Introduction to Industrial Psychology

 I. Introduction 

Psychology deals with human behavior.  It is a very interesting school of discipline that seeks to understand the nature of human behavior. How behavior is manifested and changed with other human interactions. 

II. Activity

1. Define Industrial Psychology.

2. Differentiate the scope of industrial psychology from clinical psychology and school psychology.

3. Cite 5 advantages of knowing the value of Industrial Psychology.



    1. Industrial Psychology is a study of human behavior as individuals or in groups at their work place or environment.

    2. Clinical Psychology is a branch of psychology dealing to find or treat mental disorders of a individual while School psychology is also branch of psychology that conducts educational assessment, student consultation and psychological testing in school (high school & colleges).

    3. Recruitment strategy or efficient of personnel selection
    Better work environment
    Boost of moral of employees
    Improves productivity
    Employees good relation

  2. FAUSTINO, Reginald T.
    Tuesday. 8:00-11:00 A.M

    1. Industrial psychology refers to the applied organizational psychology used to study, analyze and understand human behavior in the workplace, mainly how business works and how employees function. Industrial psychology uses a range of scientific methods, including quantitative and qualitative research.

    2. Industrial psychology is the study of behavior in the workplace. Industrial psychologists continually study the behavior and attitudes of employees in every major type of industry and then compile the latest findings and recommendations, making them available to employers. These psychologists show employers better methods of hiring, training and managing employees, as well as how to gain better feedback from employees. Industrial psychologists improve the performance, morale, well-being and safety of employees, which in turn contributes to the company’s bottom line.
    Industrial psychologists also coach a company’s managers, demonstrating better methods of assessing and managing the talent of their employees to maximize their potential. This can help uncover hidden talent in the workforce, and it sometimes reveals that certain employees are better suited to a different job position than they currently work in.

    Clinical psychologists counsel and treat patients who have psychological problems or disorders. Clinical psychology is similar to counseling psychology, with the main difference being that clinical psychologists typically deal with patients who have more serious psychological problems than those treated by counseling psychologists. For example, counseling psychologists normally handle cases like marriage or career counseling, while clinical psychologists mostly deal with patients who have a serious psychological disorder and are likely to be institutionalized. Another difference is that most clinical psychologists work in clinics, hospitals or mental health institutions, while many counseling psychologists set up private practices.

    School psychology is a field that applies principles of educational psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, community psychology, and applied behavior analysis to meet children's and adolescents' behavioral health and learning needs in a collaborative manner with educators and parents.

    * Defining Company Culture.
    * Organizational Development.
    * Boosts Employee Engagement, Happiness & Productivity.
    * Ensures Better Work-Life Balance.
    * Development & Coaching.

  3. TABING, Kristine B.
    Tuesday. 8:00-11:00 A.M

    1. Industrial psychology is the branch of psychology that applies psychological theories and principles to organizations.This field focuses on increasing workplace productivity and related issues such as the physical and mental well-being of employees.

    2. Industrial psychology study the behavior and attitudes of employees in every major type of industry and then compile the latest findings and recommendations, making them available to employers. It deals with the improvement of the performance, morale, well-being and safety of employees. It also coach a company’s managers, demonstrating better methods of assessing and managing the talent of their employees to maximize their potential. However, Clinical psychology deals with the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of psychological problems and mental disorders. It is the largest sub-field in psychology, containing a wide assortment of specialties within it, such as sport psychology, forensic psychology, business psychology, medical psychology, family psychology, child psychology, school psychology, etc. Clinical psychologists mostly deal with patients who have a serious psychological disorder and are likely to be institutionalized. And most of them work in clinics, hospitals or mental health institutions. Whereas, School psychology is the use of any of the basic techniques of clinical psychology in order to better the lives of school children. School psychologists concern themselves with everything that pertains to school life, including learning disorders, speech impediments, physical disabilities, peer pressure, student-teacher relationships, parent-teacher relationships, behavioral problems in school, racial tensions, issues with bullies, etc. It also counsel parents, students, guidance counselors and law enforcement officials.

    - Increase Productivity
    - Increase Motivation, Job Satisfaction and moral
    - Increase human relations
    - Remove Psychological problems
    - Create qualified Leadership
    - Increase human relations


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