Moral Courage

 I. Introduction

The classic works of CS Lewis- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are full of stories about moral courage. Doing the right thing to do when it is difficult to do the right thing. Standing bravely in a daunting situation. There are many instances of moral courage.

Moral courage can be just standing alone and sometimes standing for another person. 

II. Activity

1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.


  1. RECTO, Lara Joy M.
    BSCE - 2B
    THURS 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    -When I finally learned to face the person who was bullying me in 9th grade and I talked to him on why he did it and why he must not continue doing it to me or to others. I consider it as moral courage since I know that what he was doing was wrong ever since 7th grade but it was only then when I mustered up the courage to speak up and confront him about it.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    -That speaking up and standing about something is good especially if someone's getting hurt by not doing anything about it. I think roleplaying is a good way to teach younger children about moral courage.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    -I am going to tell you about Col. Arnaud Beltrame . I feel that he did the bravest thing when it matter most.
    Arnaud is a French police officer who died saving the lives of hostages in a supermarket siege by an Islamist gunman on Friday 24,2018.He swapped himself for a hostage who was the mother of two childrens in siege. In a violence began on Friday morning in Carcassonne, where a terrorist named Lakdim hijacked a car. He killed a passenger - whose body was later found hidden in a bush - and injured the driver.
    He then shot at a group of policemen who were out jogging, wounding one of them.

    Lakdim is then believed to have driven a short distance to the small town of Trèbes, where he stormed into the Super-U supermarket, shouting, "I am a soldier of Daesh [Islamic State]!"

    He killed two people - a customer and a store worker - before seizing others as hostages.By offering to swap places with a female hostage held by a terrorist gunman who had already killed three people and had declared his allegiance to Islamic State (ISIS), the decorated officer would have known he was almost certainly walking to his death. Lakdom had carried out three separate attacks that day, culminating in a three-hour siege at the supermarket, where he killed a member of staff and a customer and took several hostages. Beltrame left his mobile telephone line open, enabling police and Special Forces outside the supermarket to hear what was going on. When they heard shots, they stormed the store, killing Lakdim and finding Beltrame gravely injured after being shot and stabbed. After the gendarme was helicoptered to a hospital, France held its breath and hoped for a happy ending. News of Beltrame's heroics spread quickly. In an address to the nation, Macron commended the officer, who was then on his deathbed in a hospital. This inspires me so much because, he could've chose to ignore what was happening and just run to save his life but instead he took his time, gathered his courage so that he could save people.

  2. FELIX, Kristine Cameron D.
    BSCE 2B — Th 7-10AM
    December 10, 2020

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    I think it would be when I was bullied before by my bestfriend during elementary. It came to the point that I was being bullied by almost everyone in out batch, no one was talking to me but everyone was looking at me when I passed by them, even my own bestfriend was not talking to me. I also heard gossips around me, things that for sure I know were not true and everyone knows it’s not true, it’s just that of course, it involves peer pressure. I try to understand them that maybe they just don’t like me enough to remain as friends and that is okay. But it got to the point where some people believed the gossips and judge me for who I am at the age of just 11 and that hurt me a lot. At first, I wanted to save the friendship of 5 years and do not want to confront her but it got so out of hand already, I opened up and asked for help to my adviser and we try to resolve things. Even though we are young at that time, it made me realize a lot of things, it changed me a lot, how I think and how I interact with people and after that I try not to get bullied anymore, and just be nice to everyone. But no matter how nice you are, there will always be people who have something to say.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    “Courage is a muscle. It grows stronger with use.” by Ruth Gordon. I guess if it interferes your good morals, if there’s mistreatment involved, or something is uncomfortable or even the sort of invalidation with your feelings, that could be a really really good time to have courage to speak up and talk your thoughts. But to exercise moral courage, I think you should have empathy first for other people and their situation and engage ourselves with courageous thoughts that can be helpful when a particularly challenging situation happens. It lets us think our actions and of course increase our ability on how to respond.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There is really no particular story of moral courage that has influenced me but the movies, k-dramas, novels that I watch or read where the plot is similar to a situation I am in, I sometimes gain courage from the character’s actions. Or even in beauty pageants, where the stories of the candidates wanting to speak up about a certain advocacy that is being neglected by the society is really inspiring and really influenced me to try at least be aware of social issues and gain courage to be able to talk my thoughts.

  3. RAMOS, Mierell Louise V.
    BSCE - 2B | 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - One thing I did that can be considered as moral courage is when I stood for myself to someone who keeps on doing something wrong. It was when that person kept on doing something that is uncalled for towards me that I confronted that person knowing the consequences that might happen afterwards. I knew I had to call that person out because their actions are wrong, and by doing so, I know that I'm doing the right thing, so I did.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - In order to teach moral courage, I will first teach my sister and my friends that saying NO is okay. They might feel worried about doing so, but sometimes saying no is the only and best way to do. A person should know how to stand for him/herself in situations that doing the right thing might feel wrong. The moral courage to take a stand, to draw the line, to speak out, to hurdle all the inhibitions standing between knowing right and doing right comes mainly from inspiring examples.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - Yes, it was when someone I respect and admired stood for herself even though she knows that she might get in trouble for doing that. I think sometimes, we need to call someone out for them to know that what they're doing is wrong. It takes a lot of courage to do so, but when someone learned how to do that, that person won't be able to get tricked or manipulated by someone.

  4. KOMORI, Fumie E.
    BSCE - 2B
    THURS 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    For me, a real and personal story of my life that I can be consider as moral courage is the time when I found a wallet with 1,000 pesos inside. It happened when I came along with my mother at the market to buy ingredients for our lunch. While waiting for her to get her change from the store owner, I suddenly saw a wallet on the ground. It looks new so I picked it up and looked inside if there was any identification card, but there was none. The only thing I saw was the money worth 1000 pesos. I did not know what to do with that so I just asked the owner if it was hers but she denied. However, I still gave it to the store owner as I found it at the front of her store and she promised to give it to the real owner if ever he/she comes looking for his/her wallet.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best ways to teach moral courage to my friends and younger siblings are to show as an example, be the person that they can follow, give them advices that are appropriate with the situation, etc. Showing as an example is like teaching them on hand. For instance, being kind with other people like not shouting when you’re angry, being patient when waiting for your turn and obeying simple rules in public such as wearing masks when outside, keeping social distancing, and so on. If other people especially the young ones saw these acts, there’s a high possibility that they would do the same.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Definitely yes, there is a story of moral courage that has influenced me. And it is what my tita Madre told and taught me when I was still young. She always explain things to me that no matter what other people do, I should always be kind to them but don’t let them abuse the kindness I give. Even my lola gave me a very influencing experience. When we were about to go home and suddenly saw a young boy begging for money, she did not hesitate giving our supposed to be tricycle fare to the boy. At first, it made me angry because we then had to walk from the grocery store to our home. But when we got home, I realized that what she did is the right thing to do as the boy did not have money to buy the food but we already had food to eat so giving that some change is a simple way to be kind to others even though it is someone we don't know.

  5. ONGAYO, Miller Jr. P.
    TH 7AM-10AM

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - When I was young, I broke the remote of the remote control car of my friend. I partially fixed it so that when someone used it again, they are the ones who will be blamed, for what will happen. The owner found out that his remote was broken, and my other friend, not knowing what is happening, the mother of the owner, was furious about what happened. Seeing my friend suffer for something that I did, I admitted that I am the one who broke it, accepted the outcome, and paid for the item that I broke.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - The best way to teach others how to practice moral courage is by showing and practicing it. Moral courage is not something we can acquire in instant. It is a repeated process that is developed through time. Show them what moral courage looks like, and guide them on how to apply it in their lives.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - My mother told me, no matter what the situation I am facing. That I should always stand on what is right, no matter what the consequences of my actions, no matter what others will say as long as you are doing the right thing, everything will feel light inside you, no guilt, burden, and something that will bother you.

  6. ROTAIRO, Hannah T.
    BSCE 2B
    TH 7AM-10AM
    II. Activity
    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - From my personal experience, I had encountered several people that I opposed and speak for what is right. An example is a classmate I had in elementary who takes advantage of our other classmates, I confronted her about it and eventually ended her wrong doings. Another is a friend who stood up for me because of his friend who would made fun of other people, even if it is his best friend and it would risk their friendship, he still protected me that made me admired his courage.
    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - As the eldest sibling, I show them through my actions and tell them stories of my experiences and how I stood up for what is right. I can say that it is effective for my siblings because I can see that they too are always ready to speak for what is right. For other people like friends, I like to speak for them if I see that if they can’t do it on their own. By showing my courage to others, I could influence them and help them build their own courage.
    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - Yes there is, it’s from a special person who would always stand up for what is right and always the friend of everyone. One time I saw that his best friend is being abused by other schoolmates, bullying him, then he stood up for his friend protected him and confronted the bullies. He also encouraged his friend to stand up for himself. He has a strong desire to always do the right thing and speak up if he knows that an action done is wrong, and he believed that if someone can’t stand up for themselves, you can do it for them without anything in return, just pure kindness.

  7. RODRIGUEZ, Charles Jacob D.
    BSCE 2B
    THURSDAY 7AM - 10 AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    ¬ I consider moral courage was when I stood up to defend my little brother from my big brother. I knew he was going to far and even though I was such a passive person, I stood up and ready to fight him. Also, I also exchanged words to my mom because she was defending my big brother and I make them realize that they are both wrong.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    ¬ I think the best way to teach them is by telling a story and explain the logic behind it. I also think that watching a movie with a moral courage scene with it will also show the importance of having courage when fighting what you believe right.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details
    ¬ It was not much of a moral courage but I never forget about this. It was when I was just a kid and I am playing with my cousins. It is normal to us to tease or make jokes to each other but most of the time, I am always the center of the jokes. And one time, my cousin teased me and I was okay to it until his brother asked him to stop. I don't know back then why I can't stop sobbing because I knew it was just a joke. It just he was so kind, I shed some tears and that inspires me to sometimes to stood out for others.

  8. AROMIN, Mary Angel C.
    BSCE-2B (THU 7:00 am - 10:00 am)

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    I think it would be when I decided to stay with my best friend that was being bullied that time even though it caused me to bullied too. We were friends long before she was bullied which is maybe why it was easy for me to stay with her despite being bullied because of being with her. But of course I was scared. I have always been lowkey in class and I hated being involved in issues like that so I had doubts. But I decided to stay even though I'm not so good at accepting mean remarks which is why I think I would consider that as having moral courage.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    For me, the best way to teach moral courage to others is to let them accept no matter how hard it is that things will not be always in their favor. You will not always be treated the way you treat others. Not all good things is reciprocated so we just need to do what we think is the right things to do despite the backlash. It is definitely not as easy as it sounds. We will always doubt our decisions based on how the people around us reacts. That is why it is important to build our moral values and stick to it. That's where we can get the courage and conviction we need. I don't have younger siblings but I think children should not be overly protected by their parents. By allowing them to lose in games and still play with honesty or get a failing score and still do it with integrity and work for it on their own, I think it could help them build moral courage.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There is no specific story but I have this friend from junior high school that I admire the most because of her courage to stand to what she thinks is right. We are friends for about 7 years now so I know when she is showing up brave but is trembling inside which is more impressive. We were total opposites and I hated her for being so loud and sometimes being too aggressive but I am thankful to be her friend. She's the type that would jump into the crowd and be proud for being different. When she sees something wrong, she always genuinely wants to educate other people about her side. She's not as fearless as she seems but that fear I think is what makes her more courageous.

    BSCE – 2B
    THURSDAY 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    It was a busy day in school wherein every individual is having fun. We were celebrating our 80th foundation day. To give you a background with what is going on every foundation day, we are given 3 days to have fun within the vicinity, and this means we don’t have classes but we are required to go to school, and our school turned into something like carnival wherein there are amusement rides, carnival games, and shows. As I enjoy the feel of that event, each rides were jammed packed and as a short tempered person, I’d rather roam around than to fall in line just for a ride so as I roam around the school, I went to the school garden and noticed something, it was a 500 peso bill like someone left or lost their money and I was having a dilemma, if I should just keep it for myself since no one is around or if I am going to bring it to the lost and found office but then I remembered that courage is one of the virtues that school taught me therefore I chose the latter since it is one of the events that every student in that school awaits and I know that the money that they are spending is from their savings from their daily allowance. I chose to bring it to the lost and found due to the reason that it is one of the virtue that the school taught me. My school honed me to be a person who practice what she preach even if no one is looking. Just what Maya Angelou one said, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The first thing that I should do is to lead by example, I should apply to myself how to attain moral courage so others may copy that virtue. Courage is something that we must have for us to push through with our lives even if life gives us doubt and uncertainty. We must remember that stepping out of our comfort zone is a steppingstone for success. Failure may be inevitable but it is a sign wherein you’ve done something brave. We must embrace our flaws for the reason that it is one of the reason on how we can be true to ourselves and with that, you will notice the true essence of life, unleash the fears within yourself, and begin to practice what moral courage is. As Mark Twain once stated, ““Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.”

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There are numerous stories that influenced me to have moral courage for the reason that when I was younger, the only movies/ shows that I am allowed to watch is those that have moral lessons in the end. But what influenced me the most is my grandparents, even though we rarely see each other, they never fail to mention to me every time we talk is that I should stand up and speak up for what I believe is right. Everything is worth fighting for, especially when it comes to our rights. As Susan Gale mentioned, “The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. All good things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for.”

  10. BAYHON, Bren Jousef T.
    BSCE 2B
    Thursday 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    The personal experience I can consider as one showing moral courage is my experience with a partner that was assigned by the teacher for the whole duration of the quarter in our ICT/Computer subject. The partner that was assigned to me had no sense of responsibility. She told me to do the first activity then she would do the next. It went on for a few weeks, then I stood up to her and told that she should contribute to our activities and projects in that subject or else I would tell the teacher that she is not helping at all with my workload. She then tried to coerce me to do the activities or else she would "make the quarter miserable for me". I could not stay silent about the matter anymore and told my teacher everything. In the end, I ended up having a new and more responsible partner, and she was required to do her activities all by herself.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    From what I know, moral courage can be taught by encouraging others especially younger children to do what they believe is right not for their own personal gain but for their own moral principles. Simple dilemmas can be slowly introduced to them by asking what they would do in a particular situation and teaching them what to do (e.g. lying, stealing).

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    At the top of my head, the story that has influenced me to practice moral courage comes from a video game I really appreciate, Ace Attorney. There is a case in which Phoenix the defense attorney is presented with a dilemma. There was a murder in a luxurious hotel, and Phoenix and his assistant Maya happened to be already there because of a press conference with a famous TV actor. However, a few minutes later a bellboy informed Maya that "someone had called her", but that was just a ruse and she was kidnapped. It was revealed that the kidnapping was used as leverage for Phoenix to represent the client of the kidnapper. Phoenix had to win the case or else he won't see his assistant again. It would have been quite simple if the client was really innocent for the crime he was accused of.

    Diving deeper into the investigation, Phoenix discovered that the client of the kidnapper was in fact guilty for his crime. As the final day for the trial came, Phoenix had to choose between the safety of Maya and justice. He knew what she would have wanted him to do, and in the end Phoenix pushed a guilty verdict so he “lost” the trial. However, not all was lost because the kidnapper was actually a hired assassin by the accused. In their contract, it was stated that there should be no evidence that can be used against the assassin. But there was a video tape of him showing the assassin's face that was used in the trial, so the contract between them was terminated. Phoenix lost his first ever case, but justice for all was served, the trial was over, and Maya was freed from the kidnapper.

    This particular case made me realize that even against all odds, we must face our morality and be honest with ourselves. We do everything in our power for our loved ones, and we should face our fears head on. Having moral courage helps us grow into wiser people and into people with conviction to do the morally right thing even if it ends up hurting us.

  11. AMBAYEC, Marie Anngela O.

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    One thing I did that can be considered as moral courage is the point at which I represented myself to somebody who continues accomplishing something incorrectly. It was the point at which that individual continued accomplishing something that is inappropriate towards me that I faced that individual knowing the results that may happen a short time later. I realized I needed to call that individual out in light of the fact that their activities aren't right, and thusly, I realize that I'm making the best decision, so I did.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    Since I’m the youngest in our family, I think the best way to encourage or teach my friends is to let them acknowledge regardless of how hard it is that things won't be consistently in support of themselves. You won't generally be dealt with the manner in which you treat others. Not all beneficial things are responded so we simply need to do what we believe is the correct activities regardless of the backfire. It is certainly not as simple as it sounds. We will consistently question our choices dependent on how the individuals around us responds. That is the reason it is imperative to assemble our moral values and stick to it. That is the place where we can get the fortitude and conviction we need. I don't have more youthful kin however I figure kids ought not be excessively secured by their folks. By permitting them to lose in games and still play with genuineness or get a faltering score and still do it with uprightness and work for it all alone, I figure it could help them fabricate moral courage.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    My cousin influenced me the most, she’s about the same age as me, she always makes sure to remind me that always stand for my right and apologize when I’m wrong. Back when I was in kindergarten, way back in our hometown. my schoolmate used to bully on how I speak because I have difficulty on pronouncing the letter “R” so they tease me for being like that. Then one time my cousin and my parents picked me up at school then my cousin saw everything. She stood for me, and fought my own battle. Then while heading back home, she told me not to let anyone do that again to me, because it was not my fault on having difficulties, she reminds me to stand on my right specially if I didn’t do anything wrong. She wants to consistently make the best choice and speak up if you didn’t do anything wrong, and she thinks that if someone can't fight for their own or support themselves, you can do it for them without asking for anything in return, simply just being kind to other.

  12. Bautista, Lovely Anne
    BTNFT 3A
    THURS 4-7pm

    1.What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    - It was already Saturday and still there's a lot of students attending their class and then one day we have a practice /training (volleyball) but it was too early so I have to wait for my teammates outside the court so I sat down at the students studying area where I saw one student, I don't know if she's graduating or a higher year but I guess she's a senior because of the broken project in front of her, I thought bullying was only for High school but I was wrong this person 2blocks away from me cries quietly and then I waited for a minutes then someone come near her then throw some garbages and a lot box of a project I think and they ask the girl to fix it and do it for them and then slap her while laughing and when the other girl are about to hit her again, I called their attention. I stand bravely to those women who bullies other students, and when they're about to go near me my colleagues came and stand with me to start a fight but when we're about to talk, I realized they're just only a freshman students, so I talk to them softly and calmly and ask them why they did something like that and then after that I ask those bullies to say sorry to the person they bullied or else I'll grab their hair and bring them to the Office of the Students Affairs and they followed me and block mailing them that If ever I saw them again doing that or heard from them doing the same thing I will never think twice to bring them in the office. As I've said we are all students of the university and we studied to learn and to enjoy the environment not to brawl people inside the University.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - Gonna support all of their actions and councel them for their inappropriate actions that they have been done. This year has been very tough for our mental health. It is not enought to say that everything will be alright. Sympathy and empathy are the one that will save a person life from killing themselves and with that as a guidance I'll be giving them a light of advice for them to realize that the beauty will always be in our hearts, the chances to have a will, will let them realize how happy and healthy to live and continue on with the life we are facing through
    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    - there are a lot of people who influences me but one of my favorite persons who teaches me how to be a good person is my parents they always tell me that I have to be strong wherever I go, be kind to others and have courage since then I became strong yes, sometimes I became weak where nobody sees me and this is where it happened, when we watched Cinderella (2015) I remember the promise of Ella's mother to her, that she should have courage and be kind and then that's the time where ella followed her mother's wish to her, she became a kind person and even though she was bullied, she still stands firm and became a strong woman on her own. And I apply it in real life if you are going to have a courage, you are going to have a happy ending because everybody will gonna love you.. So in general, we should always listen to our parents because they know how life goes on they are the best influencers that came into out life.. I may not have the best or a happy family but still I'm surrounded with the people with good deeds and a positive impact in my life. Having a moral courage helps us to think wise and to stand firm they may not see it but the actions of it was there

  13. Jouie D. Arienda BT-NFT-3A
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    When I was with friends there will always be a time that there will be get togethers and drinking alcoholic beverages, but I never have comed and been pursuaded to get in any one of those occasions because in my religion we were not allowed to drink coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages and I stand firmly on my beliefs and I think it was an act of moral courage being different and learning when to say yes and no.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    By simply saying no at times and explaing the reason behind the no's because when they get to hear that your reason is valid they will learn for themselves that everyone has a reason behind every action ang it will teach them to be more understanding to likely stand up for their own opinions as well as an act of moral courage, and I think it is best to teach anyone at an early age, as we all say that old people are much tougher to learn because they have more capable mind and thinking not when taught so young.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    The most amazing person I know that had influenced me with moral courage is my dad, he always provided me the support he can give and always inform me about some of my actions that could have gone the other way if I stood for myself, and he always say to me that I should not be afraid of standing up for myself especially if I know for myself that I was right.

  14. Nicdao, Ralph Laurence S.
    BT-NFT 3B
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    Being standing up to a bully on the school or doing homework or chores without being reminded. every time we have class, i always do my home works and not taking excuses. the what real and be considererd as moral courage.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way to teach moral courage to your friend or younger siblings all about positive ways like stand up to peer pressure, refuse to go along with the crowd when the crowd is doing something wrong or dangerous, participate in a new class, master new skills and persist in the face of frustration.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    My brother who graduated in UP diliman always giving me advice and hardwork to make my life happy, he always taught me every time what i'm doing

    BT NFT 3A
    THURSDAY (4 - 7 PM)
    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - I have been bullied when i was in grade school, i did not want to study anymore because i was always bullied at school because i was a big kid and that i do not belong to any group of friends. one personal experience that i consider myself courageous is when i stood up for my self, where i told my mother and my teacher back then that i was bullied and after that the bullying stopped.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - the best way to teach moral courage is to set an example and be their guide in being morally courageous. setting an example is like leading everyone to stand up for themselves and be also an example to others.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - Actually when i was bullied, i was at my weakest point because the only solution that i was thinking was suicide because i always cry myself to sleep and i dont have proper guidance because my parents are both working. the thing that influenced me to stand for myself is that i needed to release all of my feelings to someone and thats when my mother came in. my mom taught me to be strong and to stand up for myself.

  16. Valenzuela, Mariah Dail-an P.
    BT NFT 3A

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - From my personal experiences in life, I face some circumstances that can be considered moral courage. One example of it is when I do house chores without being reminded by my parents. I love doing it because I am the type of person that gets irritated when I see some bunch of trash or stuff scattered everywhere. It makes me more productive by doing it every day and I think that this helps me to be an independent person and much more ready for the responsibility that will come when I get older.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - I think that the best way to teach moral courage to other people especially to my younger brother and my friends is to allow them to accept that no matter how difficult the problems that we are facing today, we should not give up by choosing what is right, and finding out how it works.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - The story that has influenced me to practice moral courage is when my mom decided to work abroad. It was the hardest decision for us. I’ve learned the struggles that she had to go through just to give us the kind of life that we are enjoying now. Even though my mother was far away, I wanted her to be happy. But deep inside, what I wanted the most is that she would just come home to us.

  17. Seño, Nikha Jeramie
    BT-NFT 3A
    Thursday 4pm-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    The story in my life which I can be considered as moral courage was when I had the courage to speak up to my mom about a certain issue which happened in the circle of our family. I never thought that I would open up to her since I’m not used to having a serious talk with her, especially when it’s about me. I was hesitant and afraid of what she may react since the issue was quite sensitive and serious. There was a moment when I have decided to not to talk about it to my mom since it will surely cause a big problem in our family but my friends told me that, it was the right thing to do and I should tell my mom about it for the sake of my safety. So, I told my mom about it.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    We should teach them to always speak up whenever they don’t feel better. When there are certain things happened to them that doesn’t seem right. We should talk to them a lot and let them share everything about them and make them feel comfortable. We should let them know that sharing their thoughts and opinions to others is not wrong.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    So far, there were so many stories of moral courage that has influenced me. I admire those people a lot since it’s not that easy to speak up especially when the issue is very sensitive. Some of those people did not receive the justice they are seeking for which makes it even hard for those who’s currently experiencing it to speak up. But I hope, sooner or later, they’ll have the courage to tell their stories so that, help and justice will come for them.

  18. Lu, Charles Dominic R.
    BT NFT 3B
    Thursday 4:00 - 7:00 pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    When I was in my younger years, I was lying to my parents about why am I being late when coming to home and for this time around, I know that lying is bad. I felt so bad whenever I tried to reason to my parents that I was being late because of school works but the reason was because I was hanging out with my friends and doing fun stuffs with them. Eventually, because of me kept lying to them, I felt so wronged about it and it made me think that I should tell my parents about it. I was so scared that time because I know that my parents will be mad but still I have told them about it since I thought that my decisions has always consequences and I was ready for it. Good thing they weren't mad and told me that telling the truth will not harm me at all but told me as well that lying will harm me in everyway.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    Moral courage are the best moment in your life that actually teaches us new things and discover us more about life. If we would likely to grab it, there are lots of experiences waiting us ahead to have a better personality.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details

    The story that has influenced me about moral courage is a movie tittled "how to train your dragon" It was a more likely cartoon animation where the protagonist is a viking and is on a tribe of viking. The tradition of the tribe is for a boy to enter his manhood he must kill a dragon. But instead, he befriended a rare dragon. Due to the tribe's tradition, they believe that dragons are sworn enemies, where dragon should be killed if they encountered one. This contradicts what the main protagonist situation, it takes a lot of courage for him to tell his father (the head of the tribe) that he was able to befriend a dragon. Eventually, his father was able to found out and was disappointed about him not killing a dragon, which led him to be left behind and the whole tribe are going to find the king of the dragons using the senses of his friend dragon. The main protagonist knew that the tribe will be wiped out because the king are bigger than they expected. The main protagonist stands to fight along with dragons to defeat the evil king of dragons and eventually have the dragons freely become their friend. It took a lot of courage for the main protagonist to stand alone for the better future of the tribe. He didn't doubt his relationship with the dragon and eventually helped the tribe to defeat the king of dragons along with fighting beside the dragons. It was a good movie that thought me that if what you were doing id right and benefit ourselves and not harm the other party, then it is the right thing to do it and stand for it. In the end of the movie, it was the main protagonist victory defeating the king of dragons with his friend and freely fighting along side in lifestyle of the tribes and the dragons.

  19. Galang, Eldrin Llenard V.
    BT-NFT 3A
    Thursday 4 to 7 PM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    When I attend Junior High school and able to speak up in front many people or my classmate to say something that I observe is really not right like cheating or bullying my other classmate. Ang in 1st Year College I boost my self confidence and have a position in the class to be president because I'm really shy and don't have self-confidence to do in particular thing.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    By speaking up what is right and wrong and respect of their decision and support their action and help them that decision or action can be good in a way that they didn't regret it but to make sure it won't happen again so that it's win win situation.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Not particularly but mostly my teacher or rather I treat as my parents to help me build up my courage whenever I burned up or rather down to do some matter things and its been more than 5 years where together for helping me. And also what I watch or read in manga and anime that can totally happening in real life that's also help to or inspire me to do things that I applied to my self examples or situation on what in anime or manga especially to build my self confidence and speak up in front of people and when I'm down it give me happiness.

  20. Name: Jose, Roger Jr. M.
    Section: BT-NFT 3A
    Schedule: Thursday, 4-7PM

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    I think when I stood for myself when some of my classmates in elementary accused me for cheating, which I really didn't. They we're bullies and want to make fun of others and accuse me cheating on a quiz when my teacher is around, I stood for myself and told them and also my teacher that I didn't cheat and show them proof that I don't have the means to cheat and confronted my classmates that they should've done that and stop bullying others because it's not doing any good.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    I think the best way of teaching moral courage is by raising their confidence and make them not to think about how other think about them, because if they have confidence in them, they would be able to stand for themselves and be able to do the right thing without hesitations like being scared, because I believe self confidence is the foundation of being a strong person that you can be.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    I think the story of Bobbie in the Filipino movie " Four Sisters and a Wedding" where she choose to work abroad just to support her family's finances even if she's having a hard time because of the way some of her siblings think that she's already feeling proud about herself and they think that she's showing their parents that she's the best among them all. I admire her being strong just to be able to live alone and work for the sake of everyone and changing herself to be able to fit the society she lives in abroad. This makes me more strong and confident about myself.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.


  22. Cerillo, Gian Carlo G.
    BTNFT 3A
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    One thing in my life that I've considered as moral courage is to accept the death of my dad. I always remember the happy moments with my father and the things that he taught me to stand for myself when things get hard in life and many more. Well, it's truly hard from the beginning to acknowledge the reality that he is now gone but that is the manner by which life works, you are born, you live then you die, and there's no way around it. Months have passed, I've as of now conquer my pity and acknowledged the demise of my dad yet I will always remember my recollections with him and I will consistently appeal to God for him wanting him to be cheerful and peaceful carrying on with his new existence with God.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    Moral courage should be instructed in the event that it very well may be educated. Its fortitude is the thing that the world necessities a greater number of individuals who try to state "No" when they ought to and say "Yes" when they should. In a way that making some noise about what is good and bad and regard their choice, uphold their exercises, and help them that choice or activity can be acceptable as it were.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    From the Movie "The Pursuit of Happiness, Joy is our most noteworthy endowment of all. It can't be estimated, it must be felt. All of us have an intrinsic undeniable capacity to be cheerful and appreciate that advantage. This film gave me the boldness to dismiss the questions that individuals have and oneself questions I have. It instructed me to put stock in myself in any event when the world isn't slanted to and furthermore urged me to acknowledge my disappointments and misfortunes as inspiration to work more enthusiastically and more intelligent.

  23. Esteban, Michelle M.
    BT- NFT (3A)
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    I think one of the moral courage that i experienced in my life is that i stood for my friend that is pressured by my classmates because of the issue of the hiphop contest that we joined in our school. she got blamed for the sin or mistake that my other friend created, i feel the pressure that she feels and that i saw her crying so i stood up and told to my classmate that she is not really involved with the sins that our friend created and stop interrogating her about the issue.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    i think the best way to teach moral courage is to give them advice that stand alone or being alone is not shows how you weak are but it shows that you are independent person and you can do whatever you want without consulting or depending on others. and also show them that whatever happens to them as long as they are right you will be there by their sides and stood for them.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    the story of pachot in the movie must be love where in she grows up as a boyish type of girl when the recommendation of her father because her mother left them when she was a child. so her environment mostly full boys and this beauty contest where the former best beauty artist " tita baby" said she will only join if her model is gonna be patchot so they start doing make over to pachot and teach her to be confident but when her father finds out that she was about to join the competition her got mad and want her to back out. tita baby encourage her that she was beautiful and should confident to herself. patchot and her father talks about the pagent and her father ask why is she joining that certain pagent so pachot answer her father that she wants to experienced to feel like a girl or princess that she want to wear dresses and calls her beautiful. this story influenced me by being confident to myself that even there are people commands me to wear something that they think they will fit me, i just need to follow what i really want and stood up.

  24. Delobrino, John Paolo S.
    BT - NFT 3A
    Thursday 4 pm to 7 pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    The personal experience I can consider as moral courage during this summer is when my health is at risk due to digestive order and anxiety because of heartbreak. But I encourage myself to fight and do the right thing like having a healthy lifestyle and avoid foods that aggravate the symptoms of my digestive disorder. As well as to be better. Lastly is I learned to forgive, forget, and accept the things that are not meant for me and I think that is the bravest thing I ever did.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way to teach moral courage to my friends and younger siblings is to be strong and courageous. If you failed, then try again. If it's not meant for you then think about your worth and the things you can be without those things because all of the problems have solutions and It made you who you are today. Even if you don't see it right now, maybe one day you will.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    The moral courage that influenced me is myself. One time while looking at the mirror, I found my worth and I realized that I deserve better. I have been through so much that's why I help myself to get up and be strong because I know that the only person who can help me is myself.

    1. Michael G. Española
      BT-NFT 3B
      Thurs. 4:00-7:00 PM
      1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
      - When I trust and love myself now, because these past years had come, I always blame myself always when there is a problem that I can’t solve on my own and relying on others like I’m always following their orders like a slave. Because I think of myself that I’m not enough and more insecurities on myself. But now I understand myself that I’m not perfect human being there’s always I’m lacking on that’s why I accept my own imperfections. Rather I used it as my strength to become a better version of myself. This time step by step I discovered my weakness and strength towards on certain situation. For me the moral courage is that when I bring myself on my own and become happy by not relying other’s attention.
      2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
      - The best way to teach moral courage for them is telling them the reality like you don’t sugarcoat words just to feel satisfied for them. Tell them the truth, I know It’s a hard but the truth will lead them to a great future. And don’t tolerate the bad doings they made instead correct them and give some tips so that they can’t do it again and if they do that wrong doings they will suffer and there life will be mess.
      3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
      - For me the story of happening right now, not just because of pandemic but the experience happening on me right now, because right now you can’t trust anyone all have you trust is yourself. It feels strange but it’s true, I feel that I’m on asylum that you can’t escape more on suffering physical and mental. This is not about online class, this is the people surround me. It’s hard always to understand their situation but on my situation they ignore me. Like they believe only on their side but not my side. Like when they explain, I listen but when I explain my side they ignore it. I think that you will response to this that I’m a sad boy like I manipulate you or mercy on me. My answer is No, I’m just explaining my side it’s your choice if you think that this is not true. If you still doubt, think why I have the courage to share it right now even if it’s personal. Back to my story, Now I know who is true or use me for purposes. They know that I’m a good person but not always. It influenced me because I know that this is a test for me on how I handle this problem or situation. It gives me more courage now how I observe people surround me based on their actions and intentions on me. Like I have the courage to see the reality of life right now and it’s hard. I know that this is the beginning there are more worst scenarios that I will encountered. When that time come I’m prepared and ready for it.

  25. Cua, Jacky D.
    BT-NFT- 3B
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - Courage is a word that people use when they are afraid, or like in a battle to fight for what is right. My real and personal story is that the word persecution is commonly thing as a Christian. I'm a type of person that doesn't drink an alcohol. Wine, Red Horse, Empi, Gin is not my commonly thing. I don't why I have this kind of personality that people wants, maybe its just my personality that doesn't want to drink. So going back, there was this subject in my 2nd year college that we need to drink and taste the alcohol, it's called Mixology. So I asked the Lord why am I going through this kind of subject where I really don't drink then suddenly I have a subject that is required to drink. I suddenly got nervous. Day one of our class, the professor asked us, "sino dito umiinom?, magsabi nga ng totoo" many of my classmates raised their hands. I was so nervous, but my teacher suddenly asked a followup question, "sino naman dito hindi umiinom at bakit?".
    I raised my hands up slowly, then I remembered there were other two of my classmates who raised their hands with me. Then my professor asked the three of us why? So the two of them answered but I didn't hear their answers because of my heart was pounding very fast. Then the professor turn to me and ask "ikaw, bkt hindi ka umiinom? and I answered her question shakingly, "kasi po Kristyano po ako". And suddenly everyone one of my classmates started saying "weeehhhhhhhh" and still my heart is pounding very fast. "Kasi po Kristyano po ako" that was the statement that I will put in my heart because that is who I am. But I was persecuted by my classmates, it's painful yes but we have to endure the circumstances we always go through to, then that was time my faith and courage was tested. Times goes by that our subject will have a wine tasting and drinking, deep inside my heart I really don't want to drink. Then I remembered that March 10, 2020 will be our wine tasting and drinking. March 09 that was my time that I have to face my fear, to step up my courage that I have to be. 11am of March 09, that was the time that our other laboratory was ended. After that suddenly there was this news that there is one positive confirmation about the COVID 19. And suddenly our school has declared the suspension of classes due to the news that there are already 4-7 positive case of the virus. At that time I was so shock that not just because of the virus but what God taught me is that no matter what kind of situation you've been going through, God will always be there with you.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - The best ways to teach moral courage is share some wisdom or a scenario that God is teaching you. Then put some bible verses not just to make it a religious thing but a word of encouragement to other people.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - Yes there is, it's name is David and Goliath. These characters are well known. David was a type of person who is just like us. A youth, but he is a typical normal shepherd. Goliath in the other hand was a warrior, 7 feet tall, strong and muscular, and terrified by many because He can destroy many armies if he can. Then there was a great battle, the battle is that if there is one person who can defeat Goliath the people will follow the one who can defeat Goliath. But if Goliath will defeat the opponent then all of those people will give their possesions and their taxes to the other side. No one was brave enough to fight Goliath, but there is one guy who stood up and that was David. To make my long story short, David defeated Goliath by using his slingshot and a stone

    You can find this story in the book of 1st Samuel chapter 17 in the Bible.

    BT-NFT 3A
    THURS. 4-7PM

    1. One thing that I consider my moral courage is when I stood up to defend my grandmother to a man who cheated my grandmother on his change in our store. At that time, a man bought in our store. My grandmother already gave him the change then quickly put the change in his pocket and told my grandmother that he had not been returned. The man began to shout. The man did not know that I was just behind and I saw what he did. I walked out of our store and faced the man. Even though I was nervous, I quickly dug into his pocket and showed to his my grandmother's change. I started talking and defended my grandmother to the man. The man say sorry at the end.

    2. As the eldest sibling, I will teach my younger sibling a moral courage by being a role model to them. Actions are better that words. So, I will show to them through my actions and share some of my experiences that is right or good. I will practice them until they learn from it and apply it to their lives. And for my friends or for the other people, we've all have different perspective when it come in courage. For me, the best way to teach them to have courage is to accept and face the reality we have. Not all people can treat you like the way you treat them. In that case, I will help them and be a good influencer to other people and to my friends to have and build a courage on their own.

    3. There's a lot of people who influence me, but my grandmother is the best example of my influencer. She teach me to be true to myself and be a good model to different people. Stand and defend myself and learn to have limit on my actions. She always give a positivity and taught me to be strong woman.

  27. Bonagua,Mayet M.
    BT NFT 3A
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    My personal story of my life can be considered as moral courage is taking care of myself and specifically my two little sister beacause they're women, the sexual harrassment is not that easy to forget it is a nightmare, or a wound that no medicine can heal. I share my story to my friends so that they learn from my experience. They must double taking care of themselves.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    Communicate then share to them how you handle, how you solve it.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    I don't have story but from my experience, I prayed a lot and and forgive that person.

    BT- NFT 3B

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    Moral courage that I have been experience is when one of my friend has been bullied by our classmates and because I don't like the way she treated my friend and my parents taught me that you must protect someone being hurt. due to that I am brave enough to face my classmate to stop bullying my friend because no one deserves to be treated like that, and because of that she was almost scratch my hand enable to stop me confronting her and I told her that I will talk to our teacher so that she can be punish for what attitude she have.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way to teach moral courage to our friends and siblings is communication and understanding about what is right and wrong and what are the importance of this to our society because moral courage is within ourselves that we must enhance and develop to help each other and to give equality to the society.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    When I was kid up until today I remember the disney movie the finding nemo A fish named Marlin lives in the Reef and loses his son, Nemo, after he ventures into the open sea, despite his father's constant warnings about many of the ocean's dangers. Nemo is abducted by a boat and netted up and sent to a dentist's office in Sydney. While Marlin try to retrieve Nemo, Marlin meets a fish named Dory, a blue tang suffering from short-term memory loss. The companions travel a great distance, encountering various dangerous sea creatures such as sharks and jellyfish, in order to rescue Nemo. The moral courage here is despite of danger,challenges and loss his confidence to see his son, he still keep searching and rescue his son to the end.

  29. Jan Karlo C. Samson
    BT – NFT 3A
    4-7 (TH)

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    When I was a child, I have a Best friend who was bullied because of being shy all the time. He was my Best friend until now. My best friend and I confronted the bully and told him not to hurt him again even if I don’t have any chance if the bully try to hurt us both. Luckily, at that time the bullying never happened again. For me, I considered this as a moral courage because, no matter what happens you fight for what is right.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way to teach moral courage to my friends and younger siblings is to learn how to fight back in the right way and in the right situation. Because, Moral courage helps us address ethical issues and act when doing the right thing is not easy. Moral courage includes the will to speak out and do what is right in the face of forces that would lead us to act in some other way. I will teach them to respect others to gain more respect too.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    My mother told me that it is bad to hurt other people even if he/she has done something bad to you. She always told me that avoiding trouble or fight is not a sign of cowardice, it is a sign of courage in avoiding wrong decisions in life because my mother told me that one mistake can never be corrected by another mistake. Be smart in life's decisions and not to be stupid in making life decisions.

  30. Mira, Leila Mae N.
    Thursday 7:00AM-10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    Personally one of the things I consider that I had a moral courage was when we had a family problem specifically between my parents wherein my father was being selfish and doing stuff that is not supposed a father is doing such as not working or doing anything to gain income at the same time just lying on bed in his room, worst is he’s not taking care of my mother that is working hard, all he did was pleasure for himself. My mother was doing all the work and when the time she’s already fed up, after 24 years, we decided to leave our father and we face all our relatives who pity us for leaving our father, told them the truth and be with my mother in our new home. We aren’t against to our father rather we’re just against with his action and we thought that this is the only way for him to change, but I highly doubt it.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    I think the best way to teach moral courage is through words also with a moral support or empathy for example a friend of mine is already giving up now for her life because all she did is helping her family but in the end she was not being appreciated and so I am giving her advises as well as showing her my presence that I know where she is coming from and honestly been there although with a slight different situation. But before I gave advice to others I’ll make sure that I already overcome that certain situation so that I can be credible enough or to be an example.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    Yes there from the moral courage my mother had for not leaving my father even if she’s the one who worked for us 6 siblings, even if my father was an addict for almost 2 decades and had a lot of mistresses that will text my mother about how wild my father in bed and lot more hurtful words she received and still receiving right now from him. She hasn’t feel loved but still managed to stay with my father for the sake of us but as always, everything comes to an end and this was the end already, she’s now filing legal separation and we moved place already. She is my number one influencer that even though she has imperfections but she didn’t failed to be the best mother for us.

    1. Silverio, Jana Janelle C.
      Thursday 4-7 PM

      II. Activity

      1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
      According on what I have research, Moral Courage is defined as brave behavior, accompanied by anger and indignation, intending to enforce societal and ethical norms without considering one’s own social costs. A personal story that I can considered as moral courage is when I have arguments with my mom. We have different beliefs and opinion on everything, that’s why sometimes we end up arguing. For me that is one of the thing that I can considered as moral courage because I’m standing up for myself, my beliefs, and my opinions. And I also think owning one’s mistakes is considered as moral courage. For me, you need to have courage on accepting and admitting your mistake or wrong because it was like standing up on your own ethical beliefs.

      2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
      For me, the best way to teach moral courage to someone is by sharing my experiences. And making them understand what is like to stand up for someone or even for yourself. By sharing my experiences it will make them understand easier because I’m giving them a real life situation that can also happen to them. So that if they encounter that kind of situation they will know what they will do.

      3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
      My friend had influenced my moral courage. He taught me that not everyone who surrenders in a fight are weak, but rather they are the brave one’s because they know when to give up when they know that they are losing the fight. They’re the brave one’s because they know how to accept defeat. It was like owning your mistakes because you are in battle against yourself and your beliefs that’s why you need to have courage to accept and admit them.

    THURS 4-7 PM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    one of the things i consider a moral courage is when i was a kid my both parents doesn't have work and being a parent the feelings that you can't give what your child needs is very heart breaking. i consider that a moral courage of my parents because they both don't stop to search for work or to get money from somewhere for us to eat something and go on for the day.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    the best way to teach moral courage is communication and understanding. you should teach them that if they find something that against their will or uncomfortable they should speak up and have courage to move forward

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    for me the story that have moral courage that aspire me is the lion king because it shows the bravery of sinbad to face the life he got with a smile and even if he hesitate first in fighting his uncle at first, he still challenge his uncle to a battle because he know that his uncle is bad leader and he need to fight for his pack.

  32. CALONZO, Lattrelle Kyle O.
    BSCE 2B
    THURS 7-10AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    This personal experience I encountered that I can consider as moral courage happened when I was in fifth grade. A little background during my fifth grade days, I have no friends yet since I am just a transferee but it wasn't that hard to be friends with them, as a result I became part of one of the circle there. This scenario happened in December around third quarter. While I'm trying to write the activity written on the board, someone is trying to test my limits by throwing thrashes directly on my head. I don't know who's doing that and I tried to stay calm and suddenly someone hit my head (not that hard but I got so mad) so I took courage and face them since I know I am right to stand for myself and I instantly hit one of my classmate in the head too. Then, my senses came back and the one I hit just said that he isn't the one who did those things to me, so I took courage again since I know i am wrong for acting instantly without knowing who's the real wrongdoer. I humbly ask for an apology and he accepts it, after that the one who hit my head asks for an apology too saying he won't do it again.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    Teaching moral courage to my friends and younger siblings aren't easy since we need to: First, apply it on ourselves and to the decisions we are about to make. Second, try to tell them what is moral courage and how we can show it to the world. I think the best way to teach moral courage is by letting them experience how good it is to finally show courage and act based on what is right despite the harm it might cause. I need to encourage them to stand up against people who do bad things and know their place, to not hold back if they know that what they're doing is right as long as they don't cross to someone else's dignity.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Some series that I watched shows moral courage and bravery. These somehow influence me. One of the series that I watch was Harry Potter, besides the three lead there, I am amazed how brave and courageous Neville Longbottom is. I know that he is not brave naturally but I see his character development and somehow it inspires me. He stand against the evil (Voldemort) and he knows that he is right by doing it, he was injured that time and still have the courage to face the evil and not just be a blind follower. It influenced me to the point that I am able to show courage too by simply doing what is right and standing up against people who are wrong. Also let me add this quote from Albus Dumbledore, "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.". It might also inspire other people.

  33. Bayona, Luz Dariel G.
    Thursday 4-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    I know myself that I was being coward sometimes and honestly speaking this make me struggle remembering and reflecting about when and what is the last time that I stood up for what is right. And now I remember one it was happen a couple of months ago, there is someone who made a mistake to me. And guess what? It's make me question my worth, and worst for who I am. A month later he was apologizing for what he done, and I think the strongest thing or the courage that I've done is to forgive him. Forgiving him even what he has done greatly affect me. It's hard to forgive someone because the damage has been done, and yet you're not the one who make that mistake but it's haunting you. However, forgiving is the right thing to do and I should do. It's not just for him, but I think it is also for myself.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    I think the best way is not something that can be thought to them but something that they should have experience it is the best way to built the moral courage in their selves. However, if one thing that I learned and I should teach to them is to 'forgive and apologize'. Forgiving and apologizing is one of the hardest thing to do. It is hard to apologize because the damage has been done and no matter what, wherever you're right or wrong, unintentionally or intentionally doing that you already hurt someone but apologizing for your mistake is one of being brave. It takes time to forgive someone and it is really hard even though you are not the one who done the mistake. However, there's a feeling that forgiving is something you need for peace of mind even you haven't received that apology. Like what quotation I'd read before, "the first to apologize is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest and the first to forget is the happiest." this quote, I always bring this on me. And I know my friend and my siblings will be able to learn from me.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    Growing up, the best story for me is whenever my dad telling me his childhood memories. My dad grew up in a broken family, I know some of the child who grew up with that family has that feeling of being mad and can't forgive the parent that made the mistake. Because for them it is hard to forgive someone that ruined your family for someone, choosing someone over the family that he build. Going back, my grand father cheated on my grand mother and chose someone over his family. All of my auntie and uncle's are mad at him, they hardly forgive my lolo for what he done. But my dad takes up the courage to forgive him and I think forgiving someone is one of the hardest moral courage that everyone could experienced. Dad doesn't deprived us the opportunity to know our lolo and so as lolo to us.

  34. Rabina jomyr jericho Ivan G
    BTNFT 3B
    THURS 4-7PM

    I. Introduction

    The classic works of CS Lewis- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are full of stories about moral courage. Doing the right thing to do when it is difficult to do the right thing. Standing bravely in a daunting situation. There are many instances of moral courage.

    Moral courage can be just standing alone and sometimes standing for another person.

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    The real and personal story of my life that can be considered as moral courage is to help someone in my jhs to memorize his assigned poem to pass our subject even though I have also need a task to my organization to be done

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings are be a role model for them, create a caring environment, share personal experiences, teach them to be accountable for mistakes, encourage them to help others.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Yes, when i was in my JHS my adviser in senior year, his habit was share always his experience motivate us to be a better and to do rights things for ourselves and to others as well

  35. Corpuz, Christine Joyce B.
    BT-NFT 3B
    Thursday 4pm-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    The story that I considered as moral courage is when I’m at school and we were having a recitation in our English subject. I wanted to participate in the recitation but I’m afraid if it is the right answer or wrong but I still chose to recite even if there is a fear in participating in the recitation.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way to teach moral courage to my friend and younger siblings is to tell them to speak up what is right and don't be afraid that it may be wrong for others because speaking up is a way of being brave and it will make you feel well. Also don't be afraid to try again because things might have a better outcome.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There is a story of moral courage that influenced me it is when my cousin took up a board examination for nurses but failed thrice and in her fourth try she passed the test and became a nurse in Canada. She told us that it's not bad trying again even if you failed several times and she also said that she even took many times to succeed on her dreams but she never give-up on it because it’s what she wanted the most. Because of what she told us it helps me to continue reaching my dream even if there are many hindrance and challenges because you can never achieve something if you don’t try to take a step forward towards your goal.

  36. Alas, Latrell S.
    THURSDAY 4-7pm

    1.What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    I think the personal story of my life that can be considered as a moral courage is when there are times that my friends or other related person to me invite me to some occasions that I think my parents don’t want me to go so I refused the invitation and said that I don’t want to go without my parent’s permission and I think that is the right thing to do not only because of what my parents want for me but also I know that they know what are the things that is right for me.

    2.What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    I think the best way for me to teach my friends and also other people is to listen to what are they problem and also tell them what their rights. Also teach them what are the right things to do and what are the things that need to consider when we decide. I think the best thing that I can advise to other people is to stand for them self if they know that they are right.

    3.Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    I think the things that influenced me of moral courage is what my family always says to me that if I am right stand for what I think that is right. They also tell me that they are always there if I need help but I always think that I need to stand for myself. I learned to them that if I am right, I need to stand for my decision and I learned that there are so many things to consider before you make a decision and always think for what is right for you and also for the other people.

  37. CASACLANG, Kriztian
    THURSDAY 7:00-10:00am

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    The real and personal story in my life that can be considered as moral courage are the times I stand for someone being bullied or harassed, times I help a stranger do something he/she is not doing right, and times I gather up the courage to tell someone who dropped his/her things that they dropped it.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    For me, the best way to teach moral courage is by telling and showing them what to do is a specific situation, an example is when a stranger drops his/her wallet or something that belongs to that stranger( may be valuable or not really to that person), we know that they think that returning it is the right thing to do but also in their mind is the fear of approaching someone, so the best thing to do in this situation is tell them or give them a push to have the courage to approach that stranger and give or tell them what they have dropped.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    My story of moral courage influencing me is when my mother do the same things that I do after I already have the moral courage( things I answered in question 1) because of her doing those things, I begun to do the same as she does because I also think that those are the right things to do, and if I did not do does things, nobody might do it thus leaving me to a regret because of my conscience telling me that I had not done the right thing.

  38. SAPUNGAN, Mawill S.
    BSCE - 2B
    TH 7:00-10:00 AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    It'll be all those times that I fought for my friends. For a lot of times, my friends got haters that would throw words aren't fitting of them. Me as a friend would tell those people to stop whenever they cross the line and I felt that it's enough.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way would be to tell them a scenario and enlighten them the most important thing in that event. That way they can reach the way to the right end. Also, throw them the "what if you're the one who experienced that?" dilemma. And ofcourse, properly motivating them to always stick with their sense of justice.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Yes. One of the animated series I watched is the one that influenced me the most. The guy did the coolest thing a man can do for a woman, he got into a fight when the girl was being bullied just for being a good student. It moved me to tears and changed me that I question myself if I can to the same thing if time comes. With that in mind, I'm up until now trying to change myself holistically for the better so that I'm prepared for any moral dilemma.


    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    I think it is when I decides to tell my mother how I feel about my school studies. Despite being aware that she is a strict in terms of these matters, I think it would be the best to tell her sooner so she won't get be expecting more of me, but when I said it to her, she just said that I have to trt first, and that maybe if I fail, then I can change my choices.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    I think it would be through education, and proper guidance, me as the younger, I've always been taught of the thinfs that are essentially bad and essentially good so that in matters I can weight the pros and cona of any decisions, so yes, experience and proper education may be the best way.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details

    I think it was an anime where the world is in the brink of corruption, the protagonist, being aware of the circumstances, chose to fight against the government by joining a rebel group to overthrow the corrupt government and to destroy its laws and rules that are mainly inhumane. He did it knowing his and hia comrades life is at stake, and as the story goes on, and most of their friends have died, thet still pushed on and continued the fight.

  40. CANTIMBUHAN, Anjelo A.

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - For me, my personal story that I can consider a moral courage is when I can share my opinion to the other people. It is hard for me to do that because I do have low self-esteem while growing up. I am scared of rejection when I am giving my opinion that is why I can't develop my confidence. So in the group, I only follow what they say even though I know that there is something wrong in the activity.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - Based on my experienced to teach them about moral courage they need to accept their flaws and learn to accept criticism by the other people. Having a moral courage is like having a confidence in yourself. If you can't accept yourself, you can't grow as a person. Be confident in the words you say and be confident in the things you do.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - It is not a stroy, but for me the things that influenced me in terms of moral courage is my friends. It is because most of my friends are very confident in the things they do. They are very mature that they can be an independent person.
    In junior high, my friends are very competitive that I can see that they are confident in the things they do. And they are also talented. That is why I find the things that I am confident so that I can develop it and show to the other people.

  41. John Daeniel C. Verzosa
    BSCE2-B Thursday 7-10AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    There is one time in my life wherein I'm stuck in a situation whether I will tell my aunt that I saw my uncle is cheating. I consider this as moral courage since I know that telling the truth is the right thing to do but it is very hard for me to speak up the truth since it is not my story to tell and my actions might result to their family being broken. It took me a lot of moral courage to do because I realized that a sin will not be covered by another sin. I don't want my aunt to suffer and the future sequences so when the time came that I have the courage, I told her right away. The good thing about this is, they fixed the problem and they lived much stronger than before. I realized that it is really best to do the right thing even if it very difficult to do.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way I can think to teach moral courage is to convince them that having the lack of moral courage will bring you nowhere. Doing the right thing might be hard but the consequences may be harder. They have to realized that even if it is very hard to do the right thing, they must consider the consequences in their actions. Will their actions result in to something favorable? But the best way I can think to teach them is by acting how to have a moral courage. I must be a role model to them by doing the right thing even if it is very difficult to do.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    I know a person who have this huge amount of moral courage. Even if she know that it will not benefit her, she still do things in a right way. No matter what others will say, she always go for what is right. And she is the one who taught me that whenever I have difficulty in having decisions, I must consider the right thing that is best for me and for others. She is my mother who influenced me to have moral courage whatever the situation is. She taught me to stand on what is right whatever the consequences I may face, at least I did the right thing and there will be no regrets from me.

    BT-NFT 3B

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    My real and personal story of life can be considered as moral courage is letting go of someone that I dearly love, which is my parents. My mother died 6 years ago and my father died 2 years ago. To be honest I haven't moved on fully because I'm still longing for them. I'm still looking for the love and support of a parent. But time passed by I realized I should let go and accept the fact that they will never be here with me and for my siblings physically. But I know they are guiding and protecting us.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    - I always remind my siblings and friends that whatever you think is the best for you and it's a good opportunity for you to grow whether it is risky and difficult, go grab it. Also i always explain to them doing the right thing in the difficult way is the best way to survive in life.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you?Provide details.

    I'm a big fan of Disney characters and one of my favourite is Mulan. Last month I watched the movie adaptation of Mulan. Mulan is women that risk her life to join the army. The army doesn't allow women to join because they believe that women should be at home only and be a good wife. Though Mulan knew the punishment if she get caught will be death. But at the end Mulan saved the dynasty and she was honoured by the emperor.

    The personal impact of this movie to me is if you think that you can do it, go for it. Take risk and follow your heart beat.

  43. LEYRAN, Steve Justine D.
    THURS 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    My personal story that I may consider as a moral courage is when I go beyond my limitations. Sometimes I think that I can’t do such things that others can do. The problem is I don’t even try to do it and making the conclusion that I can’t do it. But when I realize that I can even do it, I eventually stand by myself and start on exploring things that in the past I think I can’t. And another story is when the day I said to my co-players that I CAN BE A BETTER STEVE. They say that I can’t even go with them because of the standards of the plays. I consider it as my motivation to be stronger and BE A BETTER STEVE.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    In simply don’t be bothered in others opinions that makes us down. Make it as your strength and inspiration upon making yourself to be the best version of yourself. Let your success be your vengeance to them and also teach them to help each other upon developing themselves as an individual.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    When I’m in my grade school days, there is a basketball team that consist of star players and average players. The star players are being so rude to a certain co-player of them (average player), they make fun of him when they play. And even after their games, they just not treat him as their friend. And saw the perseverance of this player be a better version of himself and came to the point that he becomes stronger to his ex-co-player and he is being humble for what he achieved. And that’s the story of moral courage that has a big contribution to my journey upon making myself to be the best version of myself.

  44. Kathleen Beatrix V. Sarmiento

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    - When I finally got the courage to speak out loud about my gender identity to my friends since high school. Because before, fear is always in the way that what if they won't like me and accept me as their friends. But I think if they were really my friends and they consider me as one, they will accept and loved me for who I am. But to my family, only now that I got the courage to be myself even they are not okay with it.
    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    - I will help them by ensuring that they are not alone and that they can be themselves around everybody. Also, I will make them feel safe that if ever they choose to be themselves, no one can harm them by just being true to themselves and to others. And if they feel scared, I will stay by their side I will help them to feel comfortable, cheer them up, so that their fear will lessen and their confidence will be more powerful. I will not make them feel pressured to do some particular things and not push them when they're not even ready and not feeling to do something. There's a lot of ways to teach moral courage but the best thing for me is to speak or talk to them so that they will know that there is someone that they can talk to and they know that you'll support them in every way you can.
    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    - Because of the people that surrounds me who's supporting and loving me for who I am, it encouraged me to be myself even more. That I should not worry about the opinion of other people who doesn't understand me and accept me for what who I am.

  45. Divina, Bernadette G.
    THURS 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    -From my own experience in a competitive classroom setting when I was in grade 10, it was apparent to me that I'm going to deal with difficulties and emotional pain as part of my regular schooling days. I'm in a section wherein top students from their previous section were gathered. I'm so nervous because top students surround me. But I manage to have the courage to maintain my composure and stay focused without stepping on someone. That takes courage for someone like me, who lacks self-confidence.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    -One of the best ways to teach moral courage is to develop and practice self-discipline, and developing it involves self-control. It compasses our ability to stick to our actions, thoughts, and behavior, leading to moral improvement and success.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    -There is no particular story to tell, but I have this friend that I look up to and admire because she can stand for herself. She doesn't hesitate to call someone out for them to know that what they're doing is wrong. And this made me realize to be confident and be honest with ourselves.

  46. LUSTRE, Raymond S.
    BSCE - 2B
    Thursday 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    Way back in freshman days in high school, I always teased that I'm gay and I should come out. In those times, I didn't have the courage to defend myself or told them about it because I'm scared and doubtful of what will happen after. One year after, I gain this courage to tell them who I am without doubt and shyness because of the confidence that I built in myself and it really helped me a lot, or what I considered as life-changing.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    It is important for us to have moral courage because what we are doing is the right thing. It will eliminate all the regret and negativity in ourselves. And by building moral courage within us, we are able to solve ethical issues. Even until now we are facing issues that needs moral courage in every one of us. Moral courage is significant because you are able to be a voice, inspiration, and role model. Telling to my friends and younger siblings that having the moral courage will create an impact not just to us. Realized to them that this is power that we have and so we need to apply this and make a change.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There is no specific story that influences me but it is actually a lot; series and stories discussing about violence and oppression of the minority such as the lgbtqia+ community. One is Pose, a series that shows how the transcommunity live their lives during the 80s and 90s era where killings and violence against their community are rampant. The lead actors/actresses became inspiration to me to be a voice and call out the story of abuse within our community. And it made me realized that it is really powerful that everything you do with moral courage is going to create a change.

  47. Geronimo, Clarisse Ann R.

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    When I finally learned how to speak up for myself. During old times, when people would speak ill of me, I just ignore them so it won't cause more trouble. But eventually, I got tired of it. I confronted them and ask them what was their problem with me. It did not end well, but I'm thankful that I fought for myself.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    I think the simplest way is to be a good person. I have a sister who is 14 years old younger than me. I always tell her that if you want something, you should speak up and tell our parents about it. If they won't give you, then me, and my older sisters will try to give it to you. In that way, she will be transparent with whatever she wants and will learn to ask for it.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    There is no specific story but I have this friend that is not scared to speak up for what she think is right. I admire her for letting others know her opinions in life, without caring if the people around her might judge her. She inspires me a lot as well as she is the one who taught me to speak up for myself. Until now, I am still thankful that we became friends, she helped me through a lot.

  48. Abrantes, Maria Lyn A.
    Thursday 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    Before the pandemic, we had lots of family gatherings and during one of those, some of my tita's were talking about my sister asking her when she'll get marrried because she's already 30 years old and pushing one of my cousins to come out of the closet. So when they asked me about my opinion, I told them that I think time will come when both of them will get ready and that we should support them instead of forcing them. I also had to explain that colors, ages, sizes, flaws and sexual orientations should be normalize. I was trembling while saying those words but my fear didn't stop me from talking because those words had to be said. They were talking about those things over and over again so I think somehow they needed to be enlightened that things have changed and we are family so we should support each other.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    It's to always remind them to put themselves in the shoes of the victims. What would they feel when that happens? Teach them to always have empathy and sympathy.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    Actually, it's the other way around. The lack of moral courage of many people influenced me to be firm with my beliefs especially when when I'm certain that it is for the benefit of many. The story of the victims and the presence of injustices encouraged me to fight for them, even in small ways.

  49. ROSALES, Hannah Nicole J.
    TH 7:00-10:00AM

    II. Activity
    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    Learning to voice out what you really want to say especially to the elders was like a taboo to me, but when I realized that you can still be honest on your discomfort and misunderstanding elders gave to you while having a much respect they needed. For some, it may sound like disrespectful for some and vague for others but it gave me the courage to voice out what I really feel and for them not to judge me so easily and misunderstood what i act differ from what I speak.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    One of the good way to teach them moral courage is being just a good example and guide them along the way. Yes, it will never be easy to teach someone character but when you became a good example for them, it will be a smooth ride from that. I do have a younger sibling, 10 years younger than me, from the start it is so hard to become a good example but when I realized that he will copy what he sees, so be a good sibling and he will become one too.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    There were so many stories and movies I read and saw but coming from your own experience makes a good example. Like my friend who really influenced me to speak whenever she feel like misunderstood me, and how she voice out her opinions to the whole class/ audience without caring about the murmurs covering the crowd, influenced me a lot. That you just have to be brave and never think of what others may say to you as long as you don't hurt one's feelings, you're safe.

  50. LLARENA, Riezza May D.
    BSCE 2B
    Thursday 7am - 10am

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    The real and personal story of my life that I considered as moral courage is admitting that I am wrong in a situation. As we all know, there are really times that it is hard to admit that you're at fault because of pride. Only few people are courageous to admit their mistakes.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    The best way to teach moral courage to my friends and younger siblings is to practice what I preach. If I do, then I might inspire them and they would also do what I did.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    Rather than a story, there are two persons that has influenced or inspire me of moral courage of admitting that I was wrong. The first is the pastor that I met when I was in JHS. He teaches us every week about our Lord and he also tells story that reflects morality. Another person that inspires me is my partner in life. He doesn't always let his pride win over and that what motivates and amazed me. His attitude inspires me to do the same thing.

  51. Alviz, Charles Isaac E.
    BSCE - 2B | 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    One thing I did that can be considered as moral courage is when I stood for myself being bullied. At that time I was small and skinny that someone bullied me. I stood up for myself and confronted the person who bullied me since I knew that what he was doing to me is wrong. I am proud where I am right know that I did that and not let myself sucked by my own fear that made my character stronger.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    In order to teach moral courage to my friends and younger cousins, I will set as an example to them and be the person that they can look up to in terms of facing moral courage. Give them some advice that are relevant and important that will give them positive result.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Yes, my mother told me once that I should stay to what is right even if I am neglecting someone when doing what is right. She said that I should be always ready for the consequences of every action and decision I am doing. Also, don't mind what other people thinks of you and just be who you are and be kind to others.

  52. Dabu, Kristianne Pauline R.
    BSCE 2B (Thurs 7am-10am)

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - I know this is very simple but for me one personal experience that can be considered as moral courage is when my grandfather and I had an argument. I tried to voice out my feelings about the situation when I can't control my anger but in a respectful way. I never did this before because I'm afraid that he will take it as a disrespectful thing to do. But when I tried to voice out he realized his wrong and apologize to me after and from that day he started to be cautious to what I might feel towards his words to me.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - For me the best way to teach moral courage to my friends or sibling is by encouraging them to have this courage and show them or tell them the possible things that might happen. And will help them realize that it is not wrong to have this courage especially when you're doing it for the better. And also by being a good example for them.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - My mother's experience as a single mom always inspires and influence me to have this moral courage. Her stories made me realize that you can be strong and independent even though you're alone. You need to stand for yourself always especially if you think you're in the right side and do not be afraid of what other people will say as long as you're not dong anything wrong.

  53. II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    -Expressing my feelings and emotions, because through childhood I always keep my problems to myself and not tell anyone. But now even though not all the time, I express what I feel.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    -Being a good example, and maybe show them the benefits of having moral courage will help them to start.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    -Not that I know of, but every person come to a phase that they feel like they need to change for the better, and that's what push me to have moral courage.

  54. Dexter Gonzales
    BSCE2-B Thursday 7-10AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    For me, my story line which I can say I exhibited moral courage is whenever I can voice my views with other people. It's hard for me to do so because, growing up I have low self esteem. Whenever I give my opinion, I am afraid of rejection, which is why I am unable to grow my confidence. So I just follow what they say in the circle, even though I know there's something wrong with it.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    To me - the best way to teach people moral courage is to empower them to recognize that life won't likely be in their benefit, no matter how hard it is. The way you treat people, you will not necessarily be treated. Not all positive deeds are reciprocated, but, considering the outrage, we just need to do what we believe is the best thing to do. It certainly isn't as simple as it looks. Based on how the people around us respond, we will still doubt our decisions.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There is no particular situation I can share that influenced me. Often times I was being moved by the story I've watch, stories of resiliency and hardwork. This situations made me aware that we must confront our morals and be genuine with ourselves, even at all costs. For our loved ones, we are doing everything in our strength, and we can face our fears head on. Getting moral courage makes us evolve into smarter individuals and into people with the assurance that even though it ends up costing us we will do the morally right thing.

  55. Urbina, Sheanne Viatriz P.
    (THURSDAY 7-10AM)

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - I think when I speak-up about my thoughts with my parents. I told them that I really don’t like the course they choose for me. I grow up as an obedient daughter and it was my first time to disagree with them but in the end, I still took the course they chose for me.
    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - For me I always believe that experience is the best teacher. To be able to teach moral courage to my friends or sibling, I must tell them stories of people who have exercised moral courage and can thereby inspire others to make similar hard choices and personal sacrifices in the service of ethical goals.
    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - I have a friend who always speak and stand for what is right. She always choose to do the right thing and whenever she encounters someone who doesn’t live an ethical way, she tries to educate them privately. I always look up on her for she do things the right way without stepping or dragging anyone down.

  56. CASTILLO, Dennise Rhea A.

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    Finding moral courage in oneself is hard specially when you are used to always doing the easy way out, which is what I'm used to. But a personal story of where I managed to exhibit moral courage was back in my first year of high school. I have always been shy and had a hard time fitting in with other kids to its hard for me to speak up or just talk to anyone in general. One of my classmates, was making of another. It would have been easy to just pretend that I didn't see anything, or that I didn't hear the insults but I guess had enough and managed to scoop out as much courage I have and told them that what they were doing was wrong. It was hard, and honestly anxiety inducing, but everything turned out well and they stopped the bullying once somebody stood up to them.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    The best way to teach moral courage is to do show them that you are doing it. It would, after all, be easier to learn from someone who was showing an example rather than someone who was just preaching.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    I have always liked Cinderella as a child and I think that was what influenced me the most. You may think that Cinderella isn't really a story about moral courage but I think that it is, for it takes great courage to choose to be kind and empathetic even when the people around you aren't kind to you. It was really inspiring, to see her dream and be kind despite the world telling her otherwise.

    THURSDAY (4pm -7pm)

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - When i was in grade 2 my teacher hit me in the head using wood I cried in front of my classmates because i was scared and hurt when i get home i tell to my father what happened even if I'm scared because i know my teacher will get ma after that my father went to my school and talk to my teacher.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    The best way to teach them is to understand them because it is hard for them. Always listen to them and be patient because it is hard for them.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - The one who influence me in every is my mom she is the most amazing and strongest person that i know even if she passed away many years ago i still remember how she handle things how brave she is it always inspires me to be strong and kind like her

  58. SURABIA, Merlirens G.
    BT-NFT 3A
    TH 4PM -7PM
    II. Activity
    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    - I had encountered several people that I opposed and speak for what is right. An example is my classmate in elementary who takes advantage of our other classmates, I confronted her about it and eventually ended her wrong doings. Another is a friend who stood up for me because of his friend who would made fun of other people, even if it is his best friend and it would risk their friendship, he still protected me that made me admired his courage.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    - I show them through my actions and tell them the stories of my experiences and how I stood up for what is right. I can say that it is effective for my siblings because I can see that they too are always ready to speak for what is right. For other people like friends, I like to speak for them if I see that if they can’t do it on their own. By showing my courage to others, I could influence them and help them build their own courage.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    - For me Yes there is, it’s from a special person who would always stand up for what is right and always the friend of everyone. One time I saw that his best friend is being abused by other schoolmates, bullying him, then he stood up for his friend protected him and confronted the bullies. He also encouraged his friend to stand up for himself. He has a strong desire to always do the right thing and speak up if he knows that an action done is wrong, and he believed that if someone can’t stand up for themselves, you can do it for them without anything in return, just pure kindness.

  59. Garino , John Kenneth P.
    BSCE -2B
    THURSDAY 7:00-10:00AM

    1. Moral courage is the courage to take action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences. The real and personal story of my life that I consider as moral courage is giving my food and money to less fortunate people who are very hungry even though it is my last money and I’m hungry too.

    2. Moral courage involves the willingness to speak out and do that which is right in the face of forces that would lead a person to act in some other way. The best way to teach the moral courage is to teach the stories of people who have exercised moral courage and can thereby inspire others to make similar hard choices and personal sacrifices in the service of ethical goals. Seeing films, plays and reading about the stories of moral heroes can work too.

    3. Yes, the story of Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa always put others before herself and was very poor because she donated all of her money to charities. She convinced herself that it was her duty to help as many people as she could. Mother Teresa also set an example for many young people that want to help other people. Mother Teresa taught the world you only need one thing to help people, the willingness. For many months Mother Teresa lived with the extremely poor people because anything she had, she gave to the less fortunate. She gave so much that she had to beg for things just to survive. Mother Teresa devoted herself to helping others and that is what made her such an influential person with moral courage.

  60. Oxima, Christine Jelsca M

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    Way back then I'm pretty shy to socialize with other people, I always depend on my parents' decision, but one  time I got curious of single for Christ community that I hear in the church it was an announcement that if you have any interest on joining the community. So, I ask may mama if I can join the community and my brother if he wants to come with to register in the community its a good experience since we will let know God more and hear the good news  of the Lord.I'm so happy that my mom approved, but apparently my brother doesn't want to join to the said community, So I was hesitant at first, but I find my courage on wanting to find what is my purpose of the Lord, what can I do to him and hear the beautiful Words about him. So yeah, after that it was so overwhelming because I'm the youngest, who like to join in the community and very happy because I join this who loves to serve God and to Spread the word of God. I enjoy it and find my courage to join different communities who like to serve God who gives me comfort.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    Well the best way to teach moral courage is to know the right and wrong decision think of what will be the outcome of your actions. Faith is what you will be needed to give you strength and courage to do better with morale.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Well, my Mom is my influencer and my role model when it comes to moral courage she encourage me to be a better person and see what's good in me and to decide the right things. She was my strength to do things because of my lack of confidence and one of the reasons is also I'm independent in their decision, but apparently my mama said "You Can do it ate but  think carefully about what decisions you will make. It's okay to make a mistake at least you will learn from it after". This quote encourages me more to decide on my own that I can do it without them. Like for example, my mama and papa decided that I will study in manila to become more dependent, responsible, socialize and to more about the different environment here in manila. So that I will become a strong and dependent woman in the future and to build my confidence. Now, I must say that little by little I view myself and say that the more dependent now do it own my own without my parents consent in anything.

  61. Christal Joy G. Bautista
    Thursday, 4PM-7PM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    -I'm a shy type student during elementary days, I'm not saying that I am good but I do not want to have a conflict between me and my classmates. I have a classmates, actually I treat them as my friends but in return, they betray me. She and her cousin takes my money and there is one time that they take my favorite eraser but I did nothing. Then I transferred to the other section, I am also became a victim of bullying in the said section. As the time past by, I've got a courage to fight and learn to defend myself

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    -The best way to teach moral courage to them is to motivate them by telling them your realizations in life and saying the things that are existing in reality.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    -Recently, I've watched a Thai Series and in the said series, the protagonist is a good person. She always help her classmate and because of that, the antagonist which is also her classmate, took advantages from her. She became a victim of bullying and she committed suicide. Fortunately, she saved by her twin sister and when she recovers, she forgot everything about her and because of being identical with her sister, she eventually take care by her sister's adoptive mother. The antagonist transfer to her current school and provoke her to admit the truth about her identity. Because of her experiences from the antagonist, she revenge and takes a courage to fight as her sister's identity. She's aware that the things she did have a consequences but because of the pain, she continue to fight.

  62. TRIA, Marvin Lloyd G.
    BSCE-2B THURS 7:00 - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    I grew up having enough standards in my academic, I am consistent of having high grades when I was an elementary and high school student. My environment expectation is very high when talking about my studies. They are strictly observing my position and I was aware of that since I started to grow. I truly admit that I commit cheating in some small ways, thought that it would help myself to consistently have that good grades. Then suddenly, Im thinking that I know my self that I can be better without that cheating. So that, I started to do my work and stuffs confidently with integrity.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    I think there are some ways to teach friends and younger siblings moral courage. They be better aware of knowing the definition of Morality so that they can easily determine what's right or wrong and good or bad. They should know the right decision when dilemmas are trying to make them struggle. People should be thought that in life, that there's failure, there are ways to avoid but there's a possibility that we can't stop it.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    I simply commend all the frontliners during this kind of situation where in they really sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. That's why I was influenced by their moral courage as their duty.

  63. Dela Cruz, Daniel G.
    BSCE 2B (7-10/Th)

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    Every day I practice moral courage. Every day I woke up to face life and battle the hardships that are on my way. I stand to continue living the torment of life. "I won't give up", I said to myself. I'm strong enough to conquer this trial. Eventually, I'll achieve my desires and that is because I continue living. To have strong mental & moral fortitude to confront all odds.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    Practice what you preach. Hypocrisy depletes one's character. Be an example of the one having the moral courage, someone that is dignified and knows how to sense the moment of the situation.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    As of the moment I am watching One Piece. One Piece is an anime about a group of pirates reaching their own goals and aspirations in life. They've been through so many adventures that are full of ups down. Nonetheless, it didn't stop them to continue their journey to achieving their dreams. Never Give Up.

  64. BERDIN, Christian C.
    BSCE 2B
    TH 7AM-10AM
    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    - I was born an raised in a strict and honest environment and was always told to do what is right. When I was in elementary there were a bunch of kids with the same age or even older than myself that I got along with in the street that I live in but it turns out that they were bullying a younger kid in my street to which I told them to stop it and it's wrong then those kids upon hearing that bullied me instead. But to this day I never regretted that moment of my life for I know what I did was right.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    - As the eldest born in my family and a member of an organisation it is best to teach moral courage through being a good example. Show the people around you your integrity, determination, and to show your unwavering commitment to do what is right in the advent of a problem.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    Yes, actually it is our very own National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal. It is his love for his country that he strives to do what is right for the Filipinos and "Inang Bayan" through writing that he even paid for it with his life. Even though he knows the possible repercussions that may follow. And stood by his words and became a role model for everyone for someone exhibiting his love for his own country and people.

  65. Justiniano, Danielle T.
    BSCE 2B

    II. Activity

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    All my life, I remained apolitical. I don't have the interest to learn nor the initiative to learn anything about the societal problems, and what those protests I had watched on tv are for. One day, I had the guts to speak out about oppression and injustices in the society. I learned how to be the voice of the voiceless, and call out those who stepped on my moral beliefs. I have my own little way to talk about the right thing to do.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    The best way to teach them moral courage is by setting an example. We can make other people stand up for others just by standing for them.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    "You have no interest in changing a society that fits you well", said a character from Enola Holmes. Women only have few rights that time, which caused for strong women to stand against a society ruled by men, and to stand against oppression and gender inequality.

  66. Nuñez, Riza E.
    Thursday (4-7pm)

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    In life, we cannot avoid having those people or friends who are toxic and full of negativity. In my case, I've encountered those people/friends who's attitude is a bit trash, not to brag them. I don't understand why they keep on pulling someone down. They also talked behind your back or worse, they'll make up stories about you. On their doings, I realized, it's not my loss. I mean, if we feel that something's wrong, then it's time for us to cut them out of our lives, because we all know it is very unhealthy. We should not hesitate to dump them, especially if their attitude is too much. However, in every action there is a consequence. Well, in my decision, I know they will haunt me, but I don't care, for as long as I didn't do anything wrong towards them.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    Talking to moral courage, I have many experiences in life. And I think the best way to teach my friends and younger siblings is to share with them my experiences. In that way, they will have an idea and they will learn a lesson, which will guide them to do the right thing.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    One of the most unforgettable moral stories that I remembered, is when I got bullied by one of my classmates in elementary. When my mom knew about it, she went to our school and confronted my classmate. On that day, I saw my mom's courage. She didn't even care what will be the reaction of my classmate's parents if they knew that their daughter cried because of her. After that, my mom told me not to let anyone oppress me, especially when I didn't do anything wrong, I should learn to fight and stand for what is right.

    THURSDAY 4pm-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    - I can considered as moral courage my personal experience when a man who is our neighbor confronted my mother in our store. He was drunk at that time and he continously saying inappropriate things to my mother that was not really true. I confronted him even I'm feel weak and nervous just to defend my mother. I considered myself brave that time because it was my first time to confront someone like that.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    - As the eldest sibling, I will teach him moral courage in a way that I will be a good role model to him. I will show to him the right actions and share some life lessons that I've learned in life so that he will be enlightened and adapt it to himself.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    - My mother is the one who I admired for her courage. She really inspired me to have courage at all times since when I was a child. She always remind me that life is not just easy. She told me that I will meet people that might envy me for unknown reason but she said that I should always bring courage to face it all. I will just be true to myself and do anything I want as long as it is right. The most beautiful advice that she said to me was I should be a strong independent woman.

  68. San Pedro, Reylouis D.
    BSCE - 2B
    THURS 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    -When I learned to gain courage to confront a friend about him being too cocky and arrogant. I told him to stop being an asshole to others and to stop bullying one of our classmate just because he's a nerdy type. I risked to confront him even though I know that he might also get angry with me. In the end I lose a friend. But it doesn't matter anyways, being friend with a bully and arrogant guy isn't nice anyway.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    -I think the best way to teach moral courage to others is to tell them a story that shows it. It's easy to teach other if you give them examples.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There is. The story of our national hero Jose Rizal. He stands up against the norms in order to be a stepping stone of our ancestors to fight against oppressive Spaniard government.

  69. DELGADO, Jeremiah O.
    BSCE-2B THURS 7:00 - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    Way back in my junior high school, I'm a grade 9 student that time and I have a friend of mine that was bullied by our classmates and she didn't want to fight back, when I saw her crying in her seat I quickly ask her what happen and she didn't answer because she hates bothering someone. But because I'm really curious I ask her again and then she suddenly cried a lot and then told me the situation where our classmates bullying her because of some reason I can't tell. After I hear the story, I talked to our classmates who bullied her and ask the reason why they did that to her and I straightforwardly told them to stop bothering her anymore and I made some realization that will hit them. After that, all things became okay and settle.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    I remember someone said to me that "the best way to teach anything to someone is, letting them experience it" until now I still remember my situation when I hear these words. Even though this statement is not applicable anytime in our life, we all know that our experience really teaches us a lesson and helps us in many ways. We cannot always teach everyone, but we can do situations that may help them a lot by the experience they can have in that.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    There are many stories I've heard from many people I knew that are related to moral courage, but there is no single one that influences me by having strong moral courage. I learned to build my moral courage through all the problems, lessons, and situations that I experienced. So I cannot tell exactly which story influenced me, but one thing is for sure, these stories really helps me a lot in many different ways.

  70. Yuson, Angelo Marou D.C.
    BSCE - 2B
    THURS 7:00AM - 10:00AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    In me full of criticism of my appearance, I shared what I feel when I’m in elementary days from my bully classmates. Saying that I envy them that they have a good look, saying if they are happy making others feel bad, and saying that I can fight them as I see it as a right decision. Considering that story as my moral courage as my other classmate feel what I feel and realizing it to them that their actions are wrong. Making it my other classmates that has been bullied joined to me to confront them realizing it to me if someone take a step someone will follows.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    Sharing your thoughts makes a big help to understand you and everybody. As many people assume other people on their way of behavior but not deeply in person. And trying to understand to them that if you wanted to help or you wanted to be good jut to be in right amount you don’t have to give all just have an exact response or action. Showing that courage contains on your capabilities as a person.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    My best friend Luigi is a great influencer to me or rather I should say a friend will give you courage to do something or simply influencing you. My best friend always pushes me in every situation we face, if there is doubt in my face, he says to me to go in it saying our previous events that we passed. I’m saying this because our friends especially our love ones know our capabilities on what we can really do because they know you and they love you.

  71. BANICER, Marvin S.
    BSCE - 2B
    THU 7AM - 10AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - One time when I was a part of a committee in a basketball league, there was a time that we faced a controversial game. It is a crucial game between the two teams and suddenly we had some technical difficulties that affects the whole game. My colleague was shock when the buzzer button rang although he's not pressing the button but the clock has still time. A player on the losing team gets angry and shouting at our desk and my colleague is trembling in fear. I confronted the player and defended my colleague that it was not his fault. He continue to curse the whole committee and smashing our desk. We filed a complain against the player and making him fine and apologize to the whole committee.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - For me, the best way to teach moral courage is by teaching them to stand for what they believe is right. Learn to speak up when something is being aggrieved. Moral courage is not something that you can obtain instantly. It develops through time so as soon as possible, show them and help them to develop moral courage so they can apply it on their own future.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - When I was in senior high school, there was a time that our teacher said a lot of hurtful things to our class. She's discouraging the class because of the result of our quiz. Our president stand up and defending the whole class and said to our teacher that she must be the one who is our teacher to encourage us to study more. He also said that our teacher should be the one to inspire and motivate us instead of putting the whole class feeling down. That is the time that I realize I should also muster up my courage to do what is the right thing.

  72. BANICER, Marvin S.
    BSCE - 2B
    THU 7AM - 10AM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - One time when I was a part of a committee in a basketball league, there was a time that we faced a controversial game. It is a crucial game between the two teams and suddenly we had some technical difficulties that affects the whole game. My colleague was shock when the buzzer button rang although he's not pressing the button but the clock has still time. A player on the losing team gets angry and shouting at our desk and my colleague is trembling in fear. I confronted the player and defended my colleague that it was not his fault. He continue to curse the whole committee and smashing our desk. We filed a complain against the player and making him fine and apologize to the whole committee.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - For me, the best way to teach moral courage is by teaching them to stand for what they believe is right. Learn to speak up when something is being aggrieved. Moral courage is not something that you can obtain instantly. It develops through time so as soon as possible, show them and help them to develop moral courage so they can apply it on their own future.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    - When I was in senior high school, there was a time that our teacher said a lot of hurtful things to our class. She's discouraging the class because of the result of our quiz. Our president stand up and defending the whole class and said to our teacher that she must be the one who is our teacher to encourage us to study more. He also said that our teacher should be the one to inspire and motivate us instead of putting the whole class feeling down. That is the time that I realize I should also muster up my courage to do what is the right thing.

  73. Patrick P. Yee BSCS-2AB
    Monday 4:00-7:00 PM

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    When I was in senior high school I helped an old man who is having a heart attack, at that time the nearest hospital doesn't want to admit him because they don't know if the old man had the capability to pay the bill. What I did was to bring him to the nearest hospital that would accept him. Me and my friends didn't leave the hospital without confirming to the medical staff that the old man is already stable, despite going home at midnight I feel fulfilled, because despite doing the right thing is very hard, bearing a guilty conscience is much more harder.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    - Teach them about the butterfly system, in which every small thing they do or not do will result in a bigger and complex thing, but the gist of it is having or doing the best and right thing.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    - When I was in junior high school we watched a movie titled "The Patriot" the movie was about the American Revolutionary War. In that movie I saw a father who had his son killed in front of him while his eldest son was captured by the British army. He fought against the British army by using a guerilla warfare which cannot be ignored both in the American army and the British army. In this movie I realized that no matter how small an individual is, if he go against the flow there would be some people who would support him no matter the outcome and if what he does is for the greater good then racial difference will be ignored.

  74. PACIFICO, Shernalyn L.
    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    Personally way back in senior high school, I remember that one of my teacher keep insulting me about one of my designed web, he keep insisting in front of the class that I should've had done better since my brother is IT, (which is my brother was his student back then when he was high school as well, don't mean to brag but my brother use to share his ideas when it comes to PC with that teacher, and there were times that this teacher couldn't handle his ego that's why he was so mad at me idk why) to make it short, there were time na I couldn't handle his insult anymore that's why I stood up infront of the class and confront him (I know it was wrong) confront and told that him it's too much and I'm my brother and I aren't the same or doesn't have the same knowledge about computer.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    I guess one of the best ways to teach moral courage to my friends and siblings and to anyone who's younger than me is by showing them the right thing through ourself. I mean learn to stand alone first before you teach other people.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    Well, I have this religious friend since grade 7 and as times goes by no matter how difficult their life was back then she learned how to fight, I remembered when her parents fought badly to the point that they almost divorce, she was so down that day and she asked me what to do that's why I told to just speak up and to make it short, next day she told me that she spoke to her parents and that everything went well.
    Well there's nothing wrong about being honest, getting insult from other people is normal but letting them and their insult goes beyond the line is too much so learn to stand alone since no one can defend us but only ourself.

  75. RODIL, Laille Aldrich I.

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    When I was in senior high school, I had this friend whom I copied my notes from because of teacher always requires us these notes on our notebook as a quarterly project. At this certain quarter in grade 11, I copied my notes from her and put a lot of effort in it which is I'm not well-known for. After the returning of the notebooks we are both in shock that I got a grade of 95 and she got a grade of 89. I felt so bad about I contacted my teacher telling her that I do not deserve the grade I got if my friend does not get it too so I ask her to check again or swap our grades. I also explained to my teacher it is also because that I felt bad and I don't want to hurt our friendship just because of some project.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    In my experience, talking about moral courage out of the blue is pointless because people tend to ignore it if they don't need it. My point is people need to be under certain circumstances in order for them to learn about moral courage whether it is a friend or a sibling. If certain conditions are met, they will take your advice.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    I don't have any person in particular but I do like the wisdom of the Greeks. Moral Courage is about doing the right thing and finding out what is the right thing in the first hand is what comes first and no one else in this world are better than the Greeks in figuring it out. They have rich wisdoms in their books and my favorite is about "memento mori". Which is about maximizing everything on hand because we could die tomorrow and we don't want to regret anything. Memento mori also teaches us to appreciate and value everything that makes our world go round like our friends and family. Topic-wise, it should also teach us to think about every factor in our situation that should makes draw our own personal moral courage.

    BAM-IM 2B
    8:00 a.m - 11:00 a.m

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?

    • A story of my life that can be considered as moral courage, is when I stand up for an outcast student in our class. She is being look-down by many of my classmates and sometimes, they made fun of her. Then, I considered myself courageous facing countless eyes when I befriended her, even though I know that most of my classmates will also cast me out in their circle of friends.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?

    •The best way to teach moral courage to my friends and younger siblings is to become a great example to them. Even though I considered my life to be dull because of my usual routine, I still can guide them to be morally courageous everytime they will face an eventful experience. To teach them with their own experience can make them understand what really is a moral courage.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    •A story of my classmate which he is courageous enough to expose his classmates in cheating. He is courageous to expose it even though he knew the consequences. He knew that they may ganged him up and make him as their enemy. He has a great impact to me, because I really saw a lot of students cheat. I admire him for his braveness to face countless hate coming from his classmates.

  77. Dela Cruz, Romelito T.

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - I learn in my life that if I can face a success with a smile. I must learn too to face what are the failures I have done. A brave and kind personality on facing my parents from my bad doings just like enjoying my leisure time doing that thing.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - Share your experience to them that will teach them to apply themselves the moral courage. Share them what are the good and bad side of every thing you do that does not base on ethical rules set by the elders. And also, show them the benefits of doing the right things and how it help their self and others.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.

    - From a movie titled "How to train your dragon" the main character name "Hiccup" is a son of a viking that fight and kill dragon. But Hiccup does not want to do this. He is a person likes to use his brain and one day he found a dragon and he trying to kill it. But he lacks the courage to kill the dragon. And eventually his lack of courage shows a good result and he tamed the dragon and be his friend. I learn that lacking of courage on one thing does not define your courage from everything maybe that thing is not your tempo. Be wise and find a way for you to overcome your courage.


    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    - I have a group of friends before and one of my friend that is belong to that group of friends and she judge people as in all people she find something wrong and one time she notice that also one of my friend is having a hard time about her teeth she got a black something on her teeth and then this one friend make fun of her and I feel that this one friend is kind of feel ashamed about it so I talk to my friend about it and said to her that be careful about making fun of insecurities of one person it may damage their self confidence then since that day she still that jolly type but she stop judging other or make fun of someone.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    - I am the youngest so I do not have younger siblings, but I have two niece and I will encourage them morally by saying all their problem is only challenges for their future success and never gave up for something and if there is a time that they need help do not ever feel lonely because were always at their back.
    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    -There is one time when all of our subjects make the whole week exam day as a student we must review because if we not do it we surely failed that exam but all the subject at the same day its very stressful for us to memorize all the info in one subject but then I remember what my parents sacrifice for me and for all what I’ve accomplish just to be in this stage of my life and then one days it happen to my best friend and the she feel the same way I wasn’t there that time so all I do is encourage her to don’t stress herself about that and suggest the way I overcome that time and give her moral support.

  79. Jinn Alano A. Dilag
    Monday 4pm-7pm

    1. What real and personal story of your life can be considered as moral courage?
    One of the personal story that I have that can be considered as a moral courage is where I choose parents over to my friend. It had happened when I am a grade school, my friend had a birthday party and he expectedly me to come there, and he wasn't just my friend, he was my only best friend.

    2. What are the best ways to teach moral courage to your friends and younger siblings?
    One of the best way of teaching your young siblings about moral courage is by creatively make a story that centers around moral courage or by watching a kid show about moral courage with your guidance as well.

    3. Is there any story of moral courage that has influenced you? Provide details.
    There is one story that influenced me about moral courage. It s about the anime titled "Tokyo Godfathers" the three main characters who are beggars ,where they found a baby in the trash, instead of left in they help to return it to the parents of the baby even though there will be no reward behind this good deed, they would still be done the right thing to do.


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