annalyn V. Bautista
    BET MT 4A
    WEDNESDAY 8:00am-11:00am

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I believe it is the virtue ethical theory, because you will be examining your own character and morals as a person in this theory. This theory will help us understand everything, especially whether our actions are appropriate or incorrect for ourselves and those around us. We can avert or atleast mitigate the evil in our hearts if we understand fully our own personalities and values.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    When a majority of people agree with it and the majority of the theory concentrates on the positive or right side rather than the bad side, it is acknowledged and accepted as a norm for pursuing ethics. This just implies that it focuses on the good side, which is why so many people agree with it.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, I believe that an ethical theory can be useful in guiding human behavior since it allows us to completely comprehend ourselves as individuals in many parts of our lives, potentially leading to positive outcomes.

  52. Cajipe, Hannah D.
    BSCE 2G
    Wednesday (11:07 am)

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I think, an ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is deontology. While deontology holds and contain flaws, it also contains many positive attributes. One flaw of deontology is that there is no rationale or logical basis for deciding an individual’s duties. This can also be compared to the evils of men, when men do evil things there is no rationale or logical basis, they are driven by emotions.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Ethics is based on well founded moral codes that dictate what human should do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, societal advantages, fairness, or specific virtues. A theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it consists of the standards of behavior the society accepts because ethics also consists of it. These theories provide framework on how to resolve ethical problems or difficulties the society is facing.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Theory of ethics can help in governing human behavior as there are bases for the right actions and specific virtues to be shown. However, these are theories. Theories are just tested hypotheses and can be falsified. On the other hand, these theories can provide a part of decision-making foundation. When it comes to ethics, these ideas indicate the viewpoints from which people seek guidance when making judgments.

  53. Montojo, Davren Antonette B.

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The ideontological ethics puts emphasis on the relationship between duty and morality of human actions. It states that an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. Deontological ethics holds that at least some acts are morally obligatory regardless of their consequences for human welfare.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In order to pursue the standard of ethics, tthere must be some understanding of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve in order to be successful. These include beneficenc which guides the decision maker to do what is right and good, least harm which deals with situations in which no choice appears beneficial, respect for autonomy which states that decision-making should focus on allowing people to be autonomous to be able to make decisions that apply to their live and justice which states that decision makers should focus on actions that are fair to those involved.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person’s behavior. These morals are shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences. Ethics reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad in terms of human behavior. They serve as a compass to direct how people should behave toward each other, understand and fulfill their obligations to society, and live their lives.

  54. Ducusin, Jan Andre C.
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
    Wednesday 10:46

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Virtue Ethics is the one that can provide a resolution to the evils of men because, according to Aristotle virtous person is someone who has ideal character traits. These traits derive from natural internal tendencies but need to be trained over time, virtous person is the one that is doing good to other person that has no intention to have any favors to gain. Having different kind of good traits can make a person less evil and and eventually won't think evil stuff because the person mastered it through time.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory can be accepted as a standard pursuing ethics by benefiting majority of the people in the society, it's all about doing good and right stuffs even no one witnessing it. Doing the right decisions can make a big impact to the society and can be a better place to live in the future.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    For me yes, it can help us governed our human behaviour because theory of ethics helps us improve our decision making in way that we need to practice to do the good things and avoiding the bad decisions that can make our life more difficult to live. It also helps us to know "why we live" and "what is the purpose of life"

  55. Jan Audrey Sunga
    BSBA - IM - 2B
    October 20, 2021 (11:20am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I think virtue ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men because according to this theory, a person is being judged based on his/her character rather than by an action that may deviate from his/her normal behaviour. It normally takes the person’s morals, reputation, and motivation into account when rating an unusual and irregular behaviour that is considered unethical. For instance, if a person plagiarized a passage that was later detected by a peer, the peer who knows the person well will understand the person’s character and will judge the friend accordingly. If the plagiarizer normally follows the rules and has good standing amongst his colleagues, the peer who encounters the plagiarized passage may be able to judge his friend more leniently.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard pursuing ethics? Explain.
    A theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it has no disadvantages or flaws in all aspects of life. We cannot deny the fact that each ethical theory has its negative impact when pertaining to human perception and decision in life. If those flaws cannot be given an adequate reasoning then we cannot give 100% assurance that ethical theories cannot be set as the standard when pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes! Theory of ethics can govern human behaviour especially if all the complications of each ethical theory will be addressed, and will focus on the strength of each ethical theory.


    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The virtue of ethical theory is that it judges a person based on his character rather than an action that may depart from his usual conduct. For example, if a person plagiarized a section that was subsequently discovered by a peer, the peer who knows the individual will be able to criticize the buddy based on his or her character. As a result, virtue must find a remedy to men's sins; they must cease judging others based on their personalities. Because, as the saying goes, "DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER."

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    ethical theory's rights, because a society's established rights are preserved and given the highest importance. Rights are also thought to be ethically correct and valid because a great number of people support them. Individuals with the skill and finances to do so may likewise give rights on others. A legitimate claim against another person's action, such as my right not to be affected by you, is referred to as a right. Rights and responsibilities are intertwined in such a way that one person's rights imply another's responsibilities.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because ethics is a set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior, and ethics is also a reflection of one's opinions about what is right and wrong in terms of human behavior. As a result, I believe the philosophy of ethics can be useful in regulating human behavior.

  57. Napa, Kaileen Adaline Tiffany C.
    Tuesday 17:00 - 20:00

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - In my perspective, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the ethical theory of virtue. With its definition, it is the theory that evaluates the character or traits of a person instead of their actions. Wherein, in connecting this to the evils of men, it attains to have the persons compassion, honesty, generosity, prudence and many more. As it is for the person to resolve the evils in his or her spirit or body and not be deceive by the desires that around.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - The theory of ethics to be accepted in general, must be containing choice, behaviors and outcomes that will please each and everyone. With this, it will be our reminder for us to know or do the right thing in our lives. However, in seeking this to be accepted by humankind it must have a concrete or particular goal or aim, of course with the sense of ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, theory of ethics may help us to regulate human conduct by providing individuals with a thorough understanding of what is good and wrong. It is also a way of helping us to make well-informed decisions. The theory of ethics does this by advising us on what we should do and guiding us through the process of evaluating options in order to improve our decision-making. As a result of the ethics theory, controlling human conduct will be easier since individuals are using a system that deals with their values, reasons, and behaviors.

  58. Guillermo, Jhenielle B .
    OCT 20, Wednesday (11:35 AM)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The virtue of ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils men. In considering of virtue ethics is necessary on what makes a good person. It is about decision making of one's person morally, that is based on thier own character. Evils men need to developed virtues would be naturally disposed to act in ways that are consistent with moral principles. These engage evils men in Honesty, generosity, Integrity and importantly to have self control which prevent people from evil acts. It helps evils men understand what is the true value to be a virtuous human being. This will give a transition on evils men perceptions which give a path for new life.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The Utilitarian make ethics theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, in a reason of it has a core duty to the general. The decision making depend on what the most of people can benefit, which linked for being selfless of one's but it has a good effect for the majority. Utilitarianism engage people in determining right from wrong by focusing on outcomes, it assess what is useful, situational and practical in a certain aspect. Utilitarianism claims that the most ethical is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. Pursuing ethics we should ponder our characteristics and good personality that deals with quality of an act and behavior this help us to know deeper about morality of goodness and wrongness of human act favorable of all.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, I agree that theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior because, first in deontology it assess the duties and obligation of human person should know in order to accomplished thier responsibilities. Secondly, Utilitarianism which linked on practically and the beneficial decision for greatest number of people. Then, Rights that supports justification claims for the freedom and protection of general interest. Nevertheless, Virtue that possess honesty and morality. All of these Ethical Theories is interconnected on how we understand people behavior, they serve as a guide to direct how people should make great decision making toward each other, understand and fulfill their obligations to society, and live their better lives.

  59. Cabatingan, Mark Josh Stephen B.
    BSCE - 2G

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Four broad categories of ethical theory include deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtues.

    Based on this, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is Deontoloy. It is an ethics, in philosophy, that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. The term deontology is derived from the Greek deon, “duty,” and logos, “science.”

    Wherein an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. Deontological ethics holds that at least some acts are morally obligatory regardless of their consequences for human welfare.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    When most people think of ethics they think of rules for distinguishing between right and wrong, such as the Golden Rule like “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". a religious creed like the Ten Commandments ("Thou Shalt not kill..."), or a wise aphorisms like the sayings of Confucius. This is the most common way to define ethics.

    There are four fundamental ethical principles: respect for persons; beneficence; justice; and respect for communities. These principles are grounded in moral theories, the research ethics literature, and convention and are foundational for national and international ethics guideline.

    In order to further understand ethical theory, there must be some understand- ing of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve in order to be successful.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, Because if we say ethics we immediately think about a right and wrong. Depending on what we act it reflects to our human behavior. Practicing theory helps us to input the good things in our nature. It will help. In general, it can be practical in governing human behavior because theory of ethics shows the basic definition of right and wrong

  60. Chua Jr, Michael D.
    BSBA-IM 2B – Tuesday 5pm – 8pm
    Wednesday 11:39
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men?
    A: For me, the ethical theory that can provide resolution to the evils of men is Deontological as this theory talks about the respect for the moral law itself. We don’t know the background of one individual, maybe in his point of view he is right. If he deals with a Deontology, we will have a respect for autonomy, respect for persons and may have the justice that he deserves.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain
    A: The theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics by knowing that there are a lot of explanation on how to further improve a person’s behavior. Within the theory, we may learn new ideas and new discoveries in how to deal with other people and to give them guidance as they make a decision.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    A: Yes, it can. Because of theory of ethics, it can help a person on his decision making when ethics are in play. It improves the morality of a persons and may grow as a good person. As everyone don’t make the decision in the same way, we may know the viewpoints of an individual as they make the decisions.

  61. Andrea Nicole A. Reyes
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The systematic effort to grasp moral concepts and justify moral rules and theories is known as ethical theory. In my own opinion, theory of utilitarianism is one of the resolution to the evils of men because in this theory the actions of the people will be based what is best for the most people. Utilitarianism talks about helping others and fairness and I do believe it can be a resolution to the evils of men because it will guide them to what is right and it is a theory of morality wherein it advocates actions and decisions that foster happiness. Everyone wants to be happy that’s why we are doing things and seeking for more to make us happy and this theory is the greatest happiness principle. This theory determines the right from wrong by focusing in the outcome and evils of men is the outcome of our decisions
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Ethical theory are attempts to provide a clear, unified accounts of what our ethical obligations. Every theory has a more in-depth research study that was conducted, and it is based on observed human behavior in society. Theory should have strong relevant and evidences that can establish a specific claim of theory, and society will attest that the theory is truly applicable and observed in society, and that, in my opinion, is what makes a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Theory of ethics can be a practical in governing human behavior because those theories has been observed in the society and it is a set of moral principles that’s guide the persons behavior and it will help to understand the causes of certain action of the individual. Community will not be a community because of the individuals. We are living in the world that have variety of culture, values, traditions, and environment. Theory of ethics helps us to understand the differences and gaps of every individual.

  62. Inserto, Mark Robert
    Wednesday 11:54 am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men?

    -It would be rights and justice. The rights to be acknowledged individually and justice to serve punishment to those who wouldn't abide. Consequently, it will instill in people's mind the ability to discern their actions appropriately and eventually reduce the risk of their engagement to inhumane activities.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics?

    A theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics when the specific theory will provide positive outcome. People doing studies and research will always go back to the possibilities of the theories and it's great output.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    -Yes definitely. Looking on a theory of ethics is very beneficial as every government of human behavior will always be depending on the dealing with theories, research and it's possible outcome.

  63. Kenstin Lee B. Cos
    BET-MT 4A
    Wednesday (8:00 - 11:00 A.M)

    1.What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I have no idea about ethical theories but based on discussion and research. The theory of deontology states that when we have to make ethical decisions, our first thoughts are on our duties and obligations. And based on my research, deontological ethics refers to ethical theories that emphasize the link between duty and the morality of human actions. The activity is deemed ethically good because of some aspect of it, rather than because the result of the action is good. At least some actions are ethically required regardless of the consequences for human flourishing.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Because ethical theories describe the viewpoints from which individuals seek direction while they make decisions, they serve as part of the decision-making foundation. When it comes to ethical decision-making, students must understand that not everyone makes decisions in the same way, with the same information, and using the same decision criteria. To be successful, there must be some knowledge of a common set of goals that decision makers want to attain. Beneficence, least harm, autonomy respect, and fairness are four of these goals. This means that a person will follow his or her obligations to another individual or society because upholding one’s duty is what is considered ethically correct.

    3.Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    It depends on how we intend to apply ethical theory and what aspects will be included. It can govern human behavior in some respects because we have a good reason to embody ethical characteristics and we are aware of the potential consequences for ourselves and others. However, when a person has a secondary goal of integrating the concept of ethics, it loses its meaning because the importance of absorbing wonderful values and understanding various concepts in life is gone, and learning loses its purpose.

  64. Jao, Cesar Jr.
    Wednesday 12:17

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I have no clues about ethical theories, but based on my research, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is deontology. Deontology mentions that individuals should adhere to their obligations and duties whem emgaged om decision making when ethics are in play. This basically means that he/she will comply and keep his obligations to another individual or society because it is what considered as ethically correct.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    I personally think that a theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it has an undeniable evidence and a solid proof or when people accepted the ethical theory as the standard unwritten code of the society, also, when the general accepted and agreed on the statement being stated on the ethical theory can be applied to the practical world.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes because the ethical theory states that one should adhere to his/her obligations as well as following the law of the society.

  65. Feliciano, John Michael P.
    BETMT - 4C
    Wednesday (8:00 - 11:00 A.M)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - The best ethical theory for this would be the rights. Through rights, we will have an understading of what not to do against others as we may violate them in anyway. Violated rights are needed to be discussed so that justice can be served to anyone.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - A theory can be accepted as long as it can make positive outcomes or, if it can provide us guidance so that we can further improve ourselves. Through theories we may learn and discover new things and ideas for us to apply in our lives.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, ethics can teach us our obligations as a person, as discussed Ethics is moral philosphy, which means it is the inquiry of the rightness and wrongness of a human act. Through the theory of ethics we can set our moral principles as we became part of our community.

    BET MT - 4C
    Wednesday (8:00 - 11:00 A.M)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The four ethical theory can provide resolution to the evils of men because in every action a man make, the four theories are in process and has a big part to play.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    The four theories was already proven, this makes it accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics because this theories have a big role to play in every ethical move a person make.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, especially the virtue because aside form the theory itself, virtue exist in the other three theories.

  67. Charlyn D. Halog
    BSBA-IM 2B
    TUESDAY (5:00 PM - 8:00 PM)

    1.What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - The utilitarianism theory of ethics is the ethical theory that can provide a solution to man's evils. It is based on predicting the outcomes of a given activity. As a result, an utilitarianism believes that making the decision that would benefit the wider community is ethically correct, which I believe is true because we live in a society where individuals take advantage of others' goodwill. Its advantage, however, is that it allows you to compare similar predicted solutions and determine which choice is the most helpful to the majority of individuals. It also provides a logical and sensible rationale for each decision, and it may be used by one individual on a particular circumstance scenario.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - Ethics is more about doing the right thing or doing what is right. Because that is also the goal of ethics, a theory will only be approved if its purpose and objective are for the good of the majority of people in a society. Every time we take an action or make a decision, it serves as a reminder to do the right thing. It will not be regarded as a standard for pursuing ethics if the theory does not have a clear major objective or purpose in a society, or if the theory can affect the fundamental definition of ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes. Ethics also refers to a person's actions or character. Because the objective of the four theories is to teach and remind us to be good and do what is right, they can be utilized as a guide in human behavior. It is always for our personal advantage as well as the benefit of those around us. Finally, our actions follow us till the very last breath we take. No one can make you alter your behavior; others can assist to change your philosophy and ethics for the better, but there is one thing they can't do: they can't do it for you; in the end, you must do it for your own

  68. Vincent L. Isorena
    BET - MT - 4C
    Wed (8:00 - 11:00 am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Based on what we have discussed I think this provide the theory under rights theory because the mankind itself can only base their character and describe their personality based on rights of the society which is the only place they can agreed to. Their evil side has been shown in which it is their decision to behave in a particular situation and they only show generosity when society is surrounding them, their actions only define what is their character and based on the decisions they make.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - This is by showing the real meaning of every theory which spreads positivity to every individual and when applied to himself when oneself understands the standards and the limits of ethical living and the right use of common senses to proof that a theory is acceptable.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes but it depends to the higher people who runs and controls the government, they can apply the rules by decision making to make the society understand which is right and what is the correct proper living while thinking about ethics. Everyone knows what is the consequences of their actions in fact the human behavior has still its curiosity, they can apply major ethical theories when their morality and teaches others about this characteristic.

  69. Apon, Stephanie Grace G.
    BSCE – 2G
    Wednesday (2:45 pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I have no prior knowledge about ethical theory but based on the research I did, there are two theories I consider that will provide solution to the evils of men, Deontology and Utilitarianism. Deontology theory provides the need to answer to obligations on other people as themselves so that an individual will make consistent decisions with their given duties. This also is the duty to adhere to the law of their country and follow through their rules. For utilitarianism, this enables people to think of the consequences of their action. One way to avoid evil through this is the fear of the results of a bad decision, causing a logical thinking in ways how to avoid hurting others and instead find an alternative for a more positive outcome.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    The thing that is constant in every theory provided was that each of them provides a set of standard that may help an individual gauge whether an action is morally and ethically right. The theories mainly focus on adhering through these principles: Beneficence, Least Harm, Respect or Autonomy and Justice; all of which are helpful in order for people to avoid defaulting to evil ways. This meant that humans are, with the reference to the theories, to be protected, to be respected, and to be ensured of their well-being. And I think these purposes constitutes as a good standard to be accepted when pursuing ethics because they cover every right a human has to be able to live safely.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, theory of ethics is practical in governing human behavior because it could serve as a guide whenever a person makes a decision and considering whether it could help or harm other people. As a way of following the ethical theories, humans will tend to avoid harm and pursue the better option of helping other people through their actions. This enables people to perceive actions that needed improvement for the betterment of their selves, allowing the self-improvement and later on might lead them to a path of success.

  70. Belgira, Jay Cean Paul S.
    BET-MT 4C
    Wednesday (8:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Virtue theory can be the resolution for the evils of men, because it gives guidance to a person to attain the authentic happiness. This makes a person’s decision more wisely than irrational and it enables us to act in in a way of purpose.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - In my opinion, I think they would accept because is people need this theory of ethics to attain a way of authentic happiness and it is a guidance to young generations before they enter the society.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - I would believe so, because ethics is guidance for human behavior which is right and wrong and it allow us to completely comprehend ourselves as individuals in many things to live and explore many things and gives as happiness and also wisdom.

  71. Azriel Danielle B. Santos
    BETMT - 4A
    Wednesday (8:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The ethical theory that will provide resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism. This will give us time to think for the consequences that will be done for every decision that we make in our life. Since many of us will benefit from the choice that we made, we people should think what's best for us. With that, we will have a positive mindset of what will happen to us.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory will be accepted as long as it has a positive outcome for us people and it will help us to decide in a positive way. As long as it will help a person to be good, have positive behavior, and moral lesson in life, this theory will be accepted.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes. As we can see on the theory of ethics, decision making skill of a person will be enhanced and it will help us practice the choosing the right or wrong doings in our life.

  72. Clariza R. Ornopia
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    II. Activity
    1.) What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I guess that the ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men is also known as the virtue ethical theory. In my understanding, the virtue ethical theory judges a person based on their character rather than action. Unethical is the immoral principle of people. The main focus of virtue ethics is that person who has honesty and morality. It can say a moral and righteous person has positive behavior being honesty and kind. This theory allows you to decide according to favored virtue.

    2.) In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    It can make the theory accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics because it gives us guidelines to understand the right things to do. It can show through actions, such as caring, loving, truthful, honest, responsibilities, and humanity. Ethics is important to rule in the human being because it represents the behavior, character, morals, and quality of life. It is positive so that it is just possible that the world is has changed. In our life, sometimes there are good and bad times. Even though if the theory can be the rule in our everyday lives. Their notice in our situation. This theory helps us to make the decision and to do the right thing.

    3.) Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior because ethics discuss the quality of life, nature, and virtue. Ethics helps us to know, identify, and understand what is right and wrong in our behavior. Moreover, these ethics enabled people to dwell our life with morality.

  73. Llanes, Karyl T.
    BET MT 4A
    WEDNESDAY 8:00am-11:00am

    III. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Based on my opinion, the ethical theory that will resolve men's evils is a virtue. The virtue ethical theory judges a person by their character rather than an action that may deviate from their normal behavior. If a person is more aware of their actions and behavior, somehow they will sink into them that some of their behavior is not appropriate or could harm other people because of their choices. If they sooner realize this kind of thing, they will change their ways to avoid this kind of behavior and do the right thing.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if most of the people apply this to themselves, where people find it a norm, for example, the theory of utilitarianism, the scenario is there is a burglar, and he is trying to rob you he has a gun pointed at you, and you also have a weapon to defend yourselves. In this situation, you have two choices: shoot the burglar to protect yourself or give up because it is wrong to kill another person according to the ten commandments, but he might kill you, so there will be no witnesses once he accomplishes his plan. The rule utilitarianism takes into account the law and is concerned with fairness. A rule utilitarian seeks to benefit the most people but through the fairest and most means available. So technically, you can choose to shoot the intruder since he trespasses inside your house and have bad intentions. It might be wrong because you kill the burglar, but it is fair because you are defending yourself in the utilitarian theory.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, theory of ethics can govern human behavior because they help us make our decision, action, and choices more reasonable and logical. It also helps us make the right decision or choices in a certain situation.

  74. Mary Joy J. Estrologo
    Wednesday (5PM-8PM)
    5:52 PM

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - For me it would be the ethical theory of rights. Based on the meaning of the ethical theory of rights, it says that people make decisions based on the rights that their society. Also, our rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion should help us decide how to behave. You can make this ethical theory of rights as basis to your personal life. It can be a standard on what should be in order to throw away the evils.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - Well, theory can be a standard on pursuing ethics because it seeks improvement, and it benefits one another. Since theory is based on collective knowledge and facts it can help the people to have backgrounds on ethics and have an ethical personality.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes. Since ethics is related to our morality, it has something to do with our personality. Theory of ethics are studied and reviewed, and I think it can be practical in governing human behavior. Each and every ethical theory are good enough to be a basis and standard in governing human behavior as it sets rules and expectation.

  75. Buaron, Arlenie C.
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Virtue is the ethical theory that I think will provide a resolution to the evils of men. As we all know virtue deals with the honesty and morality of a person, by practicing a good habit such as generosity makes a moral and virtuous person. Humans can deal to do not give in to addiction, temptations, or desires. Being devoted to do the right thing no matter what the personal cost and act according to moral values and principles. It will lead humans to happiness and a good life.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The ethical theories have one common goal it is to make decisions that are always right for society in order to be successful. Also, it should be beneficence, least damage, individuality respect, and fairness. These theories will guide us to make decisions according to our ethical obligations as humans. It can assist us in living a more fulfilling life, both personal and professional growth.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because the theory of ethics is a system of moral standards that govern a person's actions but also on its morality. Humans can be aware of their choices in life and realize the possible consequences, both for ourselves and others. Through our decisions, ethics can guide us to make the world a better place.

  76. Leimari Jame A. Sagun
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5:00-8:00pm

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - The ethical theory that will provide resolution to the evils of men is the utilitarianism theory. Utilitarianism is where people choose their actions based on how their decisions will benefit the most people. Making right decisions that will benefit others will lead them to do right things too. Your actions and decisions will affect them on how they treat others. I don't think that there is such thing like evil in man's heart because people decide and make their own choices in life that can lead them on a good or wrong path. Giving kindness and doing what is right can influence them to do what is ethical.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - To make theory be accepted as standard of pursuing ethics, people must apply it to themselves and to the people around them. Influence people to do what is right will lead them to do what is ethical. All theories are having same objectives and goals which is making people be ethical.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, theory of ethics is practical in governing human behavior because ethics serves us a guide in making decisions that will affect our character and human being. These 4 theories enlighten us on what or how to be ethical. Ethics will improve us in making right or wrong decisions.

  77. Evangelista, Renella Grace C.
    BSBA IM-2B
    TUESDAY (5:00 PM - 8:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - Deontology is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. It emphasizes the nature of men to follow his duty and obligations to his people. To answer the question, Deontology ethics encompasses the idea of adhering to a certain rules, which means that no matter what the results are, he will do the right thing. Actions and decisions are not based on the outcome, it is solely based on the moral of oneself.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - There are a lot of ethical theories that can help us through decision making and understand the importance of adhering ethics in life. The main purpose of ethics is to set standard between right and wrong to create unity in one society. Ethics, laws, guidelines are created to set standardized rules for us to follow. According to some research, there are several approach we need to consider as a standard to pursue ethics. Principles such as but not limited to; beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice are characters we must consider in standaridizing the theory of ethics. I believe these character will play a significant role in oneself that can influence their behaviour.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes. Ethics specifically focus on human behaviour and guides one's principle in life. It helps us understand the difference of right and wrong so we could think before we put it into actions. It is practically our guide in our daily lives. Simple matter, problem involves Ethics. Being aware of our behaviour, traits and character will help us improve ourselves psychologically.

  78. Daria, Manilyn V.
    Wednesday (04:00 - 7:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    In my opinion, utilitarianism is the ethical theory that can alleviate the evils of men because it can determine right and wrong by considering its results. Through it, we can evaluate our decisions and choices based on the risks they can pose. Its aim is for us to weigh the positive and the negative consequences of an action before determining the proper response to a certain situation. We should measure the effects in terms of their overall impact, rather than just in terms of how they affect us personally. I believe most people will live ethically and peacefully if we care and love our community and other people.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Despite the obvious limitations of each theory, I believe that for a theory to be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, it must consider the greatest good for the greatest numbers. After all, morality is founded upon consequences. A particular application of it is utilitarianism, which claims that the rightness of an act is determined by whether it maximizes a particular outcome, that is, the overall benefit to society.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes. In regards to practicality, I do not believe we should rely only on the existing theory of ethics. A solid basis of moral principles, on the other hand, can greatly empower individuals to make decisions that are morally right. As a concept related to human behavior, ethics refers to beliefs about right and wrong, what is just and what is unjust, what is good and what is bad. As a guide for human behavior, they enable people to understand and fulfill their societal responsibilities and live life to the fullest. Yet theories are concepts that still remain unproven. In a specific ethical context, when followed, they are ethically fulfilling, but they also possess the principle of autonomy that promotes the right to govern oneself. It is inevitable that we will make mistakes, but we can reduce them by using ethical theories.

    BET-MT 4C
    WEDNESDAY (8:00AM -11:00AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Virtue ethics will provide a resolution to the evil of men. Because virtue ethics helps us understand what it means to be a virtuous human being. It also provides us with a guidance for living our lives without dictating specific rules for resolving ethical problems. Instead of encouraging good behaviors or norms, virtue ethics seeks to develop good people. It gives an attractive and natural account of moral motivation in individuals.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    All ethical theories will be accepted. Because each individual has their own decision and perspective, it's depends on your goals and actions, as long as you apply it to yourself to become an ethical person.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because ethical theories reflect the views from which individuals seek direction when they make decisions, and also it serves as our guide from what is right and wrong, leading us to become ethical in every situation.

  80. Montero, Jeiel Shane B.
    BETCT - 3C/3D
    Wednesday (4-7 pm)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the Utilitarianism, because according to this theory people choose their actions based on how their decisions will benefits the most people. and there are two sides to this theory the first one is the act utilitarianism, the person can make a decision based on helping other people, so basically it will help the people to do the right things and to do the best that they can to help other people. the second one is the rule utilitarianism, the person will act out of fairness, so the person will be able to act fair in everything.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - In able to make the theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, people should mirror it. they have to make it possible that they can apply it to their selves and in that case it will be more easy to make the theory be accepted.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behaviour? Explain.
    - yes because it can help us to practice the right and wrong, it help us decide in our own. because the four theories teaches us to decide, to do the right and wrong and many more. so theory of ethics can be a good practice in governing the human behaviour.

  81. Brillantes, Lindsay S.
    Tuesday (5:00PM-8:00PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Every people in the world has an evil and good side, it makes the balance in our world. We all have in our inner self that wants to do bad things that why we have an ethical theory to guide and remind us on what we should do if ever we are trapped in a situation that we are tempted to do unjust things. We can’t stop the evils of the people but we can limit the destruction that it may bring. The best theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the theory of utilitarianism because as an individual we make a decision that will benefit us and the people around us. The theory of utilitarianism focuses on the actions that may foster happiness, pleasure, and well-being of an affected individual thus men will rethink doing bad things if that action will deprive them and the people around them to be happy, secure, and to be healthy.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    For the theory to be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, it should have the characteristics that may help people to have an ethical life. The theory should have a goal that may guide the people to know what is right and what is wrong. First, the theory should have beneficence, it is an act of compassion and kindness towards other people; the theory should benefit the individual and the people around them. Second, the theory should never harm the person and the others, because one of the goals of an ethical theory is to help the individual to make a good decision that may greatly affect his/her life. Third, it should have respect for autonomy, a theory should never oblige a person to make a decision that she/he may think will not do good to him/her and to the other people. Lastly, the theory should promote fair adjudication, fairness, and equality.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    In my opinion, any ethical theory should never dictate a person on what should be their behavior, actions, and their decisions in their life because a theory should only be a guide to the individuals to help them make a good decision. The theory that governs human activities and thoughts should never be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics as it violates one of the goals of a good ethical theory which is the respect for autonomy. If ever a person did a mistake in his/her decision and attitudes, we blame ourselves and not the theory as we are the ones who decide or do the action. We have the freedom to choose if we will base our actions and decision on ethical theory or not.

    BET CT-3C
    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -For me the ethical theory will provide the resolution to the evil's of men is Deontological Ethics. This ethical theory say's that every human being need to treated with respect and dignity because all of us have rights. It also says that we people should respect each other right. If we respect each other and treated the way we want to be treated we would have a peaceful life and peaceful society.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The theory will be accepted as standard of pursuing ethics if it is indicated the right and appropriate things to do that people need to do. And this kind of ethics would advice people what to do on the specific thing or if he/she doing are right. It is important to indicate the importance of righteousness of one individual.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behaviour? Explain.
    -Yes. Because ethics teaches us the right morals that we must had. Ethics taught us the right and the wrong. And it is important to us individual to have ethics in life.

  83. Carmina P. Igoy
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5:00-8:00pm

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain
    For what we discussed, in my conclusion the moral theory that will give a determination to the evils of men is the virtue. Since It states that practicing good habits such as genuineness, generosity makes a moral and ethical person. It guides us a human without particular rules for settling the moral complexity, to develop us an individual and for us to learn from our mistakes. It moreover gives us a guide for living life without giving us particular rules for settling moral problems. Besides, a individual who has created virtues will be normally arranged to act in ways that are reliable with ethical standards. In other words, by practicing it now we are able to avoid evil in our hearts and our life can profoundly move forward within the shape of way better relationships,happiness, and fulfillment of our life.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Moral theories give a enormous portion of the decision-making foundation for choice we make and when morals are in plays since these theories speak to the perspectives from which people look for direction as they make decisions. For me, in arrange to acknowledge different theories as a standard of seeking after morals it is essential to begin with study and go through the vital processes. But let us not disregard that they are only our guide in choosing our choices in life.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because a theory is about managing with values relating to human conduct, with regard to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the thought processes and ends of such actions. The point in this definition is that morals, as a field of study, is an organized analysis of values. As a person we can be aware of our choices in life and realize the conceivable results, both for ourselves and others. I believe too that our ethics are molded by social standards, social practices, and religious impacts.

  84. John Carlo A. Gregorio
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5:00-8:00pm

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Deontological ethics, in philosophy, ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. The term deontology is derived from the Greek deon, “duty,” and logos, “science.”
    In deontological ethics an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. Deontological ethics holds that at least some acts are morally obligatory regardless of their consequences for human welfare. Descriptive of such ethics are such expressions as “Duty for duty’s sake,” “Virtue is its own reward,” and “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    All research involving human participants should be conducted in accordance with four fundamental ethical principles: respect for persons; beneficence; justice; and respect for communities. These principles are grounded in moral theories, the research ethics literature, and convention and are foundational for national and international ethics guidelines [1,2,3]. The principle of respect for persons requires that: (1) choices of autonomous people, that is, people who can responsibly make their own decisions, are given serious consideration; and (2) people lacking autonomy, such as young children or adults with advanced dementia, are entitled to protection. The principle of respect for persons is the source of the moral rules of informed consent and confidentiality. The researcher is generally obligated to obtain agreement from a research participant (or his or her proxy decision maker) for study enrollment. For informed consent to be valid, the research participant (or proxy) must have the cognitive capacity to make the choice, be so situated as to choose freely, have adequate information, and understand what is at stake in the decision. Informed consent may not be required when it cannot feasibly be obtained and study participation poses only minimal risk. Researchers must also take necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of the research participant’s personal information.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior. These morals are shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences. Ethics reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad in terms of human behavior.

  85. Mae Pañamogan
    BSBA-IM 2B
    Tuesday 5pm to 8pm

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain
    - The Theory of Virtue, I believe, is the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to man's evils. A person develops an honorable and moral character by practicing being honest, brave, generous, and so on. When presented with ethical dilemmas, persons who have developed virtuous habits are more likely to make the right decision. I think this can serve as a basis for what should be done in order to eliminate the evils.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - To make theory be accepted as standard of pursuing ethics, if it can be used as a tool to help people examine moral issues that affect individuals, society, and organizations. If the theory can be used to understand the logic and reasoning behind what makes certain actions right or bad, as well as provide explanation and defend basic moral principles, then it can be used to improve people's lives.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    -Yes. It is practical. In terms of regulating human conduct, ethical ideas can be utilized as a guide. Human behavior is influenced by ethics, which helps people in making informed decisions and affects how they interact with others. It informs us on what we should do as individuals or our responsibilities. It is based on a system of moral standards that govern one's actions. Ethics represents opinions about what is right, bad, just, unjust, good, and terrible in terms of human action.

  86. ESTOPARE, Aviel C.
    BET-MT 4A
    Wednesday (8am - 11am)

    ETHICS: Activity 3

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    According to my findings, the ethical theory that would bring a resolution to man's sins is deontology, which is based on the Greek words “deon” and “logos”, which mean “duty” and “study”, and is concerned with ethically required, permitted, or forbidden decisions. It is a moral theory that deals with the direction of people in order to analyze their choices of what they will do in view of the rules that they must obey. We are free to try out everything and decide what works best in which situations.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Even though there are numerous explanations on how to further enhance a person's behavior, the idea will be acknowledged as a guideline for pursuing ethics. People's minds and hearts can both be educated by developing a generally accepted and correct theory. We can learn and discover new things and ideas to implement in our life through theories.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Absolutely yes, ethics is concerned with a person's behavior or character because the objective of the four theories is to teach and remind us to be good and do what is right, they can be utilized as a guide in human behavior. It is always for our personal advantage as well as the benefit of those around us.

  87. Olsen M. Mogol
    BET-MT 4A
    Wednesday (8:00AM -11:00AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - I think Virtue will provide a resolution to the evils of men because we can appraise a person's decision based on his or her character and morality, according to virtue. According to this theory, the way a person lives his or her life can explain any ethical decision.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - Making ethical decisions necessitates being aware of the ethical implications of problems and situations. It is also necessary to practice. It is critical to have a framework in place for making ethical decisions. In that all theory are accepted based on what people believe in.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, because Ethics focuses not only on human action but also on its morality. It is an important role of ethics to determine whether or not specific human behaviors are moral.

  88. Enalpe Junnell V.
    BSBA-IM (2B)
    TUESDAY 5:00-8:00PM

    1) What ethical Theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men.
    – The ethical theory that provide resolution to the evils of one man is the utilitarianism it because you are thinking the actions, or you are basing the decision based on the people who benefits the most. Thinking the decision and actions are the good things that people do as a reason of you are thinking the possible consequence if that decision and actions will do. Utilitarianism helps men to resolute the evils by giving them the benefit of the doubt. By giving that the benefit of the doubt people or men are obligated to think, or he/she will start thinking the decision that best for everyone involved.

    2) In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics?
    - In other to make the theory be accepted if the ethical standard is must does not harm to other people, clear intentions, and know the right and wrong. There are four characteristics of ethical theory and that is the respect not only for yourself but also to the people who surrounds you, autonomy, you must be independence or self-government. Next is justice, you must fair and just to other people in other to be a good citizenship to this country and lastly is least harm. These are the things that we considered as pursuing or be accepted as standards of ethics

    3) Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior?
    For me Yes, ethics can be practical in governing the human behavior it because the main goal or the objective of the four ethical theories is to educate, guide, making people to make a self-assessment to their self and self-reflection. By doing this thing human behavior of one person leads to do the right things in his/her life. This ethical theory will lead and governing the human behavior due to it teach people how to think critically by doing a actions.

    BETCT - 3C
    WEDNESDAY (4:00PM - 7:00 PM)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - I think the ethical theory that suits in providing a resolution to the evils of men is utilitarianism. In this theory, you will immediately think the effect of your action, whether it will be good or bad. You also make decisions based on the best interests of the majority. So the evil inside you will have a resolution because you have a concern for others. You consider the goodness of the majority, not just for yourself.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - In order to accept a theory as standard of pursuing ethics, it should help a person in decision-making process of what the good and right thing to do. It should have a goal to pursue goodness for everybody, in which will not leave a negative effect afterwards. It should also consider the qualities of the other culture and morals. With a better understanding of the purpose of a certain theory, it will be more immersive and acceptable.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    -Yes, because human behavior and ethics are directly related to each other. Humans act based on their ethical understanding. And their behavior is the reflection of their ethics. As individuals seek guidance for making decisions, ethical theories can help in identifying the wrongness and rightness of an action in a particular situation. Thus, a theory of ethics can be use to govern humans.

  90. Patricia Anne S. Esteban
    BET-CT 3C/3D
    Wednesday (4:00pm-7:00pm)
    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -For me, the ethical theory that provides resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism. Now, I know we all create evil things, which is why we are also evil. Yet, we can solve these things, so since we all know the theory of Utilitarianism based on how our decisions will benefit the most people and make the best decisions for everyone. It helps us to filter out things that are more beneficial to others. To make an unselfish decision for everyone and always think for the betterment of all and not for ourselves only. And imagine practicing using this; it's not just helping us to create an unselfish decision for everybody, it will help us to be more sensitive, to care about others, and to develop empathy to others that can also lead us to change and be better for what we think can harm them.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    -In my perspective, all of them can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it is then proven. It will be verified by using, of course, different processes, to consider also what is ethically suitable for everyone, to assume the various factors for the good of all, if people learn to apply all of these and learn how to make better decisions for the sake of everybody and choose an ethical life then it can be considered as a standard of pursuing ethics.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    -Yes, because all the theories we tackled are principles we can apply in real life. It doesn't just help us choose decisions; it helps us consider different factors before we create other decisions; we learn to weigh each judgment before we initiate them, whether it is right or wrong for the sake of everyone. It also helps us consider the right of every human being and learn to respect and understand each other while fulfilling our obligations and responsibilities and having a better character not just for others but also for ourselves.

  91. BETMT - 4c
    Wednesday (8:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I believe Rights would provide a resolution to the evils of men. Because laws are already given here. It upholds human rights and dignity. It spells the difference between evil and good so if you commit evil deeds, the long arm of the Law will get you in no time and punish you accordingly.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    I think a theory will be accepted as a standard of ethics if it deals fairly and benefits everybody. It differentiates the good from the bad and upholds human dignity and justice.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because ETHICS plays a vital role in determining the correct course of action, makes guidelines for decision making and resolve conflicts and influences on motivation.

  92. Charles Jones D. Borbon
    BET-MT 4C
    Wednesday 8:00am to 11:00am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I think, the virtue ethical theory can be providing a resolution to evils of men since you will be assessing your own personality and morality as a person under this theory. This idea will aid us in understanding everything, particularly whether our activities are appropriate or inappropriate for ourselves and others. If we thoroughly comprehend our own personalities and ideals, we can prevent or at least reduce the evil in our souls.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    By supporting many people in society, a theory can be accepted as a standard on pursuing ethics. It will lead people to do what is ethical by persuading them to do what is right. As a result, it will establish in people the ability to appropriately evaluate their actions, reducing the risk of their engaging in inhumane behavior. All theories have the same goals and purposes, which is to teach individuals to be ethical. Making the right choices can also have a significant impact on society and help to make the future a better place to live.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because theories are concerned with human behavior values such as the morality of specific actions, as well as the fairness and evilness of the intellectual processes and outcomes of such actions. Ethics influences human behavior through helping individuals in making informed decisions and influencing how they connect with others. It teaches us what we should do as humans and what our responsibilities are.

  93. Adame, Ma. Kyle
    Tuesday (5:00 - 8:00 p.m)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the virtue. Having high standards of moral can results to good doings and better decisions in life. Also, based on what I have researched, this theory have branches and there is one that caught my eye which is the ethics of care proposed by feminist thinkers. In this, it challenges the idea that ethics should focus solely on justice and autonomy; it argues that more feminine traits, such as caring and nurturing, should also be considered. I grew up seeing people around me saying that being soft as what most girls characteristics is a weakness but I don't think the same. There may be a lot of people that will take advantage of our goodness but I hope that we don't change that side of us.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    As for me, a theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics as long as it tackles and focuses on moral principles. That is the whole purpose of ethics, it studies human's action and behavior. It is concern with the nature of goodness on what is good for individuals and society.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. It needs to be that way first of all in order to have a better study about moral principles in guiding human behavior and actions. With that, we can have a better understanding and knowledge. Maintaining or spreading positiveness in the society.

  94. Josef Benz Ashton J. Mata
    BET-MT 4C
    WEDNESDAY (8:00AM -11:00AM)

    1.What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The ethical theory that will provide resolution the evils of men is virtue. Virtue will help them realize it is better to either doing one’s duty or acting in order to bring rather than having evils. Having this kind of mindset, the evils of man can be resolve. When the evils of man become kindness, they will be kind across many situations over a lifetime.

    2.In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    All ethical theories are accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics. Each of ethical theories has it strong points and every person has a personal interest on what ethical theories they like. In the end all ethical theories is still connected in some way, that is why all ethical theories is accepted.

    3.Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because theory of ethics reflects about what is right and wrong and what is bad in terms of human behavior and human behavior is based on influence of culture and individual values and attitudes so it can be effective on governing human behavior.

  95. Chua, Michael Philip B.
    BET-MT 4C
    Wednesday 8-11 AM

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Personally, I don't think any single ethical theory can provide a resolution to the evils of men. However, I think that Utilitarianism comes close. Utilitarianism is about choosing what is best for everyone, or making choices that will benefit most people. In its basic sense, this ethical theory seems to provide a resolution to the evils of men. If everyone would weigh their decisions if whether it would benefit mankind or not, there would be no envy, strife, corruption, depravity, malice, etc. The reason I don't think it is a sure resolution though, is because people might think that "the end justifies the means" and do whatever they think is best for everyone without thinking of the consequences.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Generally, when theories explain matters concerning behavior and morality, they can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics. In the four theories mentioned in the discussion, all of them attempted to explain why people do what they do by identifying possible factors. These factors include duties and obligations, fairness, rights, and character. All these factors are related to morality, and how people perceive what is right or wrong. Hence, these theories can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, because they give us some clear-cut definitions and factors which we can use to question situations in our life and cause us to learn more about ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    I do not think that theories of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. Like I mentioned in number 1, in a perfect world, applying these theories to every man might be the answer to addressing the evils of men. Every man can be faithful to his/her duties and obligations, make decisions that will benefit everyone, respect the rights of everyone, and live a life with a sound and righteous character and morality. However, the world is not perfect at all. Taking from the word used to describe them, these theories are just theories. They are meant to describe a specific set of phenomena, but these phenomena that they describe does not apply to everyone. Not everyone is 100% faithful to his/her duties and obligations, or solely makes decisions that benefit everyone, or just respects the rights of everyone, or just ensures that he has a proper character. In the real world, there are still factors that are unidentified that play a role in influencing a person's behavior.

  96. Teloman, Angeline V.
    BSBA-IM 2B-M
    TEUSDAY (5:00 PM-8:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me the ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism because it was stated that the decisions make based on the greatest good for the greatest number of people or rather what will benefit the majority. Meaning, whether you choose to make decisions on what do you think is good for numerous people there are still people who got offended who are against your decisions. For example, on election campaign, there are two candidates running for barangay Kagawad. The one serves his/ her fellow men whole-heartedly by serving communities through different meaningful projects. However, the other one while serving the community he/she tried to give what satisfied the pleasures of other. He makes drink sessions per are to get the sympathy of a larger number of voters in their barangays. When the election came running for barangay kagawad B won because the majority votes his/her as their barangay kagawad. In this situation the one who had a pure hearts to serve people and community failed the opportunity to become a good leader because of the majority decisions.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Ethical standards are a set of principles established by the founders of the organization to communicate its underlying moral values. In order to further understand ethical theory, there must be some understanding of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve in order to be successful. Four of these goals include beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Definitely yes. As it was stated ethics is a set of moral principles that serve as a guideline to a persons. Ethics reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is bad in terms of human behavior.

  97. Ronquillo, Charlotte R.
    BET CT-3C
    Wednesday (4:00PM-7:00PM)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - In my opinion, the ethical theory Utilitarianism will provide a resolution to the evils of men because it determines the right and wrong decisions by focusing on the possible consequences. With the great number of people, it will help to weigh the decision-making such as gaining debates and opinions in a particular matter that will benefit the majority and to provide fairness or equality. This will make the individual take reasonable thinking and make an acceptable choice that will not harm the involved. This theory's goal is for the betterment of the people in society.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - This theory is a group of coherent ideas in a particular matter, every theory has a flaw and some people don’t agree on this. The theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if the set of the principle is appropriate and have a reasonable way to deal with the value of human conduct. There must be a common set of goals such as to do what is right, least possible harm, respect, justice, and happiness of people. This ethics theory can influence the mind of an individual to think thoroughly and seek the best and right option on a certain matter.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, the theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior because it is a set of moral principles that guides people's behavior. It is a way to know the right and wrong things, to be able to decide out of this. It will give guidance to decision-making. This is a direction to live a better life, fulfill obligations, and understand more life. It is a standard to determine the course of action of a person, it can influence other people to live an ethical life and be better people.

    BET-MT 4A
    WEDNESDAY (8:00 - 11:00 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me, I think the ethical theory of utilitarianism. Because it pursues people to do or act what good and give benefits to all people. It will help people to be selfless and focus on what is good for everyone. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism. Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. It is an act out of fairness, partiality, and favoritism. Thus, instead of doing evil things by own intention, this theory will help people filter what is good and beneficial to all.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Through theories, people will get reminded of what is right and wrong not for themselves but for all. Life with ethics is not really easy because it’s hard to sacrifice your own needs and feelings just to do what is right for other people. But with the guidelines of theory of ethics, people will not just help other people but they will also grow, learn how to value the life of other people and the whole society.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, I believe theory of ethics can mold a person from what he/she knows right to what is really right. For example, in deontology, this theory of ethics build our ethical decision which is connected to our behavior. If a student chooses to not study well and cheat instead, then it’s not an ethical decision, and it can affects other people like his/her parents and dream that he/she wants to achieve. Theory of ethics pursue us to behave on what is good for ourselves and the people around us.

    (Wednesday, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is virtue. When a person is virtuous, it means that he has a good character. And when a person has this ideal character of a good person, he tends to think of what he should do in order to live a good life. Being virtuous also does not happen just because you are obliged or it is your responsibility, instead, it is within you. You nurtured your character on your own and became a good person. That is the best thing that a person could ever do after doing the bad things.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    For a theory to be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, it should contain factors such as people could benefit, contribution to the community, explains the importance of duties and responsibility of every human and ways of enhancing the people’s core character. It is always a thing that when something is pursued, it should be beneficial. Of course, even this type of mentality is out of the question, some people don’t want to do things when they are not going to benefit from it. And this is about ethics, this should be the way to enhance one’s moral perspective. When it is proven as beneficial, then the range of this will widen and affect the community. Some people neglect their duties and responsibilities as a human not knowing even though they don’t want to do it, it will come back again and again, until it will be done by the certain person. So, they should be wide open so that there is no turning back when the opportunity is already right around their face. And lastly, this is the most alarming part. Since theory is going to be the standard of pursuing ethics, then from this, the nurturing and becoming stable of a person’s behavior and the way how he acts should be monitored and given solutions as much as possible.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, the theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. That is because the principles of ethics consist of free will, to do good, to do no harm and justice which says that everything is shared, even the burdens. With these principles, it is enough to straighten up every human behavior when applied wisely. The drawbacks to this is that some people really do not care. That is why it is not that recommendable with the inclusion of those people who do not want to see the light of a better life.

  100. 1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain
    The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to evil doings is the deontology. This ethical theory concerns about the morality and duty of human actions. Their actions are based on the rules or duties that is ethical, and avoid making wrong actions. If their duty is to do good things to people and society, then they do what is right and act accordingly no matter what consequences they might receive.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain
    In knowing what is good or bad for every actions or decisions. In order to be considered a theory as an ethical, it has to be moral principles. People must aware how they react or decide for every situations in life whether it is good or bad. And every person has their own ethical standard an way on how they handle the situation. Ethical theories serves as a guide as they make decisions or before taking an action. It attempts to clarify people on what is right or wrong to do in a particular situation.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain
    Yes, the ethical theories provide guidance for human behavior, helps people specially on decision making to distinguish what is right or wrong. The ethical theories serves as a guide to people to act ethically in every situation.

  101. Cosme, Hergie C.
    BSBA-IM 2B
    TUESDAY (5:00 PM-8:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain

    Care ethics, I think it’s significance is to put importance on relationship and human life. This will broaden the area of perspective which is there will be consideration, wisdom and chances to be given and to be taken for that wrong doing or evils of men. One thing that makes us or capitulate to such desires is because of selfishness and that is putting closed doors to have a care for other people.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain

    If there is a set of principle that is being established by a group of highly positioned people in such roles in order to communicate to the underlying moral values. In order to be accepted in behalf of the five ethical standard there must be one of either the three that can be related to it or pass on it ; autonomy, justice , beneficence, nonmaleficence and fidelity.

    3.Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain

    It can be practical, since ethics is a guide to know what is right or wrong, what is just, what is morally right o and what is harmful in terms of each individual’s behavior.

  102. Guinares, Kurt Russel E
    (Wednesday, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain

    I believe the significance of care ethics is to emphasize the importance of relationships and human life. This will extend the range of vision in which there will be consideration, knowledge, and opportunities to be given and taken for the wrongdoing or misdeeds of men. One thing that causes us to succumb to such cravings is selfishness, which is placing closed doors to care for others.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain

    People will be reminded of what is right and wrong not just for themselves, but for all. Life with ethics is difficult because it is difficult to sacrifice one's own desires and sentiments in order to do what is right for others. However, by following the standards of ethical theory, people will not only be able to aid others, but they will also be able to grow and learn how to value the lives of others and the entire society.

    3.Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain

    Yes, ethics can be used to guide human behavior. First and foremost, it must be that way in order to conduct a better research of moral principles in regulating human behavior and activities. We can gain a greater understanding and knowledge as a result of this. Keeping or spreading positivity in society.

  103. Perocho, Prinz Lorenz P.
    BET MT 4C
    Wednesday (8:00-11:00)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    For me the ethical theory that can provide resolution to the evils of men is the Utilitarianism because our action is based in our choice on how other people can benefit in our decisions. It is a theory that focuses on outcomes to judge what is right and what is wrong. If we choose to do good everyone will benefit and we can stop evil things because we care other people.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    For me the theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics is that it is tackles about morality and virtues. We study ethics so that we will know what is right and wrong and how can we act in a environment that is acceptable to other people.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    For me Yes because human behavior relates to how people behave and interact. It is impacted and shaped by a variety of elements, including biological profile, culture, and personal values and attitudes. Theory of ethics guides person's behavior. Ethics teaches us to interact in a environment that people can accept us and also to know how respect values of other in a certain environment.

  104. Lance Jerriz Jabulin
    BSBA IM 2B
    TUESDAY (5:00 PM-8:00 PM)

    1. According to Aristotle’s Virtue ethic theory aspects “temperance” is what i believe we can apply as resolution to the evils of men. because courage are linked into temperance, having a courage is like a power to be willing on a thing u may or not fear . having no fear will take u away from any evil that might takes over you to do unnecessary or things that makes events worst. all are connected to temperance since this is a virtue where we constantly control our actions, thoughts, or feelings so that there will be no abnormalities between man to man

    2. There are many theories around our life I believe that some can be applied on our ethnic some are not. It will always depends on what theory is being stated. But reffering to the theory I used on the question 1 the Aristotle's Virtue theory, it can be accepted for standards of pursuing our ethics since it is an understanding of our life moral character which is imporsnt for us to know to be able to understand each other as a human.

    3. I believe that ethnic and governing human are different in any ways. but there are theories that very practical to be used in human behavior such as the theories that involves our morality and characteristic.

  105. Saparo, Joseph Vincent A.
    Wednesday 8-10pm
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    an ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is virtue ethics because it is a apporach to morality assumes that we acquire virtue to practice that simply learned in home and schools of doing bad things is really wrong it has many consequences in life so being good and a kind person is the key to avoid being evil by practicing being honest, brave, generous and etc. especially it will develop the honorable and moral character of yourself.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Because of this, the theory will be acknowledged as a norm for pursuing ethics. Theories can be defined as formal statements that describe a given matter, whereas ethics is concerned with what we are about to do. When confronted with an ethical issue, ethical theories are formal declarations regarding what we should do. Is it, for example, wrong to tell a falsehood in order to avoid upsetting someone? What if harming one person prevents ten people from being harmed? Should we select the lesser evil in such cases? In attempting to address such concerns, it becomes evident that one of the key ethical issues is whether we should focus on the good or the bad.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because it reflects beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is terrible in terms of human behavior, it can be useful in managing human behavior. They serve as a guide for how individuals should interact with one another, comprehend and fulfill their societal commitments, and conduct their lives.

  106. Mamawag, Jhon Leoj C.
    BET CT 3D
    Wednesday (4:00 PM -7:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - For me, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism. According to it, people choose their actions based on how their decisions will benefit the most people. Meaning, the decision that will be made by a person is not selfish but self-less. Evil mostly starts within a person's selfish intent, for the good of theirselves. So, I think if people starts to decide for the benefit of others instead of for his self, it will resolve the evil of men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - On my own opinion, goodness and selflessness is what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics. Not for the benefit of one's self, but the benefit of most people. Goodness starts when we forget about our own selves' wants and thinks about others' needs.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    I believe, yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. Human behavior follows the practice of a person, meaning, what a person does or practices shows what kind of behavior he possesses, and the theory of ethics is like a guide to human behavior.

  107. Nenice C, Hingada
    BSBA IM- 2B
    Tuesday (5pm-8pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain
    -For me the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the Utilitarianism bc the idea is that ethical decisions are made based on the consequences of the action so they might think carefully before they gonna do something and rather than looking at the choice or action itself, decision-makers are forced to guess the potential outcomes of their choice in order to determine what is ethical.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain
    -ethics is the studied of what is the right thing to do or knowing what right and what is wrong it will lead us to the goodness everyday. Ethical standards are a set of principles established by the founders of the organization to communicate its underlying moral values.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain
    -Yes, because ethical theories gives us a guidance to what is the right thing to do, so they will apply it to make a good decision for everyone.

  108. Salonga, Shane Steven D.
    BET CD 3C
    (WEDNESDAY 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Deontological ethics, in philosophy, ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. The term deontology is derived from the Greek deon, “duty,” and logos, “science.”

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics

    To advance understanding of ethical theory, some understanding of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve in order to be successful is required. Beneficience, least harm, autonomy respect, and justice are four of these objectives.

    These theories represent the points of view from which people seek advice when making decisions.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain

    Every individual has values and ethics in which he believes, and these values and ethics guide his behavior to a large extent. Values are beliefs that a person has about things and aspects of life. These are guiding principles that shape a person's behavior throughout his life.

    1. Salonga, Shane Steven D.
      BET CT 3C
      (WEDNESDAY 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

      1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
      - Deontological ethics, in philosophy, ethical theories that place special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. The term deontology is derived from the Greek deon, “duty,” and logos, “science.”

      2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics

      To advance understanding of ethical theory, some understanding of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve in order to be successful is required. Beneficience, least harm, autonomy respect, and justice are four of these objectives.

      These theories represent the points of view from which people seek advice when making decisions.

      3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain

      Every individual has values and ethics in which he believes, and these values and ethics guide his behavior to a large extent. Values are beliefs that a person has about things and aspects of life. These are guiding principles that shape a person's behavior throughout his life.

    BETCT – 3D
    WEDNESDAY (4:00pm – 7:00pm)

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I think utilitarianism is the theory that will provide a solution to the evilness of men because people can choose their actions based on how their decisions will benefit the most people. It's impossible to tell if the results of our actions will be beneficial or negative because we can't predict the future. There may be choices that makes us happy as an individual, but if they do not benefit others, this argument says that this is a wrong choice. It says that harming others for our own sake is not a helpful strategy. There are two types of utilitarianism. The first one is action utilitarianism, which means you can make decisions based on helping others, and the second one is rule utilitarianism, which means you will act out of fairness.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    For a theory to be accepted as a standard for pursuing ethics, it should focus and tackle moral principles, because that’s the purpose of ethics for us. It should also contain the aspects that could benefit us as individuals. When this theory is accepted as a standard for pursuing ethics, it can help us to do what is right, help us to choose the right decisions that we make, and it will re-duce the risk of our inhumane behavior. These theories teach us how to be ethical. Making smart choices may have a big influence on society and help to make the world a better place to live in the future.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, an ethical theory may be useful in governing human behavior, since ethical theories, in my opinion, can be extremely valuable for us in human behavior. Ethics helps us to live a moral life. Knowing what is right and wrong, what is good and what is bad in terms of our behavior is beneficial. It also educates us on the consequences of the actions and creates healthy relationship relationships.

  110. Clemente, Leri Alexandra S.
    BET CT 3D
    (WEDNESDAY 4:00PM-7:00PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    In my opinion, Utilitarianism because this is based on one’s ability to predict the consequences of an action. This determines what is right and wrong of a person’s doing, but this benefits on the majority of most people who are ethically correct, regardless your opinions and perspective. Utilitarianism chooses what is best for everyone and like I said, the majority of those who choose is sided. This will take account on those people who wished to decide by fairness wherein there will be acceptance and reasonable logic.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In my opinion, I say that a theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics as long as this focuses on morality and principles that could an ethical life. Theories aim different situations and perspectives in such situations, but it is standard because these can help on controlling, logic, and reasoning in a society. This is necessary for practice and being able to accept another person’s perspective could lead another broad topic.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because theory of ethics focuses on governing human behavior which is practical. This plays a huge role to human behavior because we are taught on what is right and wrong that leads to a much more deeper understanding and complex decision makings. This helps us to be considerate and look at another point of view with a person, we learn and grow from that character and mindset. A person’s behavior is a reflection of their ethical life and what they believe in, so we continue to develop one’s thoughts to a specific situation.

  111. Delos Santos, Vincent Rafael C.
    BET-CT- 3D
    (WEDNESDAY 4:00PM-7:00PM)
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Virtue - I think virtue theory will provide the most solution for individual problem for each person. In virtue you can judge the person by their actions. Everyone can give a solution for the problem by just looking their current or previous actions.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - For a theory to be acknowledged as a norm for seeking after morals, it should concentration and tackle moral standards, since that is the reason for morals for us. It should benefit every individual person.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, theory of ethics plays a huge role in behavioral of a human. We have been thought what is wrong and right by ethics.

  112. Bala, Clark Marvin B.
    BET-MT 4C
    Wednesday (8:00-11:00 am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I think for me one ethical theory that will resolve the evilness of men is
    Ulitarianism which convey that what will actions do can be a downside or benefits for others,
    for me it simply mean that on action can have a great impact for others whether it be good
    or bad but for this statement if you chose good then the evilness in your surrounding will perish.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    I think to make a theory accepted is that it don't have to step on your happiness
    and I think with a little bit of being a humanitarian in terms of not being aroot cause of evil is
    what makes a theory standard in pusuing ones ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    definitely yes, because as we look back into the background of humans, it is a standard or practical
    behavior for one person to govern his judgement based on what he or she practiced or chose to be
    with these set of attitudes can reach your certain level of behavior and the end product of it is the behavior
    you practiced throughout the years.

  113. Ronald C. Alarcon
    BET-MT 4A

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me, utilitarianism will provide resolution to the evils of men because, in this theory, people decide not only for themselves but also for the benefit of most people. Selfishness and greediness are the common evil traits of men, so if there is a utilitarianism present and this theory will apply to people, it may help to lessen the selfishness and greediness of people and teach the purpose of sacrifice for the benefits of others.

    2.In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain

    In order to make theory be accepted, it should have benefits in pursuing ethics. Theories with tremendous benefits and helpful thoughts and ways to pursue a better ethical life have a great chance to be standardized or accepted.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, it can govern human behavior because theory of ethics can be the basis of our decision, dealing with what is good and bad things to do, it can also guide us to achieve an ethical life, but all of this will depends on what decision you are making in your own life, this theories of ethics will serve only as your guide to achieve ethical life.


    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    For me all of the theories that we discuss can contribute to the rightness of men, although if there was a chance to choose only one, I rather pick the theory of Utilitarianism, because for me our decisions will always be for the goodness of most people than to the particular or selected group only.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Yes because this theoris can give guide to our character on how we should live our life so that everyone of us can have a better quality and peaceful life.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes because it says there that on how we react to a certain situation. In Deontology, its about our duties and obligation, how are we going to play our role. In Utilitarianism, its about our decion on how we help other wherein we choose a decision that can give benifit to most people. Next is Right, its about the rightness according to our society and how are we going to react about our rights. Lastly the Virtue, its about the character or moral of the person, the consistency of habit/manner of people even if she or he in a different situation.

  115. Ortega, Chris John R.
    BET CT 3C
    (WEDNESDAY 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I think that all of the theories have its own way to provide a resolution to the evils of men, but the best choice for me is “Utilitarianism”. The theory talks about that a people makes a decision that will benefit everyone for good. It’s either for the benefits of other or an act of fairness. Through this I can see that there is a humanity in each and everyone as long as it is a positive act.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain,

    Since ethics is a study of the principle of morality, we must know what is right and wrong. A theory to be accept as a standard, it should benefit us or makes us a better person. The founders should know the positive outcome and its negative effect as well, they should set some principles to convey the moral ideals that underpin it.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    In my opinion, I think it is possible. Since theory is about the thoughts aimed at explaining something maybe we can used it to govern human behavior. We can actually use all the theories of ethics and from that we will know what are the good effects of it and its bad side as well. We are all not perfect but if we believe in some principles and have morality I think we can be a better person.

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. John Michael L. Sandoval
    BET – CT 3D
    (Wednesday, 4:00p.m. – 7:00p.m.)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism states that you should make decisions based on the benefit of others, whereas rule utilitarianism states that you should act fairly. Utilitarianism determines what is right and wrong of a person’s deed. There may be choices that make us happy as individuals, but if they do not assist others, this argument claims that they are poor decisions. It claims that injuring others for our personal benefit is a futile tactic.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    As I see it, a theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics is if the theory include elements such as how individuals can benefit, how they can contribute to the community, how to convey the value of each person's tasks and responsibilities, and how to improve people's basic character. The theory must have moral values and set of principles.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain
    Yes, because this theories help a person with their moral values and principles. This theories provide counsel with the behavior of a person. This theories will help guide a person to act as a morally excellent person.

  118. Earl Stiephen C. Patimo

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I think the Rights theory will provide a resolution to the evil of men, Because in Rights theory of ethics people will make a decision depending on the rights that their society agrees to. I believe that this will provide a proper resolution to Evil men out there because no one is above the law therefore they must abide the law by doing voluntarily what is right because if they don't they may be an enemy to our law they will be put to jails. We all have freedoms to do the things we satisfy us the most, but we must not forget that our freedom in a certain thing will stop if we trample someone's freedom.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    For me. It's not about to make something for the theory to be accepted in pursuing ethics, I believe that if people will be more open minded and take a step forward to intake the theories seriously it will become a standard naturally in all people to pursue ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes. Because these theories helped us to become a better person by studying and understanding it very well, we can think critically in a tough situation and still come up with a good judgement. Because of this theories we do not act like animals because we know what is right or wrong, because of this theories we understand more of our Duty, Honor, Right and Virtue. With out these theories we will be primitive like in the caveman's era.

  119. Pastor, Sophia Ira P.
    BECT - 3D
    Wednesday (4:00pm - 7:00pm)

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I believe that utilitarianism can be a resolution to reducing evil. Basing your decisions for the benefit of the majority and the sake of justice and equality will help those who feel left out in society. With utilitarianism, you get to weigh out your decisions on who is affected by injustice and to be able to empathize with them. Your actions will show the concerns you have for other people and their situations, that I think will resolve the evils of men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    The theories have the same objective and goal but differ in the approach. The intention of not harming people and giving justice to those who need it should reflect when accepting a theory as a standard of pursuing ethics. It is necessary to recognize the ramifications of our actions on whatever decision we make that considers the majority.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because if they live out the ethical theory they believe in, it will affect their relationship with other people and how they treat them. Every person's ethical considerations will impact their overall personality, which can influence others as well. The ethical theories will also affect their decisions and actions, depending on how they recognize right or wrong.

  120. Marvie Anne V. Santamena
    BET-MT 4A
    Wednesday (8:00am-11:00am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    • For me, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the virtue ethical theory. It is all about the action and behavior of an individual that is morally good or the display of the virtuous character. The process begins with ourselves. If we practice to have this good in our lives like respect others, honesty, trustworthiness, taking responsibility, and etc. maybe gradually, we can improve ourselves and be a better person to share the good in other people and in the environment. If all the people learn and value these things, maybe we can have a better place to live and all negativities and evils will come aside.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    • A theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it is beneficial and applicable to the people. If it becomes a guide for us to become a better person who focuses on the good things in life, maybe it will help us all to become an ethical person.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    • Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. Theory of ethics is about principles and knowing what is right and wrong. It is the basis of our decision making, actions and behaviors towards other, and acquisition of virtuous characters to achieve a common good. This will help all individuals to become the best version of their selves and this can take us to a better place where the beauty and heart of all the people and the good things are prevalent in a society.

  121. Sibonga Xiedrick J.
    BET – CT 3C
    (Wednesday, 4:00p.m. – 7:00p.m.)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    In my opinion, Utilitarianism might be the best resolution to reduce the evil of men. Because utilitarianism states that people choose their actions based on how their decisions will benefit the most people. For me it’s kind of unselfish doing because you put the others’ benefit first than your own good. In that way, you will be an inspiration for others somehow they’ll realize that you did it for their sake and for them to become a better person. You will set as an role model for the others for making good deeds and I’m sure that you’ll have a great impact for them.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    For me, it is because the of the similarity of their goals and purpose but in different way of action. All theories purpose is to make us a better version of ourselves and not to harm us in a way of thinking. At the end of the day, it our own benefit to deal with our negative specially when a person experiences a depression. It’s one of our way to find our own purpose, to know our own duties.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain

    Indeed, since, in such a case that they experience the moral hypothesis they have confidence in, it will influence their relationship with others and how they treat them. Each individual's moral contemplations will affect their general character, which can impact others also. The moral hypotheses will likewise influence their choices and activities, contingent upon how they perceive right or wrong.

  122. BANAL, Adrian Stephene P.
    Wednesday (4:00pm-7:00pm)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - I think that the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to evils of men is Utilitarianism. It has 2 side. These are act and rule. For the act part, it focuses on decision making that you include others such as prioritizing/helping them. And the other part is the rule, which emphasize on the fairness of each other. If these two are present or just either one, it lessen the evils of men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - Ethics helps us to decide what behavior are we going to present in that particular situation. It is going to be accepted if the ethics is not making any harm and have fairness to all. Ethics theories will serves as our guide towards a better decision. We can learn more about ethics as we countinue our path and give value to life as we should be.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes I believe that one thoery of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior or basically it molds the person to wake them up to know what is wrong and what is right, good and bad, better and worse, etc. With this, we consider the human behavior that we should respect and understand because it helps us to become the better version of our own self.

  123. Zulueta, Ma. Frinces G.
    BETCT 3D
    Wednesday (4:00pm-7:00pm)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Based on my opinion, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is utilitarianism because it is the theory thats hold the proper course of action that reduce the suffering of negativites to provide a resolution to the evils of men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In my opinion, theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it is focus in moral principles because that is the purpose of ethics in our life.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, why? because human behaviour relates to how people react in many things. Depends on their beliefs, religions and values.

  124. Entero, Daniel A.
    BET-ET 4A
    Wednesday (8am-11am)

    1. I think the ethical theory that would provide resolution to the evils of men is that the golden rule of "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do unto you" as it explains all the other supporting theories in the world like karma, white lies etc. If a person is aware that all the things that you throw on the Earth will come its way back to you then it will made them the second thought of doing or not pursuing a given act.

    2. A theory will be accepted in ethical standards if it will be based on facts, real-life observations and religion. As religion always comes in between right and wrong and normally determines the heaviness of certain act. If the theory has its purpose on all aspects of life and aligned with government and religious facts.

    3. Yes. A theory do ethics can be practical in governing human behavior as it determines whether an action is good or bad, whether an action can make or break a person, whether it follows the common good.

  125. Bernardo L Cos
    BET MT 4A
    (Wed. 8:00-11:00)

    . Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -For me, the utilitarian's ethical theory can provide a resolution to the evils of men. Happiness is the start of love and piece. It is one of the emotion that can touch out heart easily. If the evil of man is touch by a pure happiness even just a little. It can be start and will provide changes to a men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - The theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, if the theory provide a solid proof and evidence of a changes to the men that is pursuing this theory.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes. Because theory of ethics is about behavior and characteristic of men, it can guide us to do what is right and what is wrong. It can help us to decide to the things that is not only affects us but also the people surround us.

  126. Marionne C. Almeda
    (Wednesday 4:00pm-7:00pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I think the ethical theory that will provide resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism. This theory is all about how people take their action according to what will be the best for the majority. It's like being more concerned with our decisions that will take into action. I think that Utilitarianism will help resolve the evils of men, because this theory is not selfish, it looks up for others and people assess what will benefit the majority, they make decisions that will help others and put it into action.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, if that theory morally right, it is based on facts and religious beliefs. Also if that theory, benefits all, gives justice and does not cause harm on people.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes. Because in ethics it helps us become someone who lives according to their own standards of living. Ethics makes us into the person that we need to be, especially in the future. It helps us discern the right and wrong and make wise decisions. That is why I think that theory of ethics should be part of governing human behavior.

    BET-CT 2C
    WED (4:00 - 7:00PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Based on my opinion, one of the ethical theories that will help me to resolve the evils of men is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that is based on ones ability to predict the consequences of an action. It's very helpful to know the consequences of our action so that you can choose to do what is right and know what is wrong.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    What will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? In my opinion, theory may accepted if it is beneficial, no harm, and fair to all.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because it helps us to determine what is right and good. The behavior of humans is related to the react of a person in everything.

  128. Barceta, Jeter B.
    Wednesday (4:00pm-7:00pm)

    Activity ll
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - The ethical theory that will might provide a resolution to the evils of men I think it is Deontology. When we talk about Deontology it deals with people making decision to choose or act properly accordance into situation. With the help of ethical theory we can reduce the evil in the inside of our own by thinking before you make decisions that you'll never ever regrets and act like an adult with maturity that everything that happens has a meaning and teach you a lesson. Everything is a learning experience.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - I think your ethicality on doing what you think is right is that what will make a theory be accepted of pursuing ethics. Everybody knowns what is the right thing to do, the question is are you brave to do so? That's why somebody feels bad when they do the right thing and the result is worst. But being the righteous one, I think is one of the standard of pursuing ethics it is because your conscience will bothering you if you have regrets and that can affect your ethically behavior start with questioning your self. So, what am I trying to say is sometimes only you can do is what the best of you, because not always the right thing is a good way to do.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, a theory of ethics can be a practical to govern human behavior. Ethics is a character of human and the way they act. Theory of ethics helps humans to understand what is right and wrong. So, with the helps of "theory of ethics" it can governing a human behavior by doing what is good and bad.

  129. John Matthew C. Brioso
    BET MT - 4C
    (Wednesday 8-11 am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    -For me, the ethical theory that will provide resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism since the theory itself deals on how do people's decision will benefit most people in the society. Every decision that we make has the goal of helping others and that should be best for everyone around you. The act of utilitarianism leads you to have a more fair decision that would benefit people rather than just yourself.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    -A theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics when it is recognized as morally right, based on facts and religous reliefs. The theory will be a standard if it will have informations and facts that it can help the society on being ethical and making right decisions.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    -Yes, the theory of ethics can be a practical in governing human behavior since it will distinguish how an individual's moral principle is all about. It can also helps people to have a better understanding whether their decisions in life is right or wrong. And with that, it will help the overall personality of one's person by recognizing all the consenquences or the benefits that a person will receive based on how will they act or behave towards the others.

  130. Victor Lorenz M.Viado
    BET-MT 4A
    (WEDNESDAY 8-11AM)
    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me, utilitarianism can have a big effect on a resolution that deals from evil of men. Utilitarianism would say that an action is right if it results in the happiness of the greatest number of people in a society or a group.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Pursuing ethics have diverse range of perspective when it comes facts, real-life scenario, character development and many aspects in relation with ethics. This can benefit your life in a sense on how you think, make decision and understand others perespective in life.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain

    Yes maybe it can be practical but in the sense that no one is force to do theories in ethics. others can help you knowing your real perespective but In the end of the no one else will help you but yourself.

  131. Earl Elison G. Ganotice
    BET-MT 4C
    WEDNESDAY 8:00am-11:00am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    In my opinion, Utilitarianism can provide a resolution to the evils of men. One way to remove the evils of men is to make a society where everyone’s action is created with the benefit of all in mind. If children will grow up in that kind of society, then someday may we remove the evils of men as it will be a part of their person to do actions that benefit all.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    To be accepted as a standard of perusing ethics, a theory must reflect a concept that greater explains a part of humanity. In order to evaluate an action as good or evil, you must first understand what are the reason that would lead a person to do such a thing. A theory should explain why a person acts in a certain way in order to judge its ethical value.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    In the right condition, an ethical theory can be practical in governing human behavior. It is hard for every person to agree in embracing to an ethical theory, especially to a theory that conflicts their self-interest. But in a world where every one can embrace an ethical theory, that may bring unity among the world.

  132. Hildrick A. Nabus
    BET - MT 4C
    (Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    On my own opinion the ethical theory that will provide solution to the evils of men is the Deontology. Deontology is a theory that when we make ethical decision out first thought are on our duties and obligation. We should act responsibly and in accordance with the commitments. This is the idea that whatever you do, good or terrible, it will always have an effect and you will be awarded for doing good work. You will be punished if you do something wrong. This ethic theory are the strongest model for applied public relations ethics.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    If a theory is morally correct and is based on facts, goods and religious beliefs, it will be acknowledged as a norm for pursuing ethics. If that said theory benefits everyone and make the persons life good, give justice and equality it can be accepted as a standard for pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior by constructing and helping the people identify what kind of ethics and behavior they have. It also determines what is good and bad. Helps us to do what is right and guide us as we decide for the good of ourselves and others.

  133. NAVARRO, Sheena Mae E.
    BET - MT4C
    Wednesday (8:00am to 11:00am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    I think the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the theory of virtue ethics. They say that we acquire virtue through practice, and it's always in us. In this theory, a person's decisions are based on their character or morality, and a person's moral character is developed by practicing honesty, bravery, compassion, integrity, generosity, and others. I think this theory will help lessen the evils of men because when a person develops these virtues, they will have a moral principle, and they will naturally act or behave in morally good ways. When all people have it in them, the majority will always choose to act or conduct it for the common good. With that, the evils of men will be lessened. They say that a virtuous man is an ethical man.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    When we talk about a theory in ethics, it should present a consistent, comprehensive explanation of our ethical responsibilities. It can be accepted as a standard when we try to use an ethical theory, which could make our thoughts or points reasonable. Through this, we should understand the reality. A good ethical theory will have strong points to understand a person's behavior. I think it should guide us to do what is right for the benefit of the majority.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because these theories will guide us to understand different human behaviors and how other people think and decide in decision-making. It will help us to figure out what is right or what is wrong for the common good. People can use ethical principles as a guide to act ethically in any circumstances.

  134. Kaye De Vera
    BET-MT 4 C
    Wed 8:00-11:00

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    In philosophy, deontological ethics refers to ethical theories that emphasize the link between duty and the morality of human actions. Deontology is derived from the Greek words deon, which means "duty," and logos, which means "science."

    2. Im general what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    To better comprehend ethical theory, one must first grasp a common set of objectives that decision-makers strive to attain in order to be successful. Beneficence, minimal harm, individuality respect, and fairness are four of these goals.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. The moral ideals that guide one's actions are known as ethics. Social norms, cultural traditions, and religious influences all play a role in shaping these morality. The process of evaluating the moral consequences of a course of action is referred to as ethical decision making.

  135. Jake Patrick F. Domael
    BET-MT 4A

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Utilitarianism, in my opinion, will give a solution to man's evils because, according to this theory, individuals make decisions not only for themselves but also for the good of the majority of people. Selfishness and greediness are two of men's most frequent bad qualities, therefore if utilitarianism is present and this theory is applied to individuals, it may assist to reduce selfishness and greediness and teach the value of sacrifice for the benefit of others.

    2.In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain

    In order for a theory to be accepted, it must be useful in the pursuit of ethics. Theories with significant advantages, as well as useful concepts and methods for living a more ethical life, have a good possibility of being standardized or adopted.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, ethical theories guide human conduct and assist people in determining what is good and wrong, particularly in decision-making. People can use ethical ideas as a guide to act ethically in every scenario.

  136. Bryan Dave A. Saculo
    Wednesday (4:00pm to 7:00pm)
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Base on my opion the ethical theory that provide a resolution to the evils of men is focuses on responsibility and ethical concepts derived from widely accepted standards that guide activities... The rationale for research action is based on ends and objectives in this case; the goals and purposes of acts are fundamental, and ethics is based on the consequences of action.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    To be successful, decision-makers must have some understanding of a common set of goals. Beneficence, minimal harm, autonomy respect, and fairness are four of these goals.
    3.Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    yes because ethics reflects beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is terrible.

    Wednesday (4:00pm to 7:00pm)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    We all lie because we don't want other people to know the truth. And this deception will transform us into something we could never have imagined. I believe it is the foundation for negative behavior, ranging from dishonesty to rage to the worst. The truth will release us from the load we are carrying and assist us in removing the negative energy inside ourselves.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Ethical theories serve as the framework for ethical answers to problems that we face in our daily lives. Each of these ideas focuses on a different method of resolving an ethical dilemma. This means that everyone has a distinct approach to solving the same problem, resulting in a plethora of ethical ideas. If it is concerned with the great progress of individuals and society concerning everyone's diversity, the theory may be considered a criterion for pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, since it is a set of moral ideals that influence a person's overall behaviors. In terms of human conduct, the theory of ethics reflects ideas about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and what is horrible. It is always for our advantage as well as the benefit of others around us. Finally, our actions follow us till the very last breath we take. No one can make you alter your conduct; others can assist you to change your philosophy and ethics for the better, but there is one thing they can't do: they can't do it for you; in the end, you must do it for your benefit.

  138. Christine F. Ayala
    BETCT – 3C/3D
    Wednesday (4:00PM – 7:00PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men for me is the rights. Rights are regarded as ethically correct and genuine because large majority supports them. Individuals with the capacity and means to do so could likewise transfer rights on others. Since right is based on what people think is ethical, in that manner I think it can be change through time if there are any arguments that was raised in particular situation. The society plays an important role, in order to determine what is right to implement the society must first establish its aims and ethical values.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In general, the theory that will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics is the rights. Because rights are established and determined by a large number of people, and it is considered in the society to be ethically correct. And as I said that it can be improved and changed through time. With good reasoning and a solid foundation, I believe it has the potential to be beneficial in general.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, since ethics is a set of moral principles that influence a person's behavior or the execution of an action or choice. We, as humans, have the ability to think about it and comprehend what is ethical based on our standards; we have the ability to understand what ethics is attempting to prove and teach. These theories are founded on diverse perspectives, and it is up to us to decide which is required in the circumstance based on what is beneficial to all, what offers justice, and which causes the least amount of harm to people.

  139. John Lezter R. Esguerra
    BET - MT - 4A
    Wednesday 8:00AM - 11:00AM

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    In my own opinion, the ethical theories that will help to solve the evils of men are the Theory of Virtue and Theory of Utilitarianism. First is the virtue. This will help since a person will know his/her character rather than by an action that may deviate from his/her normal behavior and ethical actions. It means that if a person is aware of his/her actions, this will give him/her an idea to do what is right. While in the utilitarianism, this will give ability to the person to predict the consequence of his/her actions. It will give benefit to the people since their choice will produce an ethically correct action.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory will be accepted as a standard of ethics if a person will know the guidelines of ethics to be ethically correct in its way of actions. If the person will understand the different kinds of ethical theories and will apply it to their everyday living, this will give them a choice to do the correct thing. This will make an ethical theory to be an accepted standard of pursuing the ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, ethical theory can be a practice in governing human behavior because ethics makes a person act to do the right thing. With the help of different kinds of theory in ethics, it can help us to have a better principle as part of the society. But this will still depend on person who understands the way of ethics, if it will be applied to his/her life to be a human being who does the right thing.

    WEDNESDAY (4:00PM-7:00PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Based on what I have search on the internet, virtue of ethics also considers virtue in order to create good public relations. Because according to this being honest, and loyal are the main keyof a person.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    For me studying ethics help us to be a critical thinker, because we all know that this subject provides us knowledge that not all of us know. It gives us another perspective on how life goes on everyday. Getting used to something that we never knew we have. It also gives us answer to the questions that for us is not valid.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because this subject talks about everyting. It focuses on human behavior and moral it also provides us new beginnings on how we should meet standards for governing a nation or society. It will give us time to think on how we should manage people, and through studying ethics it will lead us to better understanding

  141. Adrian Matthew R. Cañete
    BET - MT 4C
    Wednesday 8:00am-11:00am

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    Answer: For me, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism because it can help an individual to determine the right decision for all to benefit on the outcome. One right decision can help you and even others in a society.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    Answer: Generally, a theory will be accepted when it reflects on facts, fairness and religious beliefs. As long as this theory help people to identify right and wrong it will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Answer: Yes, because theory of ethics can help us understand the moral principles of different people. It can also increase the capability of people to use their critical thinking especially on decision making and once a person yields all of these, it will reflect on how they behave in front of others.

    Wednesday (4pm - 7pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    Virtue is the core character of a person. A person who is virtuous will do good things even in different situation because that's her or his core character and it will serve as a guidelines to ethical decisions. The way I see it, the ethical theory that will provide resolution to the evils of men is the theory of virtue. Everyone is born to be good in all aspect of life. They may become evil but we tend to find the virtue in it. The virtue behind the evil doings of a person and to resolve and let go the evils they have inside. I believe that a person who do bad things has a virtue the is sealed inside of it, and if you let it go, it will resolve evil.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Generally speaking, a theory can be accepted as a standard of persuing ethics by determining the guidelines of becoming an ethical person as well as how one's person makes ethical decisions base from this theories. It is like the ultilitarianism theory. In my point of view, most of the people act because of what people think about them. We want people to think that we always do the right thing and with that, we make decisions based from the people who will benefit from our actions and decisions. Whether it's true or not, most of us act what we think the best for everyone and sometimes we look for the equality in order to have a fair judgement.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, theory of ethics deals with the behavior of humans. It governs how a person's way of thinking or act affects people on how they behave as a person. The four theory of ethics refers to the behavior of human being in making decisions in life. Which is why, in reality, those theories can govern one's behavior.

  143. SAN PEDRO, Rizchelle May H.
    BET-CT 3C/3D
    Wednesday (4pm to 7pm)

    II. Activity
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - Based on my perspective, all of the ethical theories that were discussed are all accepted as a theory that can help men to resolve its evil within himself. But, among the four ethical theory, Utilitarianism stands out the most. Utilitarianism was describe where people choose their actions based on how their actions may give help or benefits to other people. This ethical theory can be shown in simple actions of people. And, I think if people practice and apply the Utilitarianism then the improvement of removing evilness of our selves will happen and there's a big possiblity that we will experience the changes in our character, and I think that 'changes' is for reaching the better version of ourselves.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - I think theories will be accepted as a standard for pursuing ethics, if the things we do are all done by considering what's right and wrong. It's like being aware for the possible outcomes and consequences that may happen along the way. In this way, our morals and principles will be shown and it will lead us to the ethics we want to pursue.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, because ethics was describe as the absolute character quality of a person. The four ethical theories tackled how people act in any situations. And in the way people act, the decision making process of every actions, ethics was shown. I mean the considerations, thinking of what is right and wrong, and behavior are all parts of improving and developing morals and principles.


    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - for me ethical theory that will resolution the evil of men is Virtue "That we can judge a person's decision based on his/her character and morality". This character-based approach to morality assumes that we acquire virtue through practice. By practicing being Honest, Brave, Generous, and so on. A person develops an honorable and moral character. And moral character is important to a person. Virtue ethics is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - In order to further understand ethical theory, there must be some understand- ing of a common set of goals that decision makers seek to achieve in order to be successful. Four of these goals include (1) BENEFICENCE, (2) LEAST HARM, (3) RESPECTS FOR AUTONOMY, and (4) JUSTICE. Ethical theories are the foundation for ethical solutions to a difficult situation in our daily lives, Each of theories are has different approaches in solving an ethical problem. This means we have different way to solve our problem in daily life

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - Yes, We should apply Ethical Theories in order to improve our human behavior and maintain peace in the world, Because ethical theory gave us an idea of knowing what is right or wrong. Like if killing people is legal in this world/country, people will just kill and no one will receive a punishment

  145. Austin N. Fajardo
    BET-CT 3C
    WED (4:00pm - 7:00pm)
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    For me, the best ethical theory that can contribute to resolving the evils of man is the deontological theory, since the meaning of this theory is about doing something unusual just to achieve a positive outcome. For example, you have a friend that has a problem with his or her personal hygiene, such as having a bad odor or bad breath. This theory is applicable in this kind of situation. All you need to do is confront him or her, even though it is very unusual. The point of your action is to help, even though there's a possibility of having a quarrel.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics?
    A theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics if it is beneficial to all, provides a positive outcome and far away from harm.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, since the theory of ethics has a lot of benefits, but it still depends onto someone's interest. The advantage of teaching these theories is that they can enable someone's human instinct on how they will react to this. Since it is beneficial, it helps improve human behavior or put it in the right place while having ethical thinking.


    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    -First, The virtue ethical theory evaluates a person based on his or her character rather than an action that may be out of character. When grading odd and irregular behavior that is regarded unethical, it considers the person's morality, reputation, and motivation. And secondly the Theory of Rights, it say that they can make decisions based on the rights of the society that agrees to it. For example, if he/she did a wrong or bad actions in their barangay and they need to decide on what they need to do on that particular accident, they can resolve that wrong action.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    -To better comprehend ethical theory, one must first grasp a common set of goals that decision-makers strive to fulfill in order to be successful. Beneficience, least harm, autonomy respect, and fairness are four of these goals.

    3.Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, the theory of ethics deals with the behavior of humans and provide part of decision making for foundation of ourselves, because these theories represent the viewpoints from which individuals seek guidance as they make decisions. Ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior and it will reflect our beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust and what is good in terms of human behavior.

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.


    (Wednesday 4pm-7pm)


    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men?

    It is very natural to answer Utilitarianism because it is defined as the ability to predict the consequences of an action, but what if people really want those consequences, or what if they want evilness, people liking being hurt, being in pain, what if? Is ultilitarianism the provided resolution? I thought about it over night and I went with Deontology, simply because it involves making a decision when ethics are in play. If you are good at decision making, you can simply know which is good and which is bad, and since you are thinking in an ethical way, the evilness of your decision is neglicted. 

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics?

    Mostly, theory is totally accepted if it becomes a foundation, a guideline, a norm or if it becomes a law, specifically. In general, a theory becomes accepted if it contains very informative and acceptable sides, like it clearly shows the flaws and the goods, benefits the majority, practices morality and values, gives justice to different cultures and perspectives, respects decisions, and lastly, causes less harm in every situation. Because that is the principle of ethics. 

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior?

    I assume they were already governing the human behavior. It was not only practical, it was great. Having rights is the most ethics theory that everybody has accepted. Utilitarianism and deontology have a positive effect on human behavior. Virtues are human characteristics. Human behavior is defended by emotions. People do things to satisfy their emotions, so these theories guide the emotions of people and set limitations. These theories are not practical, but they are great and functional.

    BET CT - 3C/3D

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain

    For me, Utilitarianism will provide a person a determination to do what is right and what is just by giving the right justice. I see this theory as an act of prioritizing the majority of the society to have a better life and by doing this so, I think it help us to see if we were doing the things as a good or bad based on the consequences of our action.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The theories that were discussed last time has the same goal which is to help people and having the rights to fight for what is right. However, they may have different purpose and goal, but these theories will help us and guide us to do things better and to help us to learn more about our decisions.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because it will help us to make wise decisions not just for ourselves but also to the majority of our society. The Theory of Ethics will help us how we make decisions but at the end of the day, it all depends on us even if you apply these theories on what you did.

  150. 1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The theory of Deontology because all of the decision that we will make are aligned on our duties and obligations as an individual. Also it is always based in our relationship to other people. For example doing your resposibility as a student to finish your task in school.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The theory of Deontology because it will lead us to a better life also it connect us to other people. We are not making decisions for ourselves but we also consider other people. I think it is the closest and easiest way in pursuing ethical life.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because we need a guide in making decisions in life. Nowadays people just make decisions without analyzing its possible outcome that can ruin their life or other peoples life. By the help of the theory of ethics all of us can have a critical thinking that is vital in making decisions.

    BET CT - 3C/3D

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    The theory of Deontology because all of the decision that we will make are aligned on our duties and obligations as an individual. Also it is always based in our relationship to other people. For example doing your resposibility as a student to finish your task in school.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    The theory of Deontology because it will lead us to a better life also it connect us to other people. We are not making decisions for ourselves but we also consider other people. I think it is the closest and easiest way in pursuing ethical life.
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because we need a guide in making decisions in life. Nowadays people just make decisions without analyzing its possible outcome that can ruin their life or other peoples life. By the help of the theory of ethics all of us can have a critical thinking that is vital in making decisions.

    BET-CT 3D

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - The Utilitarianism theory, because the idea of this theory is that we must be aware of what is going to be the outcome before doing something bad. This theory also helps a person do something great that is helpful for other.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - Because accepting those theory will serve as a guide for us to do what is right for other people and for our loved ones.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - definitely yes, because as we look back into the background of humans, it is a standard or practical
    behavior for one person to govern his judgement based on what he or she practiced or chose to be
    with these set of attitudes can reach your certain level of behavior and the end product of it is the behavior
    you practiced throughout the years.

  153. Balitaon, Janel A.
    BETCT - 3C
    Wednesday (4 PM - 7 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The rights ethical theory. If correctly executed, the evils will have their consequences in every action they will make. If people are not afraid to speak up when seeing injustice and are properly educated, we can utilize our laws.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    If the theory applies to all, it will be accepted as a standard in pursuing Ethics. As Ethics, in most straightforward words, is a system of moral principles. It is beneficial as well for the common good.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes. If people pay attention to Ethics, there's a big possibility of the world being a better place. Since Ethics is concerned with people's behavior, this will help humanity act and decide according to what's good for society and our individuals as well. In this way, being self-aware is key. If people are all self-aware, it will be easier to govern human behavior.

  154. Paolo M. Fabregas
    BET-MT 4C
    Wednesday (8:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    There are numerous perspectives on ethics. For example, instead of focusing on the intent behind our actions, we focused on the results. Utilitarianism is one ethical theory that does this. It focuses on the outcomes, or consequences of our actions. Having positive consequences can provide a resolution to the evils of men because it reinforces and encourages positive behavior.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    If a theory seeks to provide a clear and consistent explanation of what our ethical obligations are, it can be regarded as a standard for pursuing ethics. Furthermore, theory might be recognized as a standard if it represents the perspectives from which people seek advice while making decisions.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior. The set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior is known as ethics. Ethical theories serve as a guide for how individuals should interact with one another, comprehend and perform their societal commitments, and conduct their lives.

  155. Julla Anne A. Causaren
    BET-MT 4A

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -For me, the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the deontology theory. It is because, deontology talks about the appropriateness of one's acts on the actor's duties (Alexander and Moore, 2008). This implies that every individual have moral obligations to others and if every individual have firm sense of duties on following the rules and doing what is right, this makes them acting more ethically. I believe that, we are more capable of controlling our intentions but not in the outcomes of our actions so, if every individual have strong sense of ethical duties this bring the world in peace.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    - For me what makes a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics is if it is accumulates enough evidence that support a hypothesis. Since study of human on its behavior and psychological aspects are hard enough because of human complexity these theory remain as theories.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    -For me, ethics can be practical in governing human behavior is because it may help as a guide and teach us to think ethically and act appropriately. This will helps us to make ethical decisions that may also contribute others.


    BET-MT 4A

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    The virtue ethical theory will be the appropriate resolution to the evils of men because it assumes that we able to acquire virtue by means of practice. The theory will also help us to further understand the concept of morality to know our actions whether good or bad. It is important to boost our self care and love for us to be able to absorb knowledge taught or came from the experience in order for us to do only what is right without harming anyone.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    Even though we have different cultures, religion, and traditions, it is not valid to disregard others’ perspectives, we should have an understanding and respect to one another. Also, in ethics, different outlook in life is not an obstacle to thoroughly understand accepted standard moral in our society.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because the theory of ethics deals with our values relating to human conduct. This lead us to act as a responsible human knowing what is right and wrong, making careful decisions in life, to and also help to resolve social misundertanding.

  157. Sylvester I. Malabanan
    BET - MT 4A
    Wednesday (8am - 11am)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me, the ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men is the theory of utilitarianism because you will have the choice to be fair with others or to help other people. It will also determine if your action will serve or benefit the majority in the society.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    A theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics when a person applied it to his/her everyday life and give benefit to other people. If a person lives his or her life in morality and lives in ethically correct life and make good actions to other people, this will make an ethical theory to be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes, because ethics will guide you to choose what is the right thing to do. The different theories of ethics will give you an idea to be determined to do what is right that will also give benefit not only to yourself but also to the society.

  158. Novie A. Dumaguing
    BET-MT 4A
    Wednesday (8:00am - 11:00am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    I think that it was theory of utilitarianism because it reciprocates the virtue theory. The evils of men will be avoided, it will refrain you to do what is wrong and will guide you to do right choices. And also, valuing the common good for the benefit of the majority and the welfare of the society.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    I think theory is accepted if a person does what is right. From there, we recognize the importance of knowing what is right or wrong. Also, if a person is living with an ethical life this will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, because theory of ethics will be a human standard of characterizing what is right and what is wrong. The human values have a greater impact of how human behaves towards other people or in any situations.

    BET CT - 3D
    WEDNESDAY (4pm to 7pm)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    - I think the theory that will help or provide a resolution to the evils of men is "Utilitarianism". it basically means that upon the decision making of an individual he/she are considering the results of the decision to the others. this theory will help us to be more unselfish when making decisions under any situations

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - theory will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics as long as it reflects on the facts and also it has factors that people could avail , and it discusses the importance of each person's roles and responsibilities, as well as strategies to improve people's basic character.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, because ethics is about the behavior of human. it is a guide to know what is right or wrong and what is just or unjust.

    WEDNESDAY (4:00PM - 7:00 PM)

    II. Activity

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me the ethical theory that will provide a resolution to the evil of men is the theory of Utilitarianism, this theory states that people make decisions based on how their actions will benefit the most people. it is important that we are mindful on how we make a decisions or act on certain things because every decision a person make big or small it could affect other people. It is important that all persons have this type of ethical values because it will lead you to a better life, and having good ethical judgement could save another person's life.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    - Having ethical judgement is important because it is a moral principle, in order for the theory to be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics, I think to a person on what is his perspective or what approach he will make in every obstacle that he will encounter, because all us has different beliefs and I think we should respect as long as that beliefs doesn't harm other people.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    - Yes, because it is important that a person has ethical values so he will know what decisions or approach he will make in every situations that he will encounter, no one in this world was born evil but sometimes situations forces them to do evil things

    BET-MT 4A

    1.) In my opinion the best theory that help to solve the evils of men is the deontology link between obligation and the morality of human actions is emphasized in this ethical theory. According to this theory what we believe our duty will drive how we react in different circumstances.

    2.) Yes as long as that theory have a good result or outcome if you apply it in life that theory will guide you to make you do what is right or wrong in different situations. But if that theory have a negative impact in your life you should not accept it.

    3.) Yes, ethics ensures that the people receives what it needs in a fair manner. It also gives the us guidelines in our everyday life and on how to behave in different situations also it help us to think what are the consequences of our actions before we do it and lastly it help us to foster the trust of the people in community. We can expect them to do the right things.

    BET-CT 3C
    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me, the ethics hypothesis will give a goal to the wrongs of men is the hypothesis of utilitarianism since you will have the decision to be reasonable with others or to help others. It will likewise decide whether your activity will serve or help the larger part in the general public.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In case there is a bunch of rule that is being set up by a gathering of exceptionally situated individuals in such jobs to impart to the basic virtues. To be acknowledged for sake of the five moral norm there should be one of either the three that can be identified with it or say no thanks to it ; independence, equity , advantage, non-maleficence and constancy.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Yes a theory of ethics can be functional in administering human conduct since morals talk about the personal satisfaction, nature, and prudence. Morals assists us with knowing, distinguish, and get what is good and bad in our conduct. Also, these morals empowered individuals to abide our existence with ethical quality.

  163. ESCALAW, Jerome J.
    BET-MT 4A

    1. for me the theory that will resolution the evil of man is the deontology because it is the theory where people is treated with dignity and respect. as we all know respect to an individual is one of the most important aspect an individual must have in order to reach a compromise with each other

    2. it will be accepted as a theory in ethics as long as it promotes actions toward wellness where someone will confidently say that they are living humanely with those ideas.

    3. yes because it an unravel different ideas of approaches in order to make living more better for everyone.

  164. Andaya, Ferdinand D.
    BET-MT 4C

    1. For me, utilitarianism is one that will resolve the evils of man only if the people are genuinely and truthfully come up with one decision without any emotionally detached because if many people trully believe in one right thing, it will be the truth.

    2. Theory will remain theory until it reaches the stage where people are acting it. I mean, the theory involves in this topic is quite critically created and it will normally accepted by the people who have a normal mindset.

    3. Yes, ethics have a character that makes people do the right thing and will know and realized what is wrong to not. I believe that people are normally do right things, it is just people surrounding them influence them to do such horrible things and if the people surrounds them are good and having these ethical wisdom, the people will do also what is normally doings such as good things.

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. Neil Maverick M. Raguine
    BET-MT 4A
    Wednesday (8:00am - 11:00am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.

    For me the ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men because utilitarianism asserts that it is a virtue to enhance one's life by emphasizing the good and reducing the evil in the environment. This involves pursuing pleasure and happiness while avoiding discomfort and sadness. Example of this movie villains often have some sort of diabolical utilitarian reasoning for what they do, the movie of I. Robot the supercomputer V.I.K.I uses her massive database to calculate those human beings prefer safety over freedom, and therefore concludes that the most moral course of action is for her to imprison all the humans so they can no longer harm themselves or each other. If a few human rebellions have to be crushed along the way, she calculates it.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In our world different of culture, beliefs, religion, in general A ethical theory may be implemented based on their point of view as long as they have excellent morals and respect the boundaries of others in determining right from wrong by concentrating on outcomes.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    Strongly agree that the theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior it is the study of human behavior played a significant influence in improving the lives of persons suffering from mental illnesses and behavioral disorders. It has also aided progress in fields like as early childhood education, organizational behavior management, and public health.

  167. Espiritu, Christian N
    BET CT 3C
    (WEDNESDAY 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    -In my opinion tye utilitarianism ethical theory that can provide resolution to the evils of men because you make a decision who make benefit the people most so.if you choose to be happy this is the start love the one of emotion can make our heart easily attach. If one of the devil try to be a happy person this is the start to make change of men
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    -In my own opinion, the theory can be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics. If the theory can guide us on our character on how to have a better living and to be a better person. So everyone can have a peaceful and better life
    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    - yes a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior because it helps us to become a better person to make a good decision in our life and be a good attitude when we talk to other's

  168. Flores, Pearl Lhevin E.
    BETCT 3C
    Wednesday (4PM– 7PM)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    - Virtue theory can deteriorate the evils of men since it judges a person by his/her character rather than by an action that may deviate from his/her normal behavior. It takes the person’s morals, reputation, and motivation into account when rating an unusual and irregular behavior that is con- sidered unethical.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    — Ethical theories will be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics based on its principles; 1. Beneficence — achieve the greatest amount of good because people benefit from the most good. 2.Least harm — to do the least harm possible and to do harm to the fewest people. 3. Respect for autonomy —to be able to make decisions that apply to their lives. 4. Justice —should focus on actions that are fair to those involved.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    -Yes, because these theories represent the viewpoints from which individuals seek guidance as they make decisions. Each theory emphasizes different points – a different decision-making style or a decision rule—such as predicting the outcome and following one’s duties to others in order to reach what the individual considers an ethically correct decision.

  169. Nico C. Igtiben

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    For me the ethical theory that will provide a solution to the evils of men is Utilitarianism why because in our discussion Utilitarianism means people choose their action based on how their decisions will benefit the most people. Evils of men is an act of selfishness. Your choice will be evil if you are aware that the decision that you do will affect or suffer other people. Therefore I stand for Utilitarianism the best choice to stop evils of men.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    The best way to answer this question would be to briefly explain what is meant by "standard of ethics" and how it relates to ethics. Most people think about an ethical system as something that can help guide people to behave in moral, or morally correct, ways. Others believe that there are natural laws which govern the behavior of all sentient beings (humans included), and these natural laws can ultimately form the basis for ethical systems. Many people consider the act of striving for higher levels of knowledge as part of their overall morals; this is because information has power, whether it's giving someone vital knowledge they need to help themselves or simply sharing information with them so they can make an informed decision based on new information.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.

    What good is it to know how things should work when we don't? In reality, being practical is much more about solving a problem or making a choice when there are no perfect solutions. It means choosing the solution that brings the fewest negative consequences - and in some cases can even mitigate them - in order to produce a better outcome for society as a whole. Ethics is good because it can help individuals. Ethics is bad because it puts individuals in groups--such as the welfare of the group as a whole over any individual's personal desires. Groups can be seen as things that exist separate from people. In this way, ethics isn't practical--it is not possible for humans to govern their behavior based on an ethic they haven't formed themselves.

  170. Jhan Cairo Gonzaga
    BET-MT 4C
    Wednesday (8:00am - 11:00am)

    1. What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    On my own opinion the ethical theory that will provide solution to the evils of men is the Utilitarianism because that determines right from wrong by focusing on outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism and holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number.
    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.

    In our world different of culture, beliefs, religion, in general a ethical standards are a set of principles established by the founders of the organization to communicate its underlying moral values and this code provides a framework that can be used as a reference for decision making processes.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain.
    Yes, a theory of ethics can be practical in governing human behavior by constructing and helping the people identify what kind of ethics and behavior they have. Ethics focuses not only on human action but also on its morality and it is an important function of ethics to figure out whether particular human actions are moral or not therefore human morality involves the examination of human action to decide if it is good, bad or indifferent to figure out if it is right or wrong, good or bad.

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. Hamad k. Guiama
    Tuesday (8:00am - 11:00am)

    What ethical theory will provide a resolution to the evils of men? Explain.
    --I think, the ethical theory that can give resolution to the evils of human mind is virtue ethics. Virtue ethics is person rather than action based. Virtue ethics will prevent men from judging others because it sees the person rather than the action. For example, a poor man stole an apple for his sick mother. We all know that stealing is bad however we know that this guy did that for her sick mother which means that somewhere in his heart there is a good man who loves her mother. If people would judge people by who they are as a person instead of their actions, we could've achieve a world with less offense and judgements.

    2. In general, what will make a theory be accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics? Explain.
    --Ethics advocates good and bad. What is considered morally good and what is considered evil. In accordance with ethics is considering what’s good for many. So for me, what will make a theory accepted as a standard of pursuing ethics is how that theory considers the public. For example, generosity, in the world of politics and government when you apply generosity, you will be able to help many people.

    3. Can a theory of ethics be practical in governing human behavior? Explain
    --Yes. As define, ethical Theories are attempts to provide a clear, unified account of what our ethical obligations are. One of the problems of today's society is the lack of clarity. Ethical theory helps us understand the importance ethical obligations that individual is obliged to do. Ethical theory brings unity and clear understanding to human which then can be applied to their behavior.


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